My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1248: confess the truth

Chapter 1248 Confess the truth

The truth that had been hidden for four years was finally revealed, and Nangong Luo was completely relieved.

Seeing Gong Qianli's frowning expression in disbelief, Nangong Luo felt relieved.


This time he went to great lengths to make his feelings towards Gong Qianli clear, that is, he was determined to have her in this life!

But Gong Qianli’s mood at the moment was a mess.

She pulled Nangong Luo's sleeves and dragged him to the cubicle, asking: ""Fang Yu died four years ago. How is it possible? "

Fang Yu died, and Zhong Yun still left a child for him? This is too incredible.

Nangong Luo explained calmly, "When Fang Yu died in that robbery, the fatal shot was blocked for me. At that time, Zhong Yun, who was pregnant, begged me to act with her in order to protect the child. play."

"What drama?"

“She said she wanted me to have a fake marriage with her.”


"The Zhong family didn't agree with her affair with Fang Yu. When they found out she was pregnant, they forcibly took her to the hospital, where she was almost aborted. Fortunately, I got there in time and saved her."

Gong Qianli still vividly remembered the incident four years ago. After the turmoil in her heart, she gradually regained her composure, but she couldn't help but feel sour in her heart, "Then you are really a good person."

Nangong Luo lowered his eyes and responded to her words, "I am not a good person. If it weren't for you..."

 “Me? What does this have to do with me?”

Nangong Luo shook his head, "I was so guilty at the time that I couldn't help begging her to make a ten-month appointment with her."

 What he said was half true and half false, and he concealed part of the truth.

 In fact, the main reason at that time was not because of guilt, but because he felt discouraged when he saw the relationship between Gong Qianli and Gu Chengxi growing day by day.

He deliberately found something to numb himself, but he didn't expect that it would eventually turn into the current situation.

 “What about after the October appointment?”

“The October Agreement should have ended after Zhong Yun gave birth safely, but at that time Zhong Yun changed her mind again.”

Zhong Yun was weak when she first gave birth to the child. The Nangong family was very excited because of Nangong Yu's birth. Not only was Mrs. Nangong's face full of glory in those days, but the old man's health seemed to be much better.

Nangong Luo waited for nearly a month and waited until Zhong Yun had almost recovered before mentioning the truth to her.

 It was just that Zhong Yun was no longer willing at that time.

Zhong Yun pretended to be pitiful and used her children to involve the Nangong family.

Of course Nangong Luo was not coaxed by her just like that.

 At that time, he went abroad to look for Gong Qianli, but the result was not satisfactory.

He met Gong Qianli at the place where Gong Qianli had lived for a long time, but at that time, she also had Gu Chengxi with her.

That day, he fled back to China in embarrassment, and continued to maintain a cooperative relationship with Zhong Yun in a daze.

 He regretted it too much.

Gong Qianli slowly digested the news, well... she felt a little indigestion.

 “I’m a little confused.”

“It doesn’t matter, you don’t have to worry about these things, I will take care of them.”

“So what you want now is to tell Zhong Yun and pursue me?”

"Don't make me want to be disrespectful, I have done my best to Zhong Yun. She and her daughter live a worry-free life, and the Zhong family has prospered and reaped a lot of benefits through this relationship."

 “I’m a bit smart, I’ll go see Yu’er.”

Gong Qianli stretched out her hand to interrupt him, turned her eyes away to avoid his gaze, and deliberately hid beside her daughter's bed and acted like a turtle.

 (End of this chapter)

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