My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1041: Liuli and Luo were locked together

 Chapter 1041 Liuli and Luo were imprisoned together

 The little cousin is gone, the little cousin is really gone!

The little cousin locked her in a room with Nangong Luo, patted her **** and walked away easily, and even locked the door!

“Ha, Gong Qianyu, you’d better not come back after you leave!”

When Gong Qianli said "harsh words", Gong Qianyu hid outside the door and laughed secretly, then ran to another room to play his own game.

 He is so smart, of course he won’t just leave!


Besides, Gong Qianli never heard Nangong Luo speak after being locked in the room.

“Cough cough cough.” She deliberately held her throat and coughed three times, pretending to communicate with Nangong Luo in the same conversational tone as before, “Hey, why didn’t you respond?”

 “What response is required?”

The tone of Nangong Luo's rhetorical question gave Gong Qianli the illusion that he was talking to Ye Xichen.

It’s not that he is similar to Ye Xichen, it’s just that he is very different from the previous Nangong Luo. He has a sense of seriousness, indifference, and as if he is confident about everything!

Gong Qianli was holding a feeling of anger in her heart that she couldn't get rid of.

This room is in the corner. It would not be good if she banged on the door and made noise. What's more, there are guests at home today, and the Gong family cannot be laughed at.

She then stretched out her hand to Nangong Luo, "Hey, that little **** Qian Yu has locked the door. Lend me your cell phone and I'll call the housekeeper."

 But Nangong Luo told her, "Sorry, the phone was taken away."

“What? Gong Qianyu did it?”


 Under Gong Qianli’s questioning, Nangong Luo nodded.

 Gong Qianyu just took away his phone on the pretext of playing games. In fact... maybe... he had some intentional intentions in his heart.

Gong Qianli wandered around the room with her hands on her hips.

If the two of them were locked together in the past, Nangong Luo would probably fall asleep on the bed, teasing her and teasing her, and the two of them would be in trouble for a long time.

However, now, Gong Qianli keeps talking about opening the door to cover up her inner restless emotions. Nangong Luo, on the other hand, sat upright and did not show his unruly side in front of her.

“Luo, why are you so calm? It really doesn’t sound like you anymore.”

 “What do I look like in your eyes?”

 “Just, it’s quite fun.”

“People will always grow. During the period of growth, they continue to make multiple choices and decide which path they will take.” For example, some people choose to make progress, and some people choose to degenerate.

Even those who claim to be happy-go-lucky, everything they do is actually a multiple-choice question.

 The "choice question" in Nangong Luo's sentence may mean something else.

Gong Qianli felt that Nangong Luo's words meant to tell her: Since you choose to refuse, then I can only choose to alienate.

She still remembered that day, when she deliberately asked Ye Weiwei, "Why do we have to choose to be together or refuse? Can't we always stay together as friends?"

 How did Ye Weiwei tell her?

It seems to say: "The feelings you give out are like the water that is thrown out. It is difficult to collect the water. Even if it is taken back, it will not be the original water."

Even if the relationship persists, it will not be the same as before.

Gong Qianli has never felt as difficult as now to communicate with Nangong Luo.

“What are you talking about about choosing not to choose? Tell me this. You don’t know that I can’t understand those profound words that others say.”

“If we don’t have a mobile phone, I’ll keep knocking on the door, maybe a passing servant will find us.”

Nangong Luo suddenly said: "Don't knock on the door."

【Brother Luo, please be brave and keep Liuli! ! 】



 (End of this chapter)

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