My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1088: What does her having a child have to do with me?

Chapter 1088 What does her giving birth have to do with me?

Gong Qianli rushed to the hospital before she could collect her emotions.

 “Yiyi, how is she doing now?”

 A group of people were already standing outside the delivery room, including those from the Ye family, the Mo family, and their friends.

Gong Qianli arrived relatively quickly, but her red and swollen eyes almost scared others.

"Liu Li, what's wrong with you?" It was rare for Yu Anran to take the initiative to care about people, because Gong Qianli's appearance was really worrying.

Gong Qianli shook her head and lied, "It's okay, I got sand in my eyes."

 At this time, Nangong Luo also hurried over.

When Gong Qianli saw him appearing, she stood behind Yu Anran without leaving a trace, blocking Nangong Luo's sight.

As smart as Yu Anran, she is also willing to help Gong Qianli.

Bei Ye happened to be standing on Yu Anran's side again, and the two of them just blocked Gong Qianli.

Nangong Luo glanced over there and found Gong Qianli's figure, but he didn't dare and couldn't talk to her calmly now.

Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli, the two former "good friends", are now standing on opposite sides, neither one taking the initiative to find the other.

Ye Xichen entered the delivery room regardless of accompanying Ye. More than an hour passed, and nothing happened.

Whether they were in the delivery room or waiting outside, everyone was worried and didn't look relaxed.

Gong Qianli's eyes hurt badly. She whispered a few words to Yu Anran and turned around the corner to leave.

 She went out to find ice packs to apply to her eyes, and it took a while for her eyes to feel comfortable.

 Before she left, she told Yu Anran that she should contact her as soon as possible if a child was born or there were any special circumstances. She hasn't received Yu Anran's message yet, and she has to be patient to deal with her red and swollen eyes, which are really scary.

 When the swelling in her eyes subsided, she sighed deeply.

I was about to rush back, but I didn't expect to bump into Gu Chengxi on this short journey.

Gong Qianli will remember the bad scene when she sees him, so now she doesn’t even want to say hello politely, she just pretends she didn’t see him.

Just when she was about to pass by Gu Chengxi indifferently, a strong hand suddenly grabbed her tightly.

Gong Qianli tried hard to shake him but couldn't break free.

"What are you doing?" She glared at Gu Chengxi displeased.

Gu Chengxi did not answer, but stared into her eyes, "Hey, it's so miserable."

 “None of your business!” Someone couldn’t hold it back and she swore directly.

 “The true nature is exposed.”

 “Let me go!” I can’t get away.

She suddenly remembered, "Youyi is about to give birth, and you haven't made it."

 “What does her having a child have to do with me?”

"You are really indifferent. If you don't go, don't disturb me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you." If you can't get rid of your hands, just move your feet!

 Gu Chengxi let her go.

Gong Qianli ran away quickly.

I thought about how cold-hearted Gu Chengxi was. A woman’s life was a bet when giving birth. After knowing her for so many years, she didn’t pay any attention to him.

Although she could not ask Gu Chengxi how to treat others, Gong Qianli, who had always been kind-hearted, could not agree with Gu Chengxi's character.

However, when Gong Qianli walked quickly back to the delivery room, Gu Chengxi slowly followed.

Gong Qianli disappeared for a while and then came back with Gu Chengxi. In the eyes of some people, this was not just a chance encounter.

 My heart was filled with panic.

Gong Qianli was still standing behind Yu An, and the two whispered a few words.

It wasn't until Yu Anran glanced back that Gong Qianli looked back.

 (End of this chapter)

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