My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1414: teach you how to play the piano

Chapter 1414: Teach you how to play the piano

She felt warm in her heart as she imagined the black and white keys dancing on her fingertips, making a sweet sound.

 The piano room is inside the villa, and you only need to enter a simple password to enter.

 Ye Zhiruo once told her the password, and based on her memory, she remembered it very clearly.

Li Paner reached out and pressed the digital code on the door lock, and the door opened as expected.

She has seen others playing the piano on TV, but she has never experienced it herself.

 Sit on the chair and put her feet up.

A finger fell on the white piano key, making a crisp sound.

 She seemed to find pleasure in pressing the piano keys, and the tone of the piano kept going up.

 Doremi is trembling...

 The little face is filled with a smile, a smile from the heart, very real.

Ye Qingfeng, who didn't know when he appeared, stood behind her and watched quietly.

Li Pan'er found the tone of the keyboard, but she couldn't understand the staff on the map.

 When I was in the countryside, the only luxurious musical instrument in school was the electronic keyboard, and the music scores at that time were also simplified numbers.

  She plays according to the key's vocals, and the string together is not bad?

 “The fingers are naturally bent and the back of the hand is arched.”

 Seeing her irregular gestures, Ye Qingfeng couldn't help but ask for advice.

Li Paner suddenly looked back, made a twitching sound, and was startled.

Her naturally cute reaction made Ye Qingfeng couldn't help but laugh, "Some people say that when you stay deep, you will become cute. It's true."

 “Ye, Brother Ye.”

 “Why are you here all of a sudden?”

Ye Qingfeng just asked casually. When Li Paner heard this, the alarm bell rang in his heart. He quickly moved his stool and stood up, and kept apologizing, "Yes, I'm sorry, I, I, I just saw it when I walked here. , see, feel..."


 Hearing Li Pan'er's intermittent words, you can tell how nervous she is at the moment.

Ye Qingfeng stretched out his hand and made a pause gesture, "I know what you mean, no need to explain.'

Li Pan'er nodded and kept apologizing, "Yes, I'm sorry."

Ye Qingfeng breathed out lightly, "You don't need to apologize to me. What Ruoruo said to you means that our whole family agrees. Since she told you the room password, it means you can come here at any time, so you are right."

 “Thank you, thank you.”

Although hearing Ye Qingfeng say this made her relax a little, she was still extremely nervous!

Li Pan'er is standing here, neither sitting nor walking.

Ye Qingfeng is the best at understanding people's thoughts, and Li Pan'er writes all his emotions on his face and doesn't know how to hide them at all.

 Ye Qingfeng asked her to sit down.

Li Pan'er didn't dare.

Ye Qingfeng took action directly, grabbing Li Paner's shoulders with her long and powerful arms and moving her to the piano, "Sit down."

 After this voice command came down, Li Pan'er sat upright like a punished student.

 Perhaps this naturally silly reaction amused Ye Qingfeng. He chuckled twice, and the surrounding atmosphere relaxed.

Li Pan'er's current expression is probably: QAQ.

 Innocent face.


  Clearing his throat, Ye Qingfeng began to pretend to be deep.

"When playing the piano, you generally sit on the front half of the piano bench. Keep your body at a comfortable distance from the keys, not too far or too close. Put your hands on the keys, and let your arms and shoulders droop naturally. Your forearms and The wrists are parallel to the keyboard. When playing, the body can be tilted forward slightly to keep the body's center of gravity forward, so that you can be in an active playing state.


Li Pan'er moved a few times, but it always felt weird.

 Ye Qingfeng bent down and grabbed her hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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