My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1117: The audition girl was bullied

Chapter 1117 The audition girl was bullied

Xia Xiyun has a lot of resources in the entertainment industry, but she has not really encountered a role that made her famous.

This time I was asked to audition unexpectedly, and that work turned out to be a popular novel adaptation and a major drama of the year.

Xia Xiyun specifically Baidu-ed that work and found that the starring role has not been confirmed yet, and netizens have a lot of recommendations, saying "who and so and so" are suitable for the protagonist and supporting role.

Xia Xiyun became more and more excited as she watched!

If she seizes the opportunity and succeeds in the audition this time, she might become famous!

Xia Xiyun couldn't wait to finish reading the million-word novel, and deeply analyzed and understood the characters' personalities.

Xia Xiyun is no longer a newcomer to the entertainment group. As long as she is given a chance, she will seize every opportunity to work hard to climb up!

 She came prepared for the audition.

 Because of her thorough analysis of characters, her acting skills and emotions are unique and in place.

The director nodded repeatedly when he saw her, and immediately pointed at her and praised her a few more times.

Xia Xiyun went back happily to wait for the results.

  She received a notice the next day, inviting her to join the crew, and she would be... the heroine!

 The longed-for good luck suddenly fell from the sky, and Xia Xiyun was so happy that he couldn't express it in words.

 She specifically called to share the news of her successful audition with Han Xingye.

Han Xingye could not wait to be teleported to her in a second, so that her happiness could be shared with others!

 After confirming the actors, the crew is ready to start filming.

But in order to play this role well, Xia Xiyun read the novel several times and went to Tieba browser to search for related topics about the heroine.

   She had done everything with great enthusiasm and was just waiting to start filming.

 However, a bad luck fell from the sky!

 The director told her that the heroine had been replaced.

Has the heroine been replaced? After passing the test fairly and impartially, she was suddenly kicked out by a second-generation celebrity from the loan team!

Xia Xiyun went to the director to ask about the situation, and the director told her explicitly and implicitly, "This matter has not been changed."

 In this world, you can struggle with many people and many things, but no one will struggle with money.

  The director cannot resist the temptation of bringing in money, not to mention that the heroine is a second-generation star, and there are people above her who they cannot offend at will.

Xia Xiyun has thus changed from the role of the leading heroine to the second heroine, and she feels a huge gap in her heart.

 But she couldn't give up this opportunity that she didn't care about, so even if she was in the position of the second female lead, she was performing very seriously.

Xia Xiyun is not from a major, but her performance is extremely talented.

This play was originally about an ancient royal feud. The heroine and the second heroine are both daughters of the prime minister's family, and they have been **** for tat since they appeared.

 After filming the two scenes, the director praised her several times, and the limelight even surpassed that of the female lead.

As the second female lead in the second generation of stars and a professional actress, she couldn't believe that she was being compared to others, so she deliberately embarrassed Xia Xiyun at that time.

 Being in the entertainment industry requires capital. She has the strength and was praised by the director for her good performance, but she also received jealousy from the second generation of stars.

 In just a few days, she was already very angry!

 While video chatting with Han Xingye, she couldn't help but vent her anger several times, but she finally held it back.

Han Xingye is on tour, so he must be reassured.

In this way, Xia Xiyun ushered in the second male lead in the scene opposite the heroine.

Xia Xiyun thought that there would finally be fewer scenes with the female lead!

 (End of this chapter)

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