My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1250: Put her in a room and don't allow her to eat

Chapter 1250 Put her in a room and don’t allow her to eat

“Uncle said he wants to be Yu’er’s daddy.”

 “Ahem, cough…” Gong Qianli really didn’t expect Nangong Luo to directly express his position in front of Xiao Yu’er?

"Why are you so surprised? Yu'er is just telling the truth."

Nangong Luo took the opportunity to agree and gave Xiao Yuer a look of thanks.

Xiao Yuer interacted with him with expressions. Although they were so many years apart, they seemed to be able to communicate easily, or they had a spiritual connection.

Gong Qianli sighed silently in her heart: The blood relationship is really wonderful.

 There were people who were courteous to her in the past, and even deliberately tried to please Xiao Yu'er in order to pursue her.

 Xiao Yu'er's mental age is hardly like three years old! She is polite to everyone, but she has never deliberately set herself up with anyone else.

This time it seems that he is very satisfied with Nangong Luo, and he even deliberately spoke for him just now...

Gong Qianli, who knew this, deliberately provoked him, "Tell the truth? Did you teach my daughter bad things on purpose?"

"How can you say it's bad teaching? I'm very kind to Xiao Yu'er, right?" The first half of the sentence was addressed to Gong Qianli, and the last two words were deliberately asked by him to Xiao Yu'er.

Xiao Yuer nodded, with a smile in her eyes, as if there were countless twinkling stars hidden in her eyes.

Xiao Yu'er was recuperating at home for two days, and Gong Qianli's phone was almost buzzing with calls.

On one hand, the parents of the Gong family miss their granddaughter, on the other hand, the brothers and sisters of the Ye family want to play with Xiao Yu'er, and on the other hand, Mr. Nangong is bedridden.

Mr. Nangong was used to waiting for his granddaughter to come here every day to tell him stories or share interesting things he encountered during the day, but after not seeing anyone for several days, the old man, whose memory was confused, was very worried.

When Mrs. Nangong came to visit him, he even kept asking, "Why haven't I seen Liuli and Yu'er in the past few days?"

Mrs. Nangong naturally did not dare to tell the truth, so she could only comfort him with lies, "Liuli and Luo'er are too busy and have no time to bring Xiao Yu'er over."

 The old man wishes the children well. Hearing that they are busy with work, he is too embarrassed to disturb them.

 Mrs. Nangong returned home and was deeply worried.


 A loud noise at home startled Mrs. Nangong to wake up instantly.

She looked left and right, and suddenly heard the servant's voice, "Little miss, put your things down quickly. That is the gift that the young lady found specially for you."

"Huh! You can't control it!" Nangong Yu didn't listen to the servant's advice and stopped him, and threw the hourglass ornament in his hand to the ground without hesitation.

Mrs. Nangong ran up to her with a puzzled look on her face, "What's going on?"

When the servant saw her, it was as if he had seen a savior!

“Madam, the young lady promised to take the young lady out to play, but she broke the agreement because of something unexpected. The young lady was so angry that she smashed the gift that the young lady had given her..." She smashed it out of anger.

Nangong Yu likes to do things when she's angry, and she won't give face to anyone who gives her gifts, so what she did just now was to vent her anger to her mother.

After hearing the whole story, Mrs. Nangong shook her head repeatedly, "You did evil, you did evil."

 She sighed deeply and no longer knew what to do to teach Nangong Yu well.

 “Lock the little lady to her room and don’t allow her to eat tonight!”

As soon as Nangong Yu heard this, he turned around and ran away.

Mrs. Nangong winked at the servants, and the servants quickly caught up and brought Nangong Yu back.

Nangong Yu kept struggling and yelling, "Grandma, I want to eat!"

Mrs. Nangong made up her mind, "Lock her inside, and she won't be allowed to open the door no matter what she throws at her!"

 A servant standing behind quickly contacted Zhong Yun.

 (End of this chapter)

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