My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 994: Black hand, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Afterwards, everyone began to eat. Lan Tingyu finished the meal first, and after the meal, he got up and said, "Everyone, take it easy, I'll take a step first."

Chen Yang said, "General Lan, can you stop for a step?"

Lan Tingyu looked at Chen Yang lightly and said, "What's the matter?" Chen Yang folded his fists to the place of the Eastern Imperial City. He said, "This time, the famine and rebellion in Linxi County have a heavy responsibility. The emperor trusts me and waits. I am entrusted with a heavy responsibility. But I must never let down the holy expectations."

Although Chen Yang has just entered officialdom, he still knows a little about these scenes.

At that step, Qianhong and the other generals also said immediately: "It is exactly what General Chen said is what I was waiting for." No one dared to say no, it would be miserable if they were caught as a pigtail.

But Lan Tingyu didn't pay much attention. He didn't sit down, just looked at Chen Yang and said, "What do you want to say?"

Chen Yang obviously felt Lan Tingyu's hostility towards him, which is no wonder Lan Tingyu. Who let himself offend him again and again? It's just that Chen Yang's desire to reconcile with Lan Tingyu is completely gone. He is not a person who likes to keep his breath.

Chen Yang said: "General Lan, we are all in a group now, this is a group battle, the group naturally has to discuss the way of fighting. At least for now, I think you should sit down, this is the minimum respect."

Lan Tingyu smiled coldly and said, "I can discuss it, but why should I respect you? Tell me, I like to stand."

Anger flashed in Chen Yang's heart, he took a deep breath, and also endured it. Okay, I've attacked you before, so you can understand that you are angry with me in your heart.

Chen Yang said: "There are two things in Linxi County. The first is to provide relief, and the second is to suppress the Supreme Master and quell the rebellion. Between you and me, we should cooperate internally and externally, and the division of labor should be orderly. These two things , Which one do you choose?"

Lan Tingyu said: "You choose first, and I will do the rest." He was very grand.

But Chen Yang is also unwilling to take advantage of Lan Tingyu. This disaster relief and elimination of the Supreme Master, it seems that the most difficult is the elimination of the Supreme Master, after all, this is done with real swords and real guns.

The disaster relief is relatively mild.

Moreover, if you report it to the report, it is also a great contribution to destroying the Supreme Master.

But in fact, disaster relief is also a problem. It seems that disaster relief is to distribute the grain, but corrupt officials and corrupt officials will make trouble in it and earn oil and water. If Chen Yang goes to disaster relief, he has limited manpower and cannot personally supervise the distribution of all the food. I always said that maybe the imperial envoys came, and the corrupt officials were somewhat restrained. But Taishangjiao has been in business for a long time, and they will certainly be secretive. You really have done the relief, so what else are they playing?

The villages near Linxi County, etc., were all hit by the disaster. This time the area was very large.

What's more terrible is that the food for disaster relief was originally not enough, and the commission used to find a way to raise food and grass.

The three thousand sword guards also have to eat every day, and this also needs to be dispatched by the disaster relief side.

Therefore, disaster relief looks very simple and gentle, but there are actually too many doorways inside. This is a job of hiding needles in cotton.

Chen Yang said, "Well, I will choose to eliminate the Supreme Master."

Qiao Ning was slightly relieved when he heard the words. She knew that Chen Yang was a person who did not want to take advantage, so she was not too worried that Chen Yang would choose disaster relief.

In fact, she knew in her heart that disaster relief was more of a headache than eliminating the Supreme Master.

Lan Tingyu nodded, and then said: "Then it's settled, I will help the disaster, and you will kill the Supreme Master. As far as Bu leads them, they will all go with you to kill the bandits."

Chen Yang said, "I'm afraid it won't work. You still need to collect food and grass."

"I can think of a way myself." Lan Tingyu said lightly. Then he said again: "Can I go now?"

Chen Yang said, "Please."

Through this incident, Chen Yang also discovered that Lan Tingyu was still a very real person. It is definitely not as hypocritical as Lan Jianyi, and he is also kind. Just like this division of labor, he doesn't argue at all.

Chen Yang sighed, but unfortunately, he couldn't be a friend.

Chen Yang didn't know that Lan Tingyu was the king of destiny, otherwise, he should understand that the king of destiny was the master of killing. The master killer, how can we live in harmony. This is the same principle as the suppression of fire and water.

Even Chen Yang, Luo Feng and others have some mysteries in it. Although the King of Heaven and the Man of Heaven may be in harmony for a while, problems will always arise in the long run.

After returning to the room, Qiao Ning said, "You are correct in choosing to kill the Supreme Master."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Since the military division said it was correct, it must not be wrong."

Qiao Ning also laughed, and then she said, "You really have to ask Tianchi Pavilion to help with this matter. If we don't know the details of the Supreme Master, this matter is difficult to accomplish."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Well, I know."

Two days later, the ship stopped at Bailuyuan for necessary supplies. Chen Yang said to Lan Tingyu: "General Lan, I have to go ashore to do some things. I will go ashore for about two hours. On the Shenwei side, I rely more on you."

Lan Tingyu nodded and said, "Hmm!" There was no other word.

Chen Yang got used to it, so he and Qiao Ning went ashore.

On Lan Tingyu's side, naturally, officials from Bailuyuan received the order from above, had prepared supplies and sent them to the dock.

Those officials would naturally invite Lan Tingyu and Bu Qianhong for dinner.

But Lan Tingyu refused, and he ordered everyone not to disembark.

On the boat, the officer was so embarrassed, Lan Tingyu said, "Your last name?"

The official said: "The next official is Zeng, Zeng Yixian. He is the magistrate of Bailuyuan!"

"Master Zeng, I was supposed to be playing official power in front of you and refuting your face. It is really a matter of great importance. There is a formation to protect the name of the gods. If I wait to leave the name of the gods, then the teacher will rebel Come to destroy the ship, no one can afford this responsibility, do you understand?" Lan Tingyu said.

In addition to being indifferent to Chen Yang, Lan Tingyu is actually not an arrogant person and is willing to explain something to others.

Then Zeng Yixian said, "Yes, general, the next official understands. It is indeed the next official's misunderstanding. Then the next official asks someone to prepare the food and send it to the boat?"

Lan Tingyu said: "Yes, it's time to work."

Then Zeng Yixian was gone with joy.

Bu Qianhong said behind Lan Tingyu: "Little General Lan, you are not an unreasonable person, but you and General Chen Xiao are both kind and kind. But why are you and General Chen Xiao so unhappy?"

Lan Tingyu said: "I used to have some ties with him. If he had not entered the court, I would definitely not tolerate him alive. It is my limit to be able to do this now."

For Lan Tingyu, being stunned by Chen Yang's sneak attack and snatching the soul of the dragon steel is simply a shame!

Originally, after Lan Tingyu came back, he was determined to kill Chen Yang. But he learned that Chen Yang had already entered the court as an official, so Lan Tingyu sighed in his heart. But even if he had the courage, he didn't dare to kill the court commander!

Today, several people dared to disobey the emperor.

Even if he was arrogant, Lan Tingyu didn't dare.

The Supreme Master didn't know the details, and he dared to do such a rebellious thing in Dakang.

Bailuyuan belongs to the plain area, and it is quite prosperous in the city center of Bailuyuan. This Bailuyuan is also a big city, and in the big world, it is also a second-tier city. Therefore, Shenwei will choose to supply it here. And Tianchi Pavilion will also open a branch here.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning went directly to the Tianchi Pavilion in Bailuyuan.

To Chen Yang and Qiao Ning's surprise, Su Yanran was here too.

In the study, Su Yanran smiled and said, "We knew about your going to Linxi County. I guessed that you would come here to ask us for information, so I checked the information, and by the way, I'll take a step forward. ."

Chen Yang said, "Although the intelligence of Tianchi Pavilion is great, the emperor's eyes and ears are not bad. If you come out like this, you are not afraid that the emperor will find out, and doubt my relationship with your Tianchi Pavilion?"

Su Yanran said: "This matter can't be kept from the emperor. The emperor wants to use you, and will not hate you just because you are related to Tianchi Pavilion. After all, Tianchi Pavilion is not a rebellious organization."

Chen Yang said, "Well then."

Su Yanran said: "The Supreme Master is not as simple as you think."

Qiao Ning said: "We didn't think about it simply. Now in Dakang, there are not many who dare to openly confront the court. Why is this too good for the master?"

Chen Yang said: "The emperor is aware of Qiuhao, I am afraid he also knows the details of the Supreme Master. This is difficult to handle, so I sent Lan Tingyu and me over."

Su Yanran said: "I don’t know if the emperor knows. But behind the Supreme Master, I’m afraid there is the shadow of the magic door. Moreover, the magic door has been used, and Yun Tianzong has acquiesced. This is also a very important signal. , Both Momen and Yuntianzong are now quite dissatisfied with the emperor."

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were taken aback. Chen Yang said: "If the Demon Sect and Yun Tianzong are both dissatisfied with the emperor, why don't they take action directly, and they want to engage in these conspiracies?"

Su Yanran said: "You don't understand this. If the Demon Sect makes a public move, then Yun Tianzong will have to deal with the Demon Sect for the sake of face. After all, the world knows that Dakang pays tribute to Yun Tianzong every year. It is the responsibility and obligation to protect Dakang."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Qiao Ning said: "The Demon Sect wanted to dominate the world for a long time, and now the rise of the emperor is giving the Yuntianzong a headache. Shouldn't the Demon Sect be happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?"

Su Yanran said, "Silver Shark King, you don't know anything about it."

Qiao Ning said: "I would like to hear the details!"

Su Yanran said: "The current emperor and the four emperors of the Great Thousand Worlds seem to have some connection in the underworld. Of course, we can't find out these things. However, the Tianzhou Plan has already flowed out of the ancient gods. Tianzhou Plan, you should have heard of it?"

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