My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 986: Fulfill promise, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The mentality of left-behind children is somewhat problematic, and Lin Qingxue grew up in such a special environment. Psychological problems can be imagined but there will be.

Moreover, at this time, Chen Yang took Lin Qingxue to the beach.

The sea is endless, and the waves rise and fall slightly, wave after wave.

Chen Yang squatted down and said, "I will carry you on my back."

Lin Qingxue was stunned for a moment, her cheek flushed slightly, but then she bravely got on Chen Yang's back.

"Do you believe me?" Chen Yang asked Lin Qingxue.

Lin Qingxue nodded heavily and said, "Believe!"

"Good!" Chen Yang suddenly laughed loudly, and then rushed towards the sea with Lin Qingxue on his back.

Lin Qingxue couldn't help but startled, mainly because this behavior was too weird. She was not mentally prepared at all, but she still chose to believe in Chen Yang. In fact, deep in Lin Qingxue's heart, she felt that it was not unacceptable to be buried in the sea with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang led Lin Qingxue into the sea, but what was even more strange. He did not sink with Lin Qingxue.

Chen Yang is walking on the sea like this. Such a scene is very novel and very strange.

"Look over there?" A couple witnessed this situation, in which the woman pointed at the man to Chen Yang.

The man said, "Damn, is the sea so shallow?"

"You also try to carry me." The woman acted like a baby.

The man said: "Okay!" So the man carried the woman and walked into the sea. But as he walked, the water had already submerged on the man's shoulders.

"No more!" The man couldn't help but put the woman down.

He felt that if he went on like this, he would definitely hang in the sea.

"Husband, look at them..."

At this time, Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue had already left the beach for fifty meters. They are heading towards the middle of the sea...

"Could it be that you met a ghost?" The woman suddenly turned pale. The two of them were so scared that they almost didn't pee their pants, turned and ran back.

Chen Yang continued to walk on the sea with Lin Qingxue on his back, his physical strength was strong and he assisted with mana. His toes lifted the strength, like ten strong men churning the sea surface. With such strength and balance, it is not a problem to carry Lin Qingxue on his back.

But this is also extraordinarily mana-consuming.

After a long time, when Lin Qingxue looked back, she and Chen Yang were already in the middle of the sea. She couldn't see the coast anymore, she just appeared abruptly in the middle of the sea.

This scene is destined to be unforgettable forever. Lin Qingxue took out a lot of pictures with her mobile phone, and she also brought a camera. At this moment, Lin Qingxue felt extremely sweet.

Chen Yang was a little tired from walking, he used his mana and summoned a shark.

Lin Qingxue was shocked when the shark appeared. Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Silly girl, don't be afraid, this is what I summoned." After he said that, he took Lin Qingxue to sit on the shark's back. The shark swam back obediently.

It took a long time for Lin Qingxue to react.

Lin Qingxue didn't ask Chen Yang how all this was done, and she didn't want to ask either. But she will never forget such a beautiful night.

The next day, Chen Yang left Lin Qingxue. This evening, Chen Yang chatted with Lin Qingxue a lot. They didn't leave the beach until dawn. Chen Yang regarded Lin Qingxue as his own sister, and he was willing to give her a lot of things as long as she could be happy. Lin Qingxue admires Chen Yang in her heart, but also enjoys Chen Yang's identity. She knows that if she becomes a younger sister, she will never lose Chen Yang, and she will always be unique.

After so many years, Lin Qingxue has long learned not to fight.

Chen Yang also confessed to Lin Qingxue and asked Lin Qingxue to help Tang Qingqing bring gifts when she was engaged.

Lin Qingxue naturally agreed.

In this way, Chen Yang was relieved to leave.

When leaving, Lin Qingxue asked Chen Yang, "When will we meet again?"

Chen Yang said: "As long as I am alive, as long as I have time, I will definitely come back here. Because here, you are my sister, Su Qing is my wife, and you are my roots. I will never Forget Binhai this place."

Lin Qingxue smiled slightly, surprisingly, when she heard Chen Yang said that Su Qing was his wife, she didn't feel unhappy.

Probably because Chen Yang placed her alongside Su Qing, her status was not lower than that of Su Qing, and she was still so special, so she was relieved.

But really, Lin Qingxue didn't know how to fall in love with others again.

After Chen Yang left, he immediately joined Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning went to a lot of places yesterday and also visited shopping malls. In the hotel, when Chen Yang entered the room, Qiao Ning was drinking red wine and eating fruit, so uncomfortable. She said: "It's really special here. The buildings in every place are so unique. Just like there are palaces everywhere, Tianzhou is like a country place compared to here."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "There are still many beautiful scenery in the great world. There are more prosperous cities in Europe. And our yachts are more luxurious when going out to sea. There are so many things and places to enjoy here. There are countless foods."

"Don't talk about it anymore, I'm afraid I will fall in love with this place and refuse to leave." Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yang said: "That's really possible. I have a lot of money in this world. You can buy everything you want with money. As long as you want to stay here, you can."

Qiao Ning said: "Then can you stay here? Although it's good here, I don't want to be a lonely person. And Tianzhou is always where my roots are."

Chen Yang said: "I really want to stay here, but I have to go to Heaven Continent. The killing has already begun, and I am the King of Heaven. Even if I hide farther away, I can't escape this fate, this heavenly way. , I have many things to do, which I have to face."

Qiao Ning said: "That's OK, I can help you. Let's talk about it after everything is settled."

"Thank you, Miss Joe!" Chen Yang said.

Qiao Ning smiled slightly.

Chen Yang then sent a message, he said: "You know what, I'm actually quite scared."

"What are you afraid of?" Qiao Ning couldn't help asking.

Chen Yang said: "I sometimes think that I am an ominous person, and many friends around me will die. I have a wife, my wife, Situ Linger. She is a very good girl, but she does Save me and transplant her brain nucleus to me. Although I survived, she will always be a vegetable. Now, she has been taken away by the emperor, and I don’t know what happened."

"So you still have such a story." Qiao Ning was slightly surprised. She then said: "But your wife is willing to die for you, which also shows that you have done a lot for her."

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "I have a lot of messy things. I can tell you when I have a chance in the future."

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang said: "By the way, you haven't eaten breakfast yet?"

Qiao Ning said: "No!"

Chen Yang said, "I'll order breakfast."

Qiao Ning said: "Okay!"

Breakfast was quickly ordered by Chen Yang, sandwiches, milk, and fried eggs. Very western breakfast!

Qiao Ning was very comfortable eating, and she said at the same time: "You still have three extra divine pills. Are you going to give it away when you come to Binhai this time?"

Chen Yang took a bite of the sandwich and said, "No, the friends here are all ordinary people. If the **** pill gives them, they will not be able to bear it and burst into death." He paused and said, "Among them Two, I want to give to my other wife Luo Ning. The other one, I plan to give to my friend of Yan Jing, Shen Mo Nong."

"How many are your wives?" Qiao Ning asked with a smile. She naturally wouldn't mind, she didn't have any affection for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang slapped haha ​​and said, "It doesn't seem to be too much, just three or four."

"You're such a sweetheart." Qiao Ning smiled. She continued: "Next, where shall we go?"

Chen Yang said: "Go to the sea first. I promised someone to send it over now."

Qiao Ning said: "Okay, I'll leave after eating."

After eating breakfast, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning drove the Yuanshen towards the East China Sea.

Three hours later, the small fishing village in front of the East China Sea arrived.

Qiao Ning needs to rest for a while to continue to control the soul, after all, the distance in that sea is too far.

Fortunately, Chen Yang knew the landmarks, otherwise, he would definitely not dare to go out to sea indiscriminately by relying on his soul.

After resting for two hours in that small fishing village, it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun is shining and the sea is sparkling.

The sea breeze came over, but it was extremely comfortable.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning went to sea in Yuanshen.

Flying for six hours in a row, at eight o'clock in the evening, the sky went completely dark.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning finally reached Donglai Island.

Over the woods, Chen Yang said to Qiao Ning, "There is poisonous gas everywhere in it, you don't want to go down, I just go down alone."

Qiao Ning nodded. Although she has a high level of cultivation, her physical body is not that strong, and she is also afraid of being poisoned.

After Chen Yang jumped down, he came to the swamp.

As soon as Chen Yang arrived, the yin and yang purple electric double snake appeared from the swamp.

"You finally came," said the male snake head.

The female snake head said: "But he seems to be carrying nothing."

The male snake's head suddenly showed a fierce light, and said: "Boy, are you kidding us?"

The female snakehead said: "Yes, this kid has soared his cultivation base now, and he seems to be the cultivation base of the Eighth Heaven. We are definitely not his opponents."

The head of the male snake suddenly became angry and said, "Good boy, are you going to cross the river and demolish the bridge?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Don't get me wrong, I'll bring the things." He paused, and said, "I am coming from the east coast and traveling thousands of miles, but I don't have the leisure time to entertain the two."

"Where is the cow you brought us?" the male snake head asked.

Its anger has disappeared a bit.

Chen Yang said, "I am in a hurry this time, so I can't take the cow. However, I have brought a lot of Baodan." After he finished speaking, he took out one thousand Guiyuan Dan. The Guiyuan Pill was installed in the gourd, and Chen Yang lost the gourd.

The male snake headed around and caught the gourd.

The two-headed snakes checked quickly, and when they found that there were really a thousand treasure pills inside, the anger of the two-headed snakes disappeared.

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