My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1061: broke up……

Chapter 1061: Breaking up...

“Don’t worry, boss, Miss Gong will always think that my father is very grateful to her when I leave today.” The woman took the money, held the little boy’s hand and left with a smile on her face.

 “Son, let’s go, mommy will take you to eat delicious food today.”

Nangong Luo saw the mother and son leaving, lowered his eyes and withdrew his gaze.

This woman is indeed the daughter of the dead old man, but this woman has a grudge against Gong Qianli playing her own identity.

When Nangong Luo found out the identity of their family and came to the door, the woman not only had no feeling when she heard about Gong Qianli's affairs, she even thought that Gong Qianli was meddling in her own business.

But at that time, he also found out clearly that the old man did die because of illness, not because of the psychological gap caused by the substitute, which made him die of depression, as Gu Chengxi said.

But Nangong Luo didn't want anything to go wrong, so he bribed this woman to say good things in exchange for equal value.

 A little white lie can take away this huge amount of money, so the woman is naturally willing to cooperate.

As for the little boy, in the world of children, black and white are very clear. He only knows that grandpa is very happy when he sees Gong Qianli, and he will regard Gong Qianli as a good person.


The annoying trivial matter was finally solved, and Gong Qianli returned to the police station to work in a gloomy mood.

 She and Fang Yu are partners, and they do a lot of work at the same time, so they know a lot about each other.

 Because of the incident with his ex-girlfriend, Gong Qianli was a little interested in Fang Yu's feelings.

 One day, she unexpectedly discovered that Fang Yu and Zhong Qing were still in contact!

Gong Qianli found a suitable excuse to test Fang Yu. Fang Yu smiled mysteriously, but refused to say anything.

Gong Qianli couldn't help but pay more attention to him, and accidentally discovered that it was Zhong Yun who was in contact with Fang Yu!

Gong Qianli couldn't help it anymore and asked Fang Yu directly, "Fang Yu, have you reconciled with your girlfriend Zhong Yun?"

Fang Yu has a good temper recently and greets everyone he sees with a smile.

Facing Gong Qianli’s question, although he was happy, he couldn’t hold it in completely.

"Qianli, you are overthinking it. We have differences in status and we will not get back together for the time being."

No matter how strange Gong Qianli stared at him, no matter what provocation Gong Qianli used to pry his mouth open, he refused to say anything.

“I have other things to do, Qianli, please don’t make random guesses.”

"Fang Yu, I didn't mean to do anything, it's just that your girlfriend already has a boyfriend. If you are still separated, that would be too much." Gong Qianli said seriously.

 But Fang Yu was still in high spirits, so he heard Gong Qianli's words but didn't remember them in his mind.

“Qianli, don’t think too much.”

 “Then how can you not think too much!” It was about Nangong Luo, she couldn’t help but care!

 But just when Gong Qianli was planning to take action, she heard another piece of news...

 Nangong Luo and Zhong Yun broke up!

At that time, when she received the call from Ye Weiwei and learned the news, she was still in disbelief. She confirmed it repeatedly and finally believed it 80%.

 “Sure enough, there is indeed a problem!”

When Fang Yu fell in love, Zhong Yun fell in love with Nangong Luo.

When Fang Yu was happy, Zhong Yun and Nangong Luo broke up?

How can there be such a coincidence in the world!

 She could finally call Nangong Luo without any scruples, "Luo, what's going on? Did you break up?"

 “Yes, we broke up.”


 (End of this chapter)

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