My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1157: Gifts from Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo

Chapter 1157 Gifts from Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo

Ye Ziyi held his chin up and said, "Oh, I have to see someone I don't want to see again."

Ye Xichen put the two children on the ground and let them crawl. He automatically turned on the wife-loving mode and put his arms around Ye Weiwei's shoulders and said, "If you are not happy to see someone, I will ask someone to keep her out."

Ye Weiyi hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop, "No, it won't sound good if you spread it."

She was just getting angry.

 The person she didn't like to see was actually Zhong Yun.

At first she thought Zhong Yun was pregnant with Nangong Luo's child, and the two got together, and things continued like this, but later she discovered that Nangong Luo didn't care at all about Zhong Yun and Zhong Yun's daughter.

Logically speaking, this is because a man is not responsible enough, but as a good friend of Gong Qianli, she feels particularly happy...

  This kind of thing was something she would just think about on her own, until that time when Zhong Yun was in the hospital for confinement after giving birth, she went to visit in the name of the Ye family and overheard Nangong Luo and Zhong Yun arguing.

  I can’t hear the details clearly, but roughly speaking, Zhong Yun used her children to marry into the Nangong family.

 She had a very bad impression of Zhong Yun at that time, and she never wanted to see Zhong Yun again.

But everyone is in S city, and Ye Xichen and Nangong Luo are good buddies, so there must be some intersection.


 The first-year banquet of the eldest young master and the daughter of the Ye family was held in the most luxurious hotel in S city. Most of the prominent people in S city went.

Although it is a celebration for two children who cannot speak or walk yet, if we can build a relationship with the Ye family through this, we will definitely do something great in S City!

"this way please."

 “Please come in, please come in.”

 The grand anniversary banquet was very lively with people coming and going.

Yu Anran, who is the godmother of the two children, came to accompany them early in the morning, and now she and Ye Weiwei stay in the room to entertain the children.

Yu Anran is still very reserved with others, but she behaves much more cheerfully in front of her two lively children.

Leng Yanxi knocked on the door and came in, holding a delicately wrapped gift box in her hand, "Young Madam, I got the gift that Miss Gong sent back from abroad."

Yeye Weiwei waved, and Leng Yanxi took the gift box over.

 The gift Gong Qianli gave was very simple, but it was also very popular with the children.

  is a favorite doll for girls and a limited edition robot for boys.

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but sigh, "It's been almost a year now, and no one has been seen. Now the two children can't attend their first birthday party."

 She is not complaining, it’s just that her good friend has been away for almost a year and she really misses her.

Gong Qianli was originally going to go abroad for training for half a year. When the deadline came, everyone was eagerly looking forward to her coming back. But after waiting and waiting, the news came that Gong Qianli said that she could not return to the country for the time being.

“Perhaps he likes life abroad, or he is escaping from things here.” Yu Anran hit the nail on the head.

They all speculated that Gong Qianli might be escaping from Nangong Luo if she did not return home, so no one from the Gong family ever urged her to go home.

 “Dong dong dong.”

 Someone knocked on the door again.

Leng Yanxi looked through the peephole and told them their names.

Ye Weiwei chuckled, "Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Leng Yanxi opened the door, and Nangong Luo first presented a gift, "Happy birthday, best wishes to Xiao Qingfeng and Xiao Zhiruo!"

“Brother Nangong, I have to personally see the good things you gave me for the children. If they are bad, I won’t accept them!”

“Tsk tsk tsk, my only sister, how can you miss me so much? Do you think I am such a stingy person?”

Ye Weiwei opened the box with a smile and was stunned when he saw what was inside.

 (End of this chapter)

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