My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1189: Luo, Liuli is back

Chapter 1189 Luo, Liuli is back

 Even if people are not as good as God, she can't be so unlucky, can she?

I met Mrs. Nangong when I went shopping. When I returned to my home, I saw Nangong Luo at the door!

Yu'er's biological father!

When Ye Weiwei saw Nangong Luo's figure wandering at his door, he almost breathed out.

Ye Youwei didn't dare to open the car door, but the children were anxious, "Mommy, open the door, Mummy, open the door."

Ye Qingfeng followed the example of an adult and almost turned the door switch. Ye Weiwei quickly grabbed his hand back and said, "Don't move."

If we go down now, doesn't it mean that we are bringing Xiao Yu'er's body to Nangong Luo so that he can take a closer look?

 But Ye Qingfeng was also sharp-eyed. He pointed at the door and said, "Godfather, Mommy, I saw Godfather."

“I know, I know, please be quiet, baby.”

The night breeze could not calm down. Only Ye Zhiruo and Xiao Yuer sat there quietly, looking at people through the car window.

Ye Zhiruo communicated with Xiao Yu'er in a very quiet voice, "Look at Yu'er, that's the godfather."

Xiao Yuer nodded, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Ye Weiwei didn't want to get out of the car, she wanted to turn around and leave.

Unfortunately, Nangong Luo had already discovered their vehicle and was walking towards them.

Ye Weiwei quickly gave Leng Yanxi a few words, opened the car door and got out of the car, and locked the three children in the car.

“Brother Nangong, I sent you a message yesterday saying that you don’t want to come. Why are you here now?”

"I know it's not convenient to take the two children out today, but I promised to give Xiao Qingfeng and Zhiruo a swing before, so isn't this asking someone to send materials? Don't worry, I have already told the boss about this in advance. It has been reported and approved by the boss!”

 “I’m relieved, of course I’m relieved.”

  Except for not letting Nangong Luo see Xiao Yu'er, she would be at ease with anything else.

“In this case, I’ll trouble Brother Nangong.”

  “No trouble, don’t you just get paid and someone will do the work.”

Looking at the people moving in and out, Nangong Luo only needs to pay and then stand aside and wait for the results.

Nangong Luo saw Ye Weiyi coming back, and naturally asked about the child, "Where are Xiao Qingfeng and Xiao Zhiruo? Are they still in the car?"

"here I am."

"I gonna go see."

Nangong Luo was going that way, but Ye Weiwei quickly stopped him.

“Ah, no need, I will take them out later.”

“Let’s go out and take a look first. I haven’t seen them for a week.”

Nangong Luo didn't know her real purpose, he just wanted to see the two children.

Seeing Nangong Luo reaching out to open the car door, Ye Weiwei suddenly said, "Brother Nangong, Liuli is back."

Nangong Luo's raised hand froze in mid-air, showing an unquestionable expression, and even his tone was trembling, "What did you say?"

Ye Weiwei told him word for word, "Liu Li, I returned home yesterday."

Nangong Luo's expression changed.

"I have arranged everything about the swing and paid for it. Just let people keep an eye on you. I'm leaving first."


“Wait a minute!” Seeing Nangong Luo turn around, Ye Weiwei suddenly called him and asked: “Do you still like Liuli?”

Nangong Luo put his hands in his pockets and asked, "Isn't the answer to this question obvious?"

Ye Weiwei shook his head, "I don't know, I don't want to make random guesses."

Nangong Luo chuckled lightly and told her honestly, "I like her. I will like her for the rest of my life."

 Ye Weiwei turned his head and cast his gaze on the car window.

 (End of this chapter)

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