My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 882: Nympho forest, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The undead is actually a place to hide dirt for the world of the sun, and many zombies and so on are hidden in this place.

In the final analysis, the entire universe, and even the plane space combined, is a complete human body.

Some organs are responsible for excretion, some organs are responsible for eating, some are stem cells, some are red blood cells, and some are small blood plates. The ocean and water are blood.

The way of heaven is the body's immune system.

Taoism is natural, and all laws are connected to the source.

Many truths are the same afterwards. The existence of the human body is a reduced version of this big world.

All plane spaces, as well as the shadow world, etc., their core is to serve the great world, that is, the sun world. Only if the world on the sun is safe and undamaged, then the human body can live normally.

The Big Thousand World represents the human brain. But other organs, plane space, etc. are also indispensable. If they are chaotic, then the world will naturally be chaotic, and even life-threatening. After the visit, Ye Ming arranged accommodation for everyone.

At this time, it was also dark.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing separated for a long time, and finally had time to get together alone to talk.

Ye Ming accompanied Qin Lin and Lin Haoxuan.

Of course, they didn't live in the Ice Phoenix Palace. Not everyone can live in the Ice Phoenix Palace.

In the dark world at night, it is not much different from the sun world. It's just that there are no sun, moon and stars here.

In fact, it does not mean that there is really no daylight here, the sun, the moon and the stars. It's just because of being enveloped by that strong gloom. Otherwise the whole shadow world will be extremely cold.

On the mountain of the undead, the wind was blowing.

The whole world is pitch black.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing sat on the floor.

Chen Yang suddenly smiled and said: "Sister, you look like this, and you are more and more like a female knight in a martial arts drama, fluttering in white."

"It's a female ghost who flutters in white!" Lin Bing said solemnly.

Chen Yang laughed.

Lin Bing said, "By the way, Lin Haoxuan is the master of Junior Brother Qin Lin? What's the matter?"

Chen Yang said: "This is the good fortune of my second brother, otherwise, how could he have such cultivation skills now."

Lin Bing said: "Your progress is so fast, you really deserve to be the Destiny."

Chen Yang smiled.

Lin Bing said again: "Tell me honestly, what are you doing this time?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Actually, when Lan Ziyi went to rescue me last time, Senior Lin Haoxuan was there. He seemed to fall in love with Lan Ziyi at first sight, so he wanted to meet Lan Ziyi. I just wanted to come. Come, see you, Senior Sister, so I came together."

Lin Bing suddenly realized. She couldn't help but smile and said, "He actually dares to like King Phoenix, isn't this asking for trouble?"

Chen Yang said: "Who said no, but I can't pour cold water on him either!"

"Junior Brother, what are your plans in the future?" Lin Bing asked again.

Chen Yang said, "I haven't had any specific plans yet. I'm just thinking about improving my cultivation level. Then I will see if I can find a way to organize a group of people to make alchemy."

Lin Bing said: "Your idea is good, but it is too difficult to make alchemy. This is not something you can do with money. Back then, the **** emperor made alchemy, it took a lot of effort. "

Chen Yang said: "I understand this truth naturally. But it's human action!"

"What about you, Senior Sister?" Chen Yang then asked, "What are your plans for the future? Stay in the Ice Phoenix Palace?"

Lin Bing said: "It's actually pretty good here, you can practice quietly, and there is also Huang Wang's guidance." She spoke with respect for Lan Ziyi. Unlike Chen Yang, who is so casual, he just calls his name every time.

Or in Lin Bing's heart, she had already regarded Lan Ziyi as her master.

Lin Bing then continued: "Junior Brother, you have killed Yue Guangchen. You have already explained to Master. As for the rest of Dong Chuan, he asked me to kill. Why should I do something for Master."

Chen Yang nodded and said: "When the time comes, you will call me if you want to act. If you want to kill, I can let you."

"I'll talk at that time." Lin Bing said with a faint smile.

Obviously, Lin Bing didn't hear Chen Yang's words in her heart, she also had her own plan.

"What the **** is going on with Yama of the Ten Temples now?" Chen Yang asked Lin Bing. After he asked, he said, "I want to go to Song Emperor City and meet someone."

Lin Bing said: "The ten temples of Yama are very honest now, because the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has returned." She said again: "Who do you want to see?"

Chen Yang said: "It's Song Ning. She paid a lot for me when she killed Yue Guangchen. I have already promised with her, so since I'm here this time, I want to see you."

Lin Bing said, "Well, see you." Her expression did not change much.

Lin Bing would not comment on Chen Yang's feelings.

Next, the elder sister and brother talked about many other things. For example, what Chen Yang experienced during this period. Chen Yang told the news that Chen Feirong had died. Lin Bing was also stunned after hearing this, and then more moved and sad.

Chen Yang was also sad.

That kind of pain is forever indelible.

Death is a terrible thing. Once you die, you can never turn back. That is truly eternal loss.

Finally, Chen Yang also talked about the recent contest with Chen Yihan and so on.

Lin Bing was quite moved.

This night, the two chatted a lot, and the affection between the sisters and brothers was particularly strong between each other.

Now Lin Bing's true relatives are also Chen Yang.

As for the relationship between the two of them once confused, Lin Bing would never want to mention it.

Lin Bing deliberately forgot, this is because she cares about Chen Yang. She didn't want to become a vulgar existence like those women of Chen Yang.

By doing this, his senior sister is already very good.

Chen Yang also knew Lin Bing's thoughts, so naturally he would not take the initiative to mention it. Besides, that incident was a matter of flesh and blood, and had nothing to do with the soul.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Chen Yang and Lin Bing separated. Lin Bing moved into the Ice Phoenix Palace, and Chen Yang went to join Qin Lin and Lin Haoxuan.

Qin Lin and Lin Haoxuan both live in Ye Ming's house.

Ye Ming's house was also a stone house. After returning, Ye Ming and his mother entertained Chen Yang and prepared a hot bath for Chen Yang. Finally, Ye Ming's mother cooked Chen Yang a big bowl of fragrant noodles.

Ye Ming's mother was very grateful to Chen Yang. She believed that she and Ye Ming were able to have today because of Chen Yang's help.

After eating the noodles, Chen Yang and Ye Ming talked about the past for a long time.

Ye Ming had no plans for the future, he would guard the undead for the rest of his life.

However, Chen Yang has aspirations in all directions, and they want different things.

Afterwards, Chen Yang went to bed. Qin Lin and Lin Haoxuan slept on the same bed with a bunk beside them. Chen Yang slept on the floor. After Chen Yang came in, he was light-handed. Qin Lin sat up, and said with some sleepy eyes: "Third brother, are you just coming back?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I haven't seen my senior sister for a long time, and we talked a lot."

Qin Lin said: "Speaking of speaking, I feel a lot of guilt for Master Tiandu. If it weren't for his protection, it would be impossible for us to survive in God's Domain. But since his accident, we have never returned to God's Domain to worship his old man."

Chen Yang said: "Second brother, it's nothing. Now God's Domain is indeed difficult for us to enter. They are eager for us to die. I believe Master Tiandu will also forgive us."

Qin Lin nodded.

Lin Haoxuan also sat up at this time, and he suddenly asked, "Chen Yang, you said that if I saw Miss Lan, what should I say to Miss Lan in the first sentence?"

Qin Lin couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said, "Master, didn't I just talk about it? Just say, Miss Lan, hello, it's nice to meet you."

Lin Haoxuan shook his head and said, "This is not good, it's too common."

Qin Lin said: "But you are not very familiar with each other, so you should say these polite remarks when you meet! If you are familiar with yourself, then Miss Blue might think you are mentally ill."

"Hey, don't tell you this kid. You don't know how to pick up girls, so I still ask Chen Yang, he is a veteran of picking up girls!" Lin Haoxuan disliked Qin Lin very much. He turned to Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, you are experienced, you can talk about it."

Chen Yang gave a dry cough, and he said: "I have a lot of girls, but I have never soaked in a super expert like blue and purple clothes!"

"She is always a woman!" Lin Haoxuan said.

Chen Yang said: "This is still very different. For example, when facing ordinary women, there are tricks and routines. At least if they are provoked, they will have joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. But the blue and purple clothes are different, how much did she go through? Years and years of baptism. What I say, what I say, she is clear and clear."

Lin Haoxuan said: "Then you say, what should I say when I meet?"

Chen Yang said, "Or just say, Miss Lan, you are so beautiful, right?"

Lin Haoxuan said, "Will this be too frivolous?"

"Oh, I'm sleepy, I need to go to bed first." Chen Yang couldn't stand Lin Haoxuan's nympho.

Qin Lin also said, "I'm sleepy too, I'm asleep."

The two lay down and went to sleep, leaving only Lin Haoxuan thinking about where.

In the middle of the night, Qin Lin and Chen Yang were sleeping together. Lin Haoxuan suddenly woke Qin Lin and awoke Chen Yang. He asked: "Under the objective evaluation of the two of you guys, do you think I am worthy of Miss Blue?"

Chen Yang and Qin Lin were also speechless.

Chen Yang said: "Matching, very worthy, talented men and women."

Qin Lin also said, "I think it's a good match."

Lin Haoxuan became happy and said, "Alright, alright, let's go to sleep."

Chen Yang and Qin Lin reluctantly lay down and continued to sleep.

Fortunately, in the middle of the night, Lin Haoxuan finally did not toss any more.

Chen Yang and Qin Lin slept until dawn.

In the morning, everyone was still a little uncomfortable, because even if it was dawn, it was still foggy...

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