My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1401: Ye Weiwei and Paner get along for the first time

Chapter 1401 Ye Weiwei and Paner get along for the first time

Li Pan'er stared straight at Ye Weiwei. He felt very comfortable at the first sight of her, and seemed to have a special sense of closeness.

"who are you?"

“My name is Ye Weiwei, who are you?”

Li Paner was surprised and smiled knowingly when she heard her name.

 When she smiles, her eyes are curved and very beautiful.

“Oh, are you Sister Ye’s mother?”

 “Yes, you are very smart.”

 Hearing such straightforward praise, Li Pan'er felt a little shy.

She also introduced herself to Ye Weiwei, "Hello, aunt, my name is Li Pan'er."

This is the first time that Ye Weiwei and Li Paner met, and it was a very comfortable atmosphere.

 Ye Weiwei is a little different from ordinary parents. The way she usually communicates with her children is not like an adult giving instructions to the child, but more like a friend.

Li Pan'er was used to being beaten and scolded by the Li family and his wife, so she was already obedient. Now she was very shy when she saw Ye Weiwei.

 She is used to being obedient and is not very cheerful in finding topics.

 On the contrary, Ye Weiwei was particularly fond of her and very patient.

“I saw you once the day you first came here, but unfortunately I couldn’t talk to you.”

 “I’m sorry, I fell asleep last time.”

“It’s okay, taking good care of your health is more important. I was on a business trip a few days ago, so I came to see you now, don’t be offended.”

"Auntie Ye, you have helped me a lot. It's not too late for me to thank you."

“I have learned something about your health from the doctor. The doctor said that you have recovered well recently.”

 “Then when will my illness get better?”

 “It takes time to take care of your body, so don’t be too anxious.”

"I...I've been here for a long time. I don't know if my parents are looking for me."

"Your parents..." Ye Weiwei thought of the things he heard from Dr. Ying before.

The behavior of the Li family and his wife is not worth worrying about at all.

 But after all, Li Pan'er is blood relatives with them.

 Ye Zixi asked tentatively: "Do you want to go home?"

Li Paner pursed her lips and lowered her head speechlessly.

 She didn’t want to go back, but she had to go back.

She knows her parents' personalities better than anyone else. As long as she returns home, endless beatings and scoldings await her.

 In the past few days in the city, she found that these people were very nice, and even strangers would help her.

 So she doesn’t understand why her closest parents treat her like that? Just because she is a useless daughter?

 The life these days is in sharp contrast to the life of the previous ten years.

 She likes her current comfortable life.

 But she is not someone who forgets her roots. She is not afraid of poverty. If her parents treat her as well as other ordinary parents, she will definitely be reluctant to leave home.

 But in fact, that place was not home for her, but another kind of hell.

"Well, whether you want to go home or not is a matter for later. Auntie won't ask you anymore. The most important thing now is to take good care of your health, you know?"


 “By the way, what do you usually do when you are in the hospital?”

 “Sister Ye, give me your mobile phone to play with.”

 “Are you feeling bored?”

“It’s not boring, I found out that you can read in the video!” This is what she discovered after learning about the search function.

 She studies knowledge on her mobile phone and enjoys it.

“So you like reading.” Ye Weiwei remembered that Li Paner was 14 years old but was still in primary school.

 “Well, I’ve learned a lot recently and I feel good.”

 Ye Yiwei secretly wrote it down.

 (End of this chapter)

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