My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 903: All immortals go to the meeting, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang nodded.

He noticed that Chunying said it was six o'clock in the evening. Chen Yang also roughly understood that the time here is not calculated by the hour in ancient times. By the hour, by a stick of incense and so on, the timing method is too far behind after all.

Later, he asked: "What do you usually eat, what do the second-generation disciples eat, and what do the first-generation disciples eat?"

These issues are not big secrets.

So Chunying and Xia Xiang didn't feel that Chen Yang was spying on anything, nor did they think of hiding anything from Chen Yang. Essentially, these servants grew up in Yuntianzong, so they didn't have any scheming. It's still relatively simple.

Xia Xiang said: "We eat all kinds of omnivores bought from the mountain. We also have all kinds of meat. There are also grains paid by the Kang Dynasty and the Shun Dynasty each year."

Chunying said: "The whole Tianzhou has been plagued by wars. Xianmen is the most peaceful place. It is very difficult for ordinary people to eat a full meal. But even if we are slaves in the Yuntian Sect, what we eat is the same. Not worse than the princes and nobles of those dynasties."

Chen Yang said: "So, Yun Tianzong deserves to be the number one fairy gate in the world."

Chunying and Xia Xiang also overflowed with pride on their faces.

It seems that he can become a servant of the Yuntian Sect. That is also something to be proud of.

This is probably also because the situation in the entire Tianzhou is not so good.

Just like in the list of the movie Schindler, in the concentration camp, the lives and deaths of the Jews are completely between the Nazis. Only by becoming Schindler's workers can there be safety at all. At that time, being able to be Schindler's worker was like being in heaven.

Chen Yang asked again: "What do the second generation disciples eat?"

Xia Xiang said, "Young Master Yang, what the second-generation disciples eat is far different from what we eat."

Chen Yang had some ideas in his mind. He pretended not to know, just smiled, and said: "You are not eating badly. What other delicacies can they eat? The world is a bit exaggerated, right?"

Xia Xiang said, "That's not an exaggeration at all." She paused, and said, "The second-generation disciples ate Huya rice. The Huya rice was planted by immortals. It is rich in nutrients and contains no impurities. . People who eat for a long time will prolong their life, avoid all diseases, and also have a strong body. The dishes eaten by the second generation of disciples are pure vegetarian, but they are sempervivum, gold and silver dew, white ganoderma, etc. The soup they eat It is also made from the leaves of the tree of life. After eating these foods, a pig can become infinitely powerful and intelligent."

Chen Yang secretly said: "Sure enough, the reason why these Yuntianzong disciples are so superb at cultivation level is that all the mysteries are in their food. Good guys, eat these good things every day, and add cultivation techniques to practice. No wonder all of them soar so fast."

At the same time, Chen Yang couldn't help asking again: "What are the disciples of that generation and the fairy masters eating?"

Xia Xiang said: "A generation of disciples eats even better. The rice is Arragona rice, the soup is soup made from the sap of the tree of life, and the dishes are golden silk flowers, ginkgo roots, ganoderma lucidum and so on."

Chen Yang couldn't help asking: "What is the tree of life?"

Chunying couldn't help being surprised, and said, "Don’t you know, Master Yang, that the tree of life is the first magic weapon in our sect. The thorn tree is generated from the heavens and the earth and exudes infinite spiritual energy. The spiritual roots of the entire Yuntian Sect come from The tree of life. The tree of life is in the forbidden area, and people cannot be approached. The magic gate once wanted to steal the tree of life, but fortunately, the master master personally shot it and directly attacked the magic gate. The masters shook back."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "By the way, what do the immortals eat?"

Chunying said: "The fairy masters don't eat anything, but every month they go to the tree of life to inhale aura."

Chen Yang said: "That's it."

At this time, Chen Yang knew a lot. It seems that the systems of Tianzhou and Daqian World are really quite different.

In the great world, science and technology are advanced.

But there is no technology in this Heaven Continent, and the qi in it is different from the qi in the Great Thousand World. This is also the reason why Tianzhou's general force value and mana value are higher than that of the Great Thousand World.

After understanding this, Chen Yang went back to the room by himself.

In the evening, which was about six o'clock, Chunying came to call Chen Yang, saying that it was time for dinner.

Chen Yang left the room.

When they arrived at the dining room, Luo Feng and others also arrived one after another.

In the dining room, Chen Yang and others sat down one by one. Later, a special servant came to deliver meals. Meals are served per person, and everyone’s food is the same.

On the plate in front of Chen Yang, there was a bowl of rice with infinite aroma. The grains of this rice are twice as big as any grains of rice that Chen Yang has seen in the world.

Moreover, the rice is so crystal clear, it looks like a pearl from a distance.

Qin Lin, Cheng Jianhua and Luo Feng all stared blankly.

But Chen Yang already knew it.

Looking at the rest of the dishes, the dishes are also green and blue, and they look very appetizing.

The soup is leaf soup.

Qin Lin couldn't help but disliked it, and said, "What the **** is this soup, leaves can make soup?"

Chen Yang said, "This soup is a good thing." After he finished speaking, he took a bite.

The soup is in the mouth, but there is no taste. But after entering the throat, it seemed like a stream of sweet spring water.

Pure, crystal clear, and extremely nutritious.

Chen Yang suddenly felt that his whole body was comfortable.

Luo Feng and the others also tasted it, and they immediately realized the preciousness of this meal.

Qin Lin finished the soup in one breath, and then savored it carefully.

In the end, Qin Lin couldn't help saying: "No wonder the Yuntianzong people have extraordinary cultivation bases. It turns out that every meal is eaten this kind of food. I rely on, the sow will really go up the tree after eating this."

Joining Yuntianzong, this is very good.

At this moment, several people have such thoughts in their hearts.

After eating the meal, Chen Yang and others were able to digest the nutrition of the meal. Dujue has developed more than a hundred cells.

Although there are only more than a hundred cells in a meal, it is very impressive over time.

Afterwards, the sky gradually got late.

Chen Yang and the others saw the sunset glow outside in the courtyard. The verdant peaks and the sunset glow set against one another, which is truly beautiful to the limit. This kind of scenery is difficult for them to see in the world.

On this day, it passed so plainly.

Interestingly, Chen Yang also asked Chunying in the evening: "Do we have supper here?"

Chunying and Xia Xiang couldn't help laughing.

"Master Yang, the second-generation disciple, only has one meal a day. Only the first-generation disciple can have two meals a day!"

"Damn!" Chen Yang felt depressed!

This Yun Tianzong is also not big enough.

Chunying said: "However, the meal delivered by Xianmen is only one meal. But for our meal, as long as Master Yang you want to eat, you can eat as many meals as you want in a day."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, this way!" He didn't want to eat it.

He wasn't hungry, he just thought that meal was wonderful.

Xia Xiang said, "Although you can eat our meals at will, the disciples never eat it."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, so, then I won't eat anymore."

How could he not know in his heart that the meal sent by the immortal door was enough for a day's nutrition. And there are no impurities, but if you eat whole grains, impurities, toxins, etc. will be produced. Those who seek to make progress will never come to covet these appetites.

This night, Chen Yang slept alone in such a foreign country.

He felt that life was wonderful, but also a little nervous. Because he didn't know what was waiting for them in the future.

The only consolation is that the eldest brother and the second brother are here.

In the middle of the night, Chen Yang suddenly had a nightmare. He dreamed that he and his big brother Luo Feng were in the desert under the sunset.

It seems to be parting, it seems very sad.

Later, Luo Feng turned around and left. At that moment, Chen Yang felt his heart anguish to the extreme, as if something had cracked.

In the morning, Chen Yang woke up. He couldn't help but recalled that dream. But I can't remember it clearly.

Chen Yang just doesn't feel good.

But he didn't think much about it, and quickly got up with a change of clothes.

Surprisingly, Ye Yun came over this morning. Ye Yun brought three maids over, and these maids were all clothes.

All the clothes belonging to Tianzhou.

Ye Yun was extremely cold, and seemed to be too lazy to talk to Chen Yang and others. Just said: "Put on these clothes, and then follow me to see Master Ziyang."

Chen Yang actually didn't quite understand why Ye Yun was so cold and arrogant. It seems that this guy's cultivation base is still far below him, a second-generation disciple, what a fuck!

Chen Yang just thought about it.

Soon, Chen Yang and others put on new clothes. Chen Yang and others wore cyan gowns!

It seems that they are all a little funny, like acting.

After that, Chen Yang and others followed Ye Yun up the mountain to meet Ziyang Master.

The Ziyang Master didn't say much, just said, "Wait, come with me!"

Afterwards, Zhenren Ziyang took everyone to the mountain peak outside Ziyang Palace.

At this time it was seven o'clock in the morning, and the sky was full of clouds. And above this mountain peak, when looking ahead, clouds and mists are rolling, just like in a fairyland.

Then, Chen Yang and others saw a bit of stunned scene. That is, there are many people flying in the clouds. Some ride on a crane, some ride on a phoenix, some ride on the spirit of a beast, and some people step on the soul or lotus seat.

It's really like the scene in Journey to the West where all the immortals go to the Pantao Conference!

Chen Yang's mouth opened wide, and it took a long time before he said two words. These two words are: "My day!"

Majestic Ziyang pointed out the dust in his hand, and the silver wire of the dust was all opened, instantly becoming bigger. It's like a huge fan!

"Come up!" Zhenren Ziyang took the lead to stand up.

Chen Yang and others followed up with suspicion.

Ye Yun didn't use it, and she didn't have her share here either.

Afterwards, the real Ziyang pinched the tactics and read it out.

Suddenly the energy fluctuated, and the light flickered on the whisk.

Then, Fuchen flew out with lightning...

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