After about two or three seconds.

Soaring into the sky, under the towering Wanli city wall.

Wen Wen looked at his father with a complicated expression.

His father's armor was covered with blood, his face was dirty, and his hair was disheveled.

But he held a spear in his hand, raised his chest and raised his head, which set off his extraordinary temperament.

At the same time, he was greatly relieved.

Dad is still alive.

Fortunately, he is still alive.

Finally caught up.


Thousands of words finally converged into one sentence.

At this time, Wen Feng stepped forward and grabbed Wen Wen's ear.

"Okay, you little brat, tell me the truth, where did these soldiers come from?"

Wen Feng only has this one son.

Even if he is in the royal family.

Blood ties are often not that important.

Originally, facing a son who holds evidence and such a huge power.

Most people would not dare to act frivolously.

But Wen Feng dares!

Nothing else!

The main reason is that he has a very good relationship with this son since he was a child.

Wen Feng immediately smiled bitterly:

"Oh my, Dad!"

"It hurts, it hurts, be gentle, be gentle, be gentle."

"Let's talk about it later."

"The soldiers are in urgent need now."

"Dad, give the order quickly so that I can let the army go to the city to fight..."

Wen Feng suppressed his doubts after hearing this.

The war is urgent.

There is no time to waste too much time at this time.

If you delay for a minute or a second at this time, a lot of soldiers on the city will die.


This majestic general.

Finally he looked at the beautiful woman next to him, Wen's mother.

At this moment, those murderous pupils showed a rare touch of tenderness.


The two of them were silent with affection.

Everything was unspoken.

The corners of Wen's mouth twitched.

"Dad and Mom, please stop showing off your affection, hurry up."

Only then did Wen Feng come back to his senses.


"The whole army will go to the city to fight."

The strong voice resounded throughout the venue.

Looking at the millions of brave soldiers in front of him.

Each of them was at the peak of the foundation building.

Wen Feng was full of pride for a moment.

This was his son's army.

His son came to save him.

With such a brave army.

What do those monsters under the city mean?! ?

Wen grinned.

This was what he was waiting for.

Wen Wen waved his hand.

"The cavalry dismounted."

"All troops prepared."

"Climb the city and fight!"

Only this voice fell.



The densely packed millions of heroic troops in the back. The peak cultivation of the foundation building stage bloomed at this moment, and the momentum turned into a gust of wind, instantly dispersing the clouds above the sky.

It happened so fast!!!

Millions of heroic troops took off into the air.

Covering the sky and the sun, densely packed, rushing straight to the top of the ten thousand meter high city wall!!!

"Brothers, make way."

"Quickly, quickly, quickly, get out of the way!"

"Brothers controlling the psychic cannons, quickly get out of the way, let these foundation building masters go!"

Only the voices on the city wall came one after another.

The soldiers who originally defended the city saw that this heroic army had already climbed the pass.

The remaining soldiers were happy and made way for the mighty army with extremely swift movements.

What a joke.

Their cultivation was only at the level of body refining.

And these new big guys were all at the peak of foundation building.

Forget about helping.

As long as they don't make trouble, it's fine.

"Yanran, let's go, follow me to kill the big monster at the peak of Tongmai."

Wen Feng was naturally aware of his wife's cultivation.

She was at the same level as himself, at the peak of Tongmai.

Now he was even more confident.

Two to one!

A complete victory!

"Hey, Dad, don't forget to bring me up."

Wen Feng instantly showed a bitter smile on his face.

This damn wall is 10,000 meters long.

He is only at the level of body refining, and he can't fly in the air.

If he wants to climb 10,000 meters, he will be exhausted.


Wen Feng grabbed Wen Feng.

The three of them flew into the air.

The temperature just landed on the top of the Demon-Suppressing Pass!

Wen Feng and the other two.

They have turned into a stream of light and are killing the Tongmai Peak Demon below.

Wen Feng holds a spear in his hand and wields it violently.

Hu Yanran gently dances with her hands, and a stream of water spirits flashes around her!

The two are majestic.

Look again!

The 1 million troops he brought with him have already

Joined the battle to defend the city.

Wen Wen was not ambiguous at this time.

An order was given on the spot.

"Long-range preparation!"


The clans responsible for long-range attacks among the millions of troops instantly lined up on the city wall.


As this order fell,

The overwhelming, dense light bombarded the monster tide below the city wall.

An extremely dense attack was formed on the spot.

The group of monsters with extraordinary offensive power had already swarmed in, but at this moment, most of them were reduced in an instant.

The remaining melee soldiers were all madly sending spiritual energy to the psychic cannon defending the city.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A huge and majestic psychic cannon.

Blast down.

The powerful power of the peak of foundation building was instantly displayed at this moment.

Those monsters below who were only in the body refining realm.

There was no way to resist at all.

Just like this, the situation on the battlefield changed instantly at this moment.

"Dad, Mom, be careful."

Wen Wen shouted at Feng Xiang, who was facing his parents.

At this time, his parents had already started a fierce battle with the opponent's Tongmai Peak Demonic Beast.

However, he was only in the Body Refining Realm, so he really couldn't see the scene of the opponent's battle.

Too fast!

He could only see three rays of light entangled wildly in the sky!

Wen Wen couldn't help but feel a little worried at this time.

After all, this was a life-and-death battle for his parents.


Wen Wen muttered to himself in a low voice.


A masked black shadow appeared in front of him instantly.

Tongmai Peak!

Swish, swish, swish!

Another hundred figures appeared in the back instantly.

Tongmai Late Stage!

"Order, you guys go quickly and help my parents kill the Tongmai Peak Demonic Beast on the other side!"

"Follow the Lord's order."

Swish, swish, swish!

I saw hundreds of shadows rushing away into the distance!

As the shadows joined the battlefield.

Within three seconds.

A huge monster in the sky crashed to the ground.

How could this huge body cause mass deaths in the dense tide of monsters?

Wen Feng was stunned.

He stared blankly at the hundreds of shadows around him.

Damn, unify the meridians!

His expression was dull.

He watched the hundreds of shadows fly back to his son and disappear again.


Ten thousand grass mud horses galloped wildly in his mind!


There are still a hundred strong men with this stinky boy? !

Not metaphysical!

This is totally not metaphysical!

How could such a strong man obey the orders of his useless son!

How could he control these strong men and make them surrender? !

Wen Feng just felt numb today.

This brat has brought too many shocks to him!

Is this still his son? !

Damn it!

When he thought of this.

Wen Feng was so angry.

This brat secretly formed such a huge force without telling him.

If this is not a rebellion, what else is he going to do!

You can rebel if you want to!

You didn't even tell your own father? !

PS: The traffic is too low, can Xiaohua ask for some free gifts, woo woo woo, crabs~

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