My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1148: Mother Han forced Xia Xiyun away

Chapter 1148 Mother Han forces Xia Xiyun to leave

“Don’t you want to marry Han Xingye?”


"Or do you also know that you have done something scandalous and are not worthy of marrying into our Han family?" Mother Han's patience was worn away by repeated temptations, and she couldn't bear it and gave up her harsh words.

Xia Xiyun suddenly stood up, her heart beating violently.

 “Aunt, you...”

"You want to ask me why I said that? Did you forget the things you did so quickly?" Han's mother was so angry that she threw the photo directly in front of Xia Xiyun.

Xia Xiyun clenched her fists and kept retreating, tears bursting out of her eyes instantly.

The tearful eyes and watery eyes are lovable, but unfortunately it doesn’t work in front of a mother who loves her son so much!

 “If there is no refutation, then it is acquiescence.”


 “You really admitted it!”

 “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

Xia Xiyun raised her head and shook her head. She was escaping, she didn't want to face it.

Those photos were obtained from Xiang Yan and placed in front of her by Mother Han herself. The two had different identities and brought different feelings to her.

 She was angry and hating towards Xiang Yan, but towards the Han family, she felt guilty, self-blame, and even despised herself.

Xia Xiyun's behavior, in Han's eyes, was tantamount to admitting that she was shameless and had done some dirty things.

Mother Han was so angry that her heart ached, "You go, you go! Our Han family will never admit a dirty woman like you as our daughter-in-law!"

"sorry Sorry."

"I don't want to hear these words from you. If you really feel sorry for me, leave my son as soon as possible and go far away. Don't harm my son!"

 “Aunt, I really...”

"You don't need to tell me more. Since this has happened, it's useless to talk anymore. Leave my son as soon as possible."

“He is a musician, and he will have greater achievements in the future. If you really like him, don’t stay with him and become a stain.”

"Do you know how I got these photos? They were from Xiang Yan, and Xiang Yan asked someone to send them to me in person! Fortunately, you and Xiaoye had never made a public relationship before, and no one would know if you were separated, so that no one would use these photos in the future. If something happens to my son, you can afford to be embarrassed by this person, but our Han family cannot afford to be embarrassed!"

Han Ma's words fell on Xia Xiyun's heart, and her heart felt like a knife.

 Her ears were full of ridicule and disgust. She closed her eyes in pain and shed two tears.

 “I’m leaving.”

 Even if her heart is in a knot, she can still give Mother Han the answer.

"Auntie, tell him for me that I'm sorry for him, I left voluntarily, and told him not to look for me."

Xia Xiyun turned around and left without taking anything from her home with her.

 Seeing Xia Xiyun cry so sadly and leave so simply, Mother Han couldn't bear it.

To be honest, she really liked Xia Xiyun before, but as a mother, she couldn't tolerate an unclean woman who betrayed her son entering the house as her daughter-in-law.


 Father Han "lied" his son out. As an upright man, he still felt a little guilty.

Han's father looked weird, and the sensitive Han Xingye quickly realized that something was wrong. He hurried back and saw Han's mother sitting alone on the chair in the living room, with an unhappy expression.

Han Xing had a bad premonition in his heart. He quickly ran into the room and searched the house but could not find Xia Xiyun.

 “Mom, what about this?”

"she left."

As soon as Han Xingye heard this, he raised his feet and ran out.


 (End of this chapter)

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