My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1109: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the Nangong family

Chapter 1109 The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Nangong family

"I'm leaving."

Gong Qianli stood up with a look of reluctance.

 “Goodbye.” The little cousin waved to her, as if he didn’t miss her at all.

Gong Qianli turned around and snatched her phone back, smiling at him, "Oh, you said it so cheerfully, it seems you won't miss me anymore."

 “You are stupid, there is a video.”

The little cousin suddenly grew up and no longer relied on his own ideas to ask others casually, but learned to consider from the direction of others.

Now everyone knows that Nangong Luo is marrying Zhong Yun, the eldest daughter of the Zhong family. This matter has become a foregone conclusion, and even the younger cousin has received the news.

The little cousin hides a secret in his heart, but he will not tell anyone about it.

It was after he learned that Nangong Luo was married to another woman that he wanted to find Nangong Luo to find out. However, he did not see Nangong Luo, but saw Zhong Yun in Nangong Luo's room.

 Zhong Yun was very kind to him and kept asking him what he needed.

 At that time, he asked Zhong Yun about his relationship with Nangong Luo. Zhong Yun told him, "In a short time, your brother Luo will be a father."

It was then that he learned that Nangong Luo was not only married, but also had a child with another woman.

 He did not wait for Nangong Luo any longer because he felt it was no longer necessary.

 This matter was hurtful to Gong Qianli, so he could only keep it as a secret in his heart.

 Those who seem ignorant at ordinary times may not necessarily mean they are really ignorant. Children’s thoughts are also very pure.

 He knows who is good and who is bad.

Just because he knew that Nangong Luo loved Gong Qianli very much and was very good to him, that's why he always wanted Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli to be together.

 But now, the choice made by Nangong Luo makes Gong Qianli sad, so he will not deliberately match up anymore. It is too late.

“Sister, it’s good to go out and change your mood.”

 After half a year, any unwillingness or unhappiness will have almost dissipated.

But Gong Qianli feels that she is still a little unwilling to leave like this?

There is still one person left to start the training, but they still have to go through the process of submitting recommendations. The director only gave her three days to think about it. The original intention was to let her negotiate with her family.

 In fact, her hesitation has nothing to do with her family, because as her little cousin said, half a year is really nothing to her family.

 The only thing that restrained her steps was...feelings.

On two days off, Gong Qianli stayed in her bedroom for a whole day, and then packed a lot of things into a strong cardboard box.

 She probably wanted to be pretentious again and return all the things Nangong Luo gave him.

 On Sunday, she personally delivered the things to Nangong’s house.

 Because she has a close relationship with the Nangong family, she can come and go freely without notification.

I was surprised to see a very eye-catching scene. Mrs. Nangong and Zhong Yun were sitting together and talking about their children. They seemed to have a very warm relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Gong Qianli didn't know what her state of mind was, so she hid behind to peek and listen.

She was really tired of Zhong Yun nagging Mrs. Nangong about Nangong Luo’s daily life.

Gong Qianli handed the box containing the things to the housekeeper and left a few words for Nangong Luo.

 After doing this, she went to visit Mr. Nangong.

Mr. Nangong lives at home to recuperate, basically lying in bed.

 Gong Qianli went to see him, and the first thing she did was apologize to him, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm going to break my promise."

【Liu Li is leaving 嘤嘤嘤】



 (End of this chapter)

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