My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1017: Send her back to the casino black shop

Chapter 1017 Send her back to the casino and black shop

Yu Anran was locked up like this, and a signal jammer was placed near the room, so she could not contact the outside world through the Internet.

She couldn't even make a phone call or surf the Internet. She was even more worried about what Kitano would do if he couldn't find her.


At that time, she received a call at home and returned to the Yu family without telling anyone else in advance. Now the only people who know her whereabouts are the people in the Yu family who have met her.

Of course these people from the Yu family obeyed Mrs. Yu's orders, so how could they help her inform the news?

Yu Anran was locked in the room and was very distressed. The way he looked now seemed to be back to the time when he was imprisoned five or six years ago because he refused to break up with Kitano.

 She was here, and she had no shortage of food and clothing. She was even given books and casual games to pass the time.

 But she was anxious.

 The small speaker at the door that can transmit messages was specially pressed by Mrs. Yu. It seemed that she planned to show off her beauty there for more than a few hours, more than a day, or even...

She couldn't determine the time, but she knew that according to her mother's personality, she would have to settle the score with Yi Xueyao.

She is not worried about Yi Xueyao, but she is afraid of involving Bei Ye.

 “Is there anyone, please answer me?”

Yu Anran ran to the door and spoke into the small speaker. She didn't know if anyone was watching outside, but she didn't hear any reply.

She thought about plots like those in TV dramas, and it was almost useless to pretend to be sick, because it was not her menstrual period, and she couldn't use the cold as an excuse.

Although Yu Anran has a cold personality and looks relatively strong, she is actually just unapproachable in appearance and has a stronger personality. But in terms of mobility, she is really a weak woman.

It was impossible to fight and break in. She just hoped that Mrs. Yu would come back and make it clear.

Yu Anran took a deep breath and said into the small speaker: "I know someone is outside. If you hear what I say, contact my mother immediately and tell her that I have something important to tell her and I want to talk to her!"

Yu Anran stood by the door after speaking into the small speaker.

There was no movement outside the door at first. After waiting for a while, she heard a response, "Miss, we have conveyed what you said to Madam, but I'm sorry, Madam said we don't have time to see you now."

 Mrs. Yu really doesn’t have time now, because she... is looking for trouble with Yi Xueyao!

Yi Xueyao only thought that by revealing some truths and weaving some lies at the same time, it would arouse Mrs. Yu's anger and prevent Beiye from being with Yu Anran. This was Yi Xueyao's purpose. She was all about causing destruction.

 But this time, Yi Xueyao really stumbled!

 Who is Mrs. Yu?

Is she the kind of woman who just listens to a few words and is completely led by the nose?

 The strong women in the shopping mall are naturally the most calculating and rational.

 So Mrs. Yu will look for evidence at the beginning, and then when she is sure that the facts are correct, she will start to put pressure!

“Yi Xueyao, you brought this to your door yourself!”

Mrs. Yu felt very angry at the thought of having a kidney dug out of her daughter and planted in the illegitimate daughter of the heartless man who betrayed the Yu family.

She not only checked about the hospital, but also found out about the suffering that Yi Xueyao suffered in the gambling shop.

 But those sufferings did not make Mrs. Yu feel distressed or pity, but made her feel disgusted!

“Since he is a person who escaped due to debt, just send him back!”

 (End of this chapter)

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