My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1406: Ye Xichen meets Pan'er

Chapter 1406 Ye Xichen meets Pan’er

Li Pan'er didn't answer for a while. She held Ye Zhiruo's hand, feeling very nervous.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw a man sitting in the living room, holding a newspaper in his hand and reading.

From here, you can only see the man's profile. Although he is sitting, you can still imagine that he is tall and powerful.

She didn’t know who it was and was too embarrassed to ask, so she could only follow Ye Zhiruo.

 The housekeeper followed him to lead the way, and Ye Zhiruo asked casually: "Where is my mommy?"

“My lady is in the room upstairs checking for anything missing.”


If Ye Zhi wanted to bring Li Pan'er into the room, he would have to pass by Ye Xichen. It was impossible to ignore him directly.

Ye Zhiruo took Li Paner and walked in the direction of Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen read the newspaper seriously, as if he was indifferent to everything.

Ye Zhiruo used his brains to think of a solution: If Ye Xichen had this kind of attitude towards Li Pan'er, Li Pan'er would definitely feel a lot of pressure.

 “Daddy, I brought Pan’er.”

She deliberately held Ye Xichen's arm and shook it, just like a little daughter holding her father's arm to introduce her good friend to him.

Ye Xichen, who doted on his daughter, was naturally reluctant to touch her face, so he put down the newspaper and raised his eyes to look at Li Pan'er.

 At this time, Li Pan'er felt nervous, shy and uncomfortable with the unfamiliar environment, so she lowered her head.

Ye Xichen didn't see her face clearly, but he noticed her biting her lip.

 The people from the Ye family have already prepared a room for her, as well as the things she needs in daily life.

 Ye Zhiruo sighed deeply.

 The adult is serious and the child is shy. What these two do is really embarrassing for her!

It was difficult for Ye Xichen to take the initiative to speak, so Ye Zhiruo had no choice but to start with Li Paner.

 She introduced her father to Li Pan'er, "Pan'er, this is my daddy. You can call him Uncle Ye."

Although Li Paner is shy, she is not ungrateful.

 She knew how to say hello after hearing the introduction, "Ye, Uncle Ye, hello."

 She stutters when she's nervous. This is a habit she can't change even if she wants to.

It was precisely this habit that made Ye Xichen pay more attention to her.

 He whispered the name that had been lingering in his ears several times, "Li Pan'er."


Li Paner responded reflexively.

She raised her head at this moment, and Ye Xichen could see her face clearly.

Due to long-term lack of nutrition, her appearance is not healthy enough, and her skin is not very good, but her clear eyes are particularly bright and attractive.

These eyes were like the person in his memory.

Ye Xichen doesn't like people who look pitiful, and he won't be impressed at all by those so-called pitiful people.

 But Li Pan'er's appearance reminded him of the past again and again.

 Her little movements and habit of stuttering when nervous are the same as Ye Yiyi.

And those pure eyes are more similar to Ye Yiyi than Ye Zhiruo!

With such a fate, it is no wonder that Ye Weiwei and Ye Zhiruo have a good impression of this girl.

“Your mommy is still waiting for you upstairs, take her up.”

 “Yes Daddy.”

Ye Zhiruo chuckled twice and pulled Li Paner upstairs.

Ye Zhiruo quietly said to her: "Pan'er, my dad doesn't like to smile. Don't be afraid of him. He is still very good."

The first half of the sentence is true, but the last half is worth pondering.

Ye Xichen's standard for treating others is polarized. Whether she is good or bad depends on herself.

 (End of this chapter)

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