My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 887:, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Lin Haoxuan then summoned the courage to express to Lan Ziyi his wish to stay in the undead.

Lan Ziyi stayed for a while, but she didn't say much, just smiled and said, "Mr. Lin is willing to stay, and the Ice Phoenix Palace naturally welcomes it."

Lin Haoxuan was immediately overjoyed.

Chen Yang looked at Lan Ziyi's eyes and knew that Lan Ziyi would definitely not stay in the Ice Phoenix Palace. She left Lin Haoxuan in the Ice Phoenix Palace, probably because Lin Haoxuan also wanted to protect the undead.

At this time, he was still in Bingxin Palace, and there were no outsiders here, including Chen Yang, Ye Ming, Lin Bing, Lin Haoxuan, and blue and purple clothes.

Lan Ziyi began to talk about the alliance with the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"The real killing and robbery is here." Lan Ziyi said in the first sentence.

Lin Bing stayed for a while, and then said, "Don't the previous killings count?"

Lan Ziyi said, "The previous ones were all small troopers."

Chen Yang said, "What do you mean now?" He looked particularly dignified, because killing the robbery was closely related to him.

"Next, there will be an exercise for God," Lan Ziyi said.

"Please exercise?" Everyone was taken aback.

Lan Ziyi said: "The **** of invitation is not the true **** of the void, but like Chen Yang, Luo Feng and some masters. Where can you go? This place I can tell you is a place that stands side by side with the great world. Face space, this plane space is called Tianzhou. Tianzhou has always existed, and it is only a space in the Great Thousand World. This time, the will of the great supernatural power in the Tianzhou is to replace the Great Thousand World. Let Tianzhou become the dominating space of the earth, thereby reducing the great world into a plane space."

Chen Yang couldn't help but said: "If the Great Thousand World becomes a plane space, what will happen? What impact will it have on the Great Thousand World?"

Lan Ziyi said: "The impact is too great. This is equivalent to a big liver transplantation of the human body. At that time, the world will be rejected, and natural disasters and man-made disasters will continue. What's more, it will directly lead to a massive extinction in the world. ."

"So serious?" Chen Yang and others couldn't help being surprised.

Lan Ziyi said: "Let Tianzhou dominate the earth is a terrible move. Those supernatural powers in Tianzhou, they are going against the heavens and fighting against the heavens. If they are transplanted successfully, then they can completely defeat the heavens. The great world is equal to the Dao of Heaven, when the time comes, the Dao of Heaven is no longer the Dao of Heaven. Those with supernatural powers are the Dao of Heaven. Once that day is truly reached, then all human beings and creatures are ants. A word of gods can bring blood to humans. Flowing into a river. They will never get rid of cause and effect. This is a huge gamble."

Chen Yang and others are fully aware of the seriousness of the problem. "But, going against the sky, can they succeed?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking.

Lan Ziyi said: "The possibility of success is unlikely. But the premise is that someone will stop it! You Chen Yang is the King of Destiny, and Luo Feng and the others, so many Destiny, you are all the bargaining chips of the Dao of Heaven! If you don’t go out, what are you waiting for?"

Chen Yang touched his nose, and said depressedly, "Are you big masters who can't play for Sacha?"

Lan Ziyi said: "I can do it, but neither of the people like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and I have your luck. Let's fight. There are so many people on their side. We can't stop the general situation. Also, you have to. I know that once Tianzhou dominates the absolute position of the earth, it will benefit those of us who are at the level of true gods. Therefore, most people hope that the Tianzhou operation will be successful. One day, I won't have to suffer such calamity. Sin."

Chen Yang and others could not help but be stunned.

Lan Ziyi continued: "But don't worry. I won't be on their side."

"Why?" Chen Yang asked.

Lan Ziyi said: "It's very simple. The interests of the true **** are the interests of a few people. Sacrificing the interests of the majority for the interests of the few people, or even letting the entire world go to extinction, is something I cannot bear."

Chen Yang and others couldn't help but stand in awe.

Lan Ziyi then said: "But right now, Tianzhou is a general trend, so at this time, I will not stand up. When the time is right, I will come out. At that time, even the **** emperor, the Chinese emperor will come out. But now Everyone remained silent. This is not our selfishness, but an instinct. We have experienced too many calamities, and we have to follow the general trend.

Chen Yang said, "How can Tianzhou replace Daqianshi?"

Lan Ziyi said: "First, build the Great Wall in Tianzhou, build the Grand Canal, the Yangtze River, and make seven continents and four oceans. After that, all the ground veins and dragon veins of the great world will be transported to Tianzhou. After that, they will be taught by magic. Orthodox. At that time, even the water and ocean of the Great Thousand World will be transported by great magic power. After everything is completed, because the Great Thousand World has lost the earth and dragon veins, it will no longer be an orthodox world. Tianzhou will gradually Become orthodox."

"This is not a small project." Chen Yang couldn't help but marvel.

Lin Haoxuan and others were also amazed.

Lan Ziyi said: "Yes, it's a very big project. It can't be completed overnight. For example, on the continent today, there are already crowds and chaos. They all want to unify Tianzhou and then Qingtianzhou. All the power of the true gods will accomplish this."

Chen Yang said, "Then, will they come and kill us Destiny first?"

"Before the Dao of Heaven was destroyed, it was not so easy for them to punish the Destiny. They would also infect themselves with calamity and cause and effect. So now, not only will they not kill you, but they will reuse you. But there are One thing you have to know is that once the heavenly continents are unified, they will not tolerate you destiny. They will take your life and fill them into the world."

Chen Yang couldn't help but sighed and said, "These things are no longer what I want to be able to stay out of."

"Of course, who let you be chosen by the heavens?" Lan Ziyi said: "Also, the destiny, according to the calculation of the heavens, in fact, there is only one true destiny. The others are pseudo destiny. In the end, there is only one person who can survive. That one is the Destiny. At present, you are the most like the only true Destiny, but this is not necessarily. Because Qi and luck are flowing. Maybe there is One day, luck will leave you inexplicably."

"I really hope I am not a Destiny!" Chen Yang said.

"Come on, if you weren't the Destiny, you would have died thousands of times. You can live to this day, don't get cheap and sell well." Lan Ziyi said.

Chen Yang gave a haha.

"Next, will you and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also escape into the void?" Chen Yang asked.

Lan Ziyi nodded and said, "That's right."

She paused and said, "But even if you escape into the void, you may not be able to get quiet. Some people will not let us go. These days, it is difficult for you to be neutral. You must choose the camp, I Ksitigarbha and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva don't want to be involved in this right and wrong right now. Let's take a look, anyway, just one idea, take advantage of the trend. This time the killing is the calamity of the whole heaven and earth.

Chen Yang also felt the eerie and horror of this.

This time, I really stopped joking.

After that, Lan Ziyi said again: "Lin Bing, you all go out first. I have something to say to Chen Yang alone."

Lin Bing and Ye Ming nodded. Lin Haoxuan also got up and went out with them.

After these people went out, Lan Ziyi first rolled his eyes and said, "Who asked you to bring this Mr. Lin to me? Are you not a fool?"

Chen Yang gave a haha ​​and said, "It's all helpless, and I was forced. However, it's not a bad thing to come. If he stays in the Undead, you can rest assured."

Lan Ziyi said, "Lin Haoxuan is not a destiny. As long as he hides, there is a high chance that he won't be invited away." She paused and said, "But you shouldn't be so arrogant."

Chen Yang said: "I didn't make any decisions without authorization. He came as soon as he came, and I didn't promise him, what will you do with him, right?"

Lan Ziyi said, "Forget it, I won't mention this. I'll tell you, next, you, Luo Feng, and Qin Lin have to be prepared. Anytime, anywhere, you may be invited away."

"Can't you resist?" Chen Yang said depressed.

Lan Ziyi said: "You can't resist. However, at present, there are many immortal gates in Tianzhou, and the kingdoms dominate. The real power is the three major forces, namely, the gods, the Yuntianzong and the Yuhuamen. Just listen to this. The name, don’t think that the Protoss is the most powerful. In fact, most of the Protoss are demons and ghosts, and they are generally called demons. Therefore, when the demons come to invite you to pass, you can't pass anything. Once you fall into it. Within the Demon Race, you will be irresistible in your entire life."

"Why?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

Lan Ziyi said: "The demons have cruel dispositions and they have a set of methods to control people. After you enter, there will be no chance of turning over. Relatively speaking, Yuntianzong and Yuhuamen have to be peaceful. After all, it is. It is the fairy gate. Entering the Yuntian Sect and the Yuhua gate, you still have the possibility to leave. Once you enter the Demon Race, there is no room for turning back. Even at present, the Demon Race is the most powerful."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, I understand." He paused and said, "But why do you seem to know everything?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Now that the hordes of demons are dancing in the sky, and the true gods are coming, what a big thing! It has been spread in the void, and the secrets I have learned are all from the Ksitigarbha."

Chen Yang said, "However, how can I distinguish the Demon Race from the Yuntian School and the Eclosion Gate? The people who come to invite us by the Demon Race will always look hideous and look like a Demon Race?"

Lan Ziyi said: "What you are talking about is really necessary to share with you, otherwise, you won't know if you are sold."

ps I established a public account on WeChat called Tiandaomeng. The heavenly alliance, the heavenly way is irreversible, all beings are fish and flesh, whoever holds the luck, who is king. There will be many prequel stories and behind-the-scenes highlights about the Four Emperors, as well as novel updates and some short articles, etc. Welcome everyone to pay attention. Just search for the three words Tiandaomeng! Where am I waiting for my brothers to come.

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