My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1194: Your room is full of Liuli’s photos

Chapter 1194 Your room is full of Liuli’s photos

“I took Yu’er to see your grandpa. She disliked the smell of medicine on his body. Children are childish, but your grandpa is still hurt.”

“She throws the bowl when she’s not happy when eating. She doesn’t hesitate to ask for something she likes when she sees it. She can’t remember what I taught her. Now she comes directly to my room to rummage through things.”

Originally, Mrs. Nangong loved her granddaughter very much and tolerated her making mistakes again and again, but this time Nangongyu broke the token of love between her and her husband, and she couldn't bear it anymore and exploded!

Let’s just explain Nangong Yu’s shortcomings once and for all.

"I usually spoil her enough, right? But the more this happens, the more willful she becomes. Zhong Yun always says that the child is still young, so I can't say much, but after what happened today, I thought a lot. Yu'er is I’m still young, but what if I continue like this and develop a unruly temper in the future?”

  It seemed like it was no big deal when I didn't talk about it, but this time I wanted to discuss Nangong Yu's education with my son, only to find that their previous love for Nangong Yu was a bit too much.

"I don't have to compare Yu'er with other children, but look at the two children of the Ye family. Although Feng'er is naughty, he is very sensible. What's more, Yu'er is quiet and well-behaved. Who in the circle is not? Do you like the Yejia twins?”

 After listening to the words for a long time, Nangong Luo nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, you are right."

The more Mrs. Nangong talked, the more headache she felt, and her tone was very helpless, "I have arranged for five people to take care of Yu'er, but everyone said that she is difficult to take care of."

“How about asking Zhong Yun to take Yu’er out to live?”

"Thank you for thinking it through! You and Zhong Yun have been separated since Yu'er was born. You have hidden it well from the outside, but I have really seen it. I asked Zhong Yun to come home in the name of taking care of Yu'er. , If the mother and daughter move out, you might not see them for ten days and a half. "

“Mom, since you know it, I don’t need to make excuses. I don’t like Zhong Yun, and this is the best state now.”

“Do you think that having a daughter like Yu’er means everything will be safe? They say that you have grown up with a child, but now it seems that this child is too naughty!”

Nangong Luo didn't refute at all, and nodded in agreement, "I will let Zhong Yun educate the children well."

The more Mrs. Nangong heard this, the more she felt something was wrong. In turn, she asked Nangong Luo, "You will let Zhong Yun educate the child? That is also your child. Why don't you educate it yourself?"

Nangong Luo's answer now was honest, "I'm not familiar with that child, and I don't know how to educate her."

“You are not familiar with Yu’er, but I think you play very well with the Ye family brothers and sisters.”

 “Isn’t that a feeling of comparison...”

"You are such an adult, listen to what you are saying? Do you really plan to separate from Zhong Yun and live like a stranger with your daughter for the rest of your life?" Since the birth of the child, Nangong Luo has followed Zhong Yun's "emotion" became increasingly cold. At first, she refused to go home, and then she moved out directly.

For the sake of the reputation of the Nangong family, Mrs. Nangong asked Zhong Yun and her daughter to move into the Nangong family's villa in the name of taking care of their granddaughter. The "husband and wife" have been living apart for three years now.

However, Nangong Luo answered her without hesitation, "It's not impossible."

"You are really going to **** me off! Are you still thinking about Liuli?"

 “Mom, where did you go?”

"Don't bluff me. How can I not know that you are my son? Last time I went to look for you in the apartment where you lived, and I saw a photo album in your room, which was full of Liuli's photos."

 (End of this chapter)

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