My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 895: Poisonous Land, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Cheng Jianhua's performance this time can be considered sincere.

Speaking of this, Cheng Jianhua said: "Mr. Luo has anything else to ask?"

Luo Feng said: "Now that the three parties have come to the great world?"

"I don't know about this aspect." Cheng Jianhua said: "After all, my master does not know everything clearly."

Luo Feng said: "Well, you did show your sincerity. I think we can join the alliance temporarily, but whether we can stay in the alliance will take time to prove. We can't just trust you all."

Cheng Jianhua said: "I understand this."

Luo Feng said: "Since the alliance is formed, and you are a military division. Then, tell us, which party should the three camps choose?"

Cheng Jianhua said: "The magic door is absolutely inaccessible."

"Why?" Luo Feng asked.

Chen Yang and others know it well. They looked at Cheng Jianhua with profound meaning.

Cheng Jianhua said: "Speaking of speaking, the magic gate is still teaching but no class. They accept disciples, regardless of birth, demons and ghosts, humans, beasts, and anyone with spirituality can enter their sect. This is one reason why the magic gate is so powerful. The reason why the Demon Sect dared to accept everyone is because their disciples and clansmen who have cultivated to a high level will immediately use the Demon Sect's genes to instill it. Once that gene enters the body, they will become a real Demon Race. High-level demons, once angry, their eyes are blood red. Once they betray the demons, as long as the master's mind moves, they will immediately be wiped out. Therefore, once the demons enter, based on the cultivation of you and me, they will definitely be implanted. The demon gene. Once we become a real demon, then we will never have a chance to stand up."

Cheng Jianhua then said: "On the contrary, the Yuntianzong and Yuhuamen say they are also immortal doors, and the immortal door should be more regular."

Luo Feng said, "If the magic door comes to invite us, we must resist, right?"

"Yes!" Cheng Jianhua said.

Luo Feng said, "Can you tell the people of the magic door?"

"I can't tell." Cheng Jianhua said: "My understanding of the magic gate is based on the master's statement. And the advanced demons of the magic gate, their form is exactly the same as humans, and they are completely indistinguishable. Unless it is to anger them. "

Luo Feng said, "Then, do you think we can defeat the people who meet the magic door?"

Cheng Jianhua said: "This is the reason why I want to alliance with you, because I am listed. And I can't resist the magic door alone, I hope everyone can resist." He paused and said, "The magic The people sent here by the sect must be the top masters in the sect. With our current cultivation base, it is impossible to resist it. However, they will consume a lot of power on the way from Tianzhou to the Great Thousand World. Tianzhou Similar to the attributes of the Great Thousand World, it cannot be crossed. If it is forced to cross, the damage to mana is immeasurable. For the masters who come, 10% of the power will be squeezed to only 10%."

"10% strength? Then how do they go back? Or take people back?" Luo Feng asked.

Cheng Jianhua said: "They are not doing it right now, most of them are repairing their bodies. Moreover, there will be a master over there to open the channel. They have to open the channel by themselves, and then use their magical power to contact the master of Tianzhou. Only a master can open up the channel on his behalf."

Chen Yang and others suddenly realized.

As for why Operation Tianzhou needs a hundred true gods to open up the passage and pave the bridge, it is because Operation Tianzhou is to move mountains and seas. The strength that the passage bridge has to withstand is not simply a matter of sending a few people.

"It seems that now, we can act first to find the people of Yuntianzong and Yuhuamen. In this way, with helpers, we will not be afraid of the people of the magic door." Chen Yang said.

Qin Lin said, "But how do you find it?"

Chen Yang looked at Cheng Jianhua and said, "You can always count fate, can't you figure out their position?"

Cheng Jianhua said: "I can't figure this out. If I can figure it out, why should I come to you."

Luo Feng said: "It seems that you only want a short-term alliance! Once it is safe, you don't need us anymore."

Cheng Jianhua said: "That's not what we said. After all, we are a group. When we go to Tianzhou, we are not familiar with the world. If we don't unite, we will have no right to speak in the future.

As for whether Cheng Jianhua is sincere, or whether he intends to cooperate in the long-term or short-term, these are not the points that Chen Yang and others care about. They have always been wary of Cheng Jianhua, and the current cooperation is nothing more than cooperation driven by interests.

Afterwards, Luo Feng said, "Let's do it, let's leave here now. I will take everyone to a place. Let's find a favorable terrain to resist the enemy."

Cheng Jianhua's eyes lit up and said, "Mr. Luo is the Gu King and the Poison King. He also holds the Extreme Immortal Sword. If he reaches the Extreme Poisonous Land in Miao Frontier, he will be like a tiger with wings."

Luo Feng said: "Yes, this is the plan."

Shen Mo Nong said, "I will arrange a private plane for you."

Luo Feng said, "Then it will work."

Shen Mo Nong's speed was very fast. An hour later, Chen Yang and Cheng Jianhua boarded a helicopter. The helicopter went directly to Miaojiang.

Shen Mo Nong did not follow, and the next thing was no longer suitable for Shen Mo Nong to follow. Shen Mo Nong couldn't help much, she didn't need to get involved.

After another two hours, Miao Jiang arrived.

It was the dense mountain forest in Guizhou, and the helicopter passed through the green ocean under the scorching sun.

There are also high mountains in the distance.

Luo Feng pointed out a place, and he said: "The place in front is called Qijieling. Below Qijieling, there is a primitive mountain forest. Because of the topography of Qijieling, the mountain forest below has been enclosed in a concave character. The miasma inside is thousands of years old. No flash, extremely poisonous."

"Ahem!" Qin Lin said, "Brother, are you going down here?"

Luo Feng said, "Of course."

Qin Lin said, "Uh, will this poison poison us too?"

Chen Yang said: "It is estimated that poison will not kill me, I will not invade a hundred poisons."

Luo Feng said: "Haha, third brother, this poison, as long as I refine it, even if you don’t invade a hundred poisons, you will die immediately. When I get below, the poisons below are all my men. Don’t worry, don’t you hurt? To yours."

Cheng Jianhua smiled slightly and said: "I never worry that Mr. Luo's arrangement will be wrong."

Chen Yang laughed and said: "Then you are not worried, I will kill you suddenly?"

Cheng Jianhua said, "Chen Yang, you are not that stingy."

Chen Yang said: "Haha." He then shut up and said nothing more.

When the helicopter reached its destination, it dived down. At a certain height, when there were more than 30 meters below, Luo Feng said to the driver: "Let's jump from here, and you will return to Yanjing later."

"Jump down?" The driver was dumbfounded.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Yes, just jump down." He whizzed out and then jumped down.

"The third brother, daredevil!" Luo Feng couldn't help but shook his head, and then jumped down.

Next, Qin Lin and Cheng Jianhua also jumped down.

This level of height is really nothing to Chen Yang and others.

The four fell smoothly to the ground.

There is dense jungle all around, and the soil is moist.

The trees are towering and airtight.

There was a thin sun shot down. When Chen Yang and others looked around, they saw that the air was full of energetic air.

It's like dense fog.

These suffocating airs are all millennial miasma, extremely poisonous.

After Qin Lin got down, he held his breath.

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Second silly brother, none of these poisonous gases can harm you."

Qin Lin immediately said puzzledly: "Even we can't hurt, so can it hurt the people of the Demon Sect?"

Chen Yang said: "Second silly brother, because our eldest brother can refine poison!" Qin Lin suddenly realized.

Cheng Jianhua just smiled.

"Brother, what about Tang Zhiping? Why didn't he come with you?" Chen Yang thought of Luo Feng's domestic slave.

Luo Feng said: "He was sent by me to protect Zi Qing."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "That's it."

"Let's find a more open place to set up a camp, and then everyone practice. I guess this is not a day or two, we have to wait patiently." Luo Feng said.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "That's right."

Afterwards, the four walked forward. An empty place was quickly found.

Chen Yang and others set up camp. They have always had this kind of equipment in their ring Sumiri.

After setting up camp, Luo Feng practiced outside the camp alone.

Chen Yang was okay right now, so he opened the camp and watched Luo Feng practice in his spare time.

Cheng Jianhua and Qin Lin also watched seriously.

At this time, Chen Yang was not afraid of Cheng Jianhua's tricks. Because this is their absolute home court, Cheng Jianhua would not be so stupid and fool around at this time.

Luo Feng sat cross-legged, and then sacrificed a perfect sword.

Devil May Cry came out immediately in that absolute sword.

Luo Feng squeezed the technique, and Devil May Cry began to turn into a billowing black mist.

The miasma around him all gathered towards Luo Feng.

Before Luo Feng was cultivating poison gas in some more poisonous places abroad, he had not had time to cultivate in this place. Unexpectedly, it worked right now.

Chen Yang and others took it seriously.

About half an hour later, the poisonous gas billowed over the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

Luo Feng used the magic trick again, and Devil May Cry swept all the poisonous gas into the black mist.

After a long time, the black mist finally returned to the appearance of Devil May Cry.

Devil May Cry became a towering giant at this time, and he stood in front of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief, he opened his eyes, and then said: "Devil May Cry, you continue to practice."

"Yes, Master!" Devil May Cry replied.

Luo Feng stood up.

Chen Yang and others greeted him. Chen Yang first said, "Big Brother, how is it?"

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