My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1416: After all, I have to go back to the countryside.

Chapter 1416: After all, we have to return to the countryside

 The phone vibrated in the bag.

 Ye Weiwei is currently in the company receiving guests who have just come from abroad to discuss cooperation.

The Li family's couple's phone calls were not answered, and they were heartbroken.

“That Ying Zhicheng must have deceived us!”

“Call him now to find out.”

“But our inter-provincial calls are very expensive.”

“Then what do you think we should do? We are all here. Regardless of whether we can find Hope or not, we must find a way to recover these losses when the time comes.”

"you're right."

  The selfish couple only remembers the pursuit of welfare.

 But when they called Dr. Ying on his cell phone, Dr. Ying took one look and simply hung up.

 “Don’t give up yet.”

 Doctor Ying's wife asked in confusion: "What? Whose phone number is it?"

“It’s from the Li family. I’m too lazy to talk nonsense to them.”

 “You did the right thing.”

 The people of the Ying family really have no good impressions of the Li family and his wife.

As soon as he learned that the two people went to the city together yesterday, he did not intend to reveal any information related to Li Pan'er to the Li family and his wife. Anyway, Li Pan'er often contacted him, and he knew that Li Pan'er was living a good life now.

Doctor Ying thought about it and then mentioned, "Yesterday when Pan'er called me, she said that Mrs. Ye gave her a gift. I could hear how happy she was just from the phone call. It seems that the Ye family really cares about her. Not bad.”

“Pan’er, this child, was born well-behaved and was originally a lovable child. It was just bad luck that he ended up with his heartless parents.”

"Yes, that child always asks me about her family situation every time she calls me. I hide it from her, saying that the Li family doesn't care about her life or death, but she still cares about her. How filial."

"According to what you said, Pan'er didn't know that the Li family was looking for her. If they were found, wouldn't Pan'er have to come back and suffer again?"

"Well, let's take it one step at a time. The Ye family is kind enough to take Pan'er in. Once the time comes, Pan'er will come back."

 The life when she lived in Yejia was so wonderful, but she always had to return to this backward mountain village.

 This is a person’s life.

 They felt sorry for Li Pan'er, but they did not have enough ability to reverse Li Pan'er's fate.

 But for Li Pan'er, having this adventure in life can be regarded as a good time worth remembering for a lifetime.


 Li Pan'er, who is currently living in comfort, doesn't know that her good life is about to end.

Ye Qingfeng taught her how to play the piano, and she discovered that she was full of love for this instrument.

 She originally liked listening to music and singing, but she didn’t have that much leisure time at home. Everything she does now has stimulated her potential little by little.

Even someone as arrogant as Ye Qingfeng couldn’t help but applaud, and finally gave a thumbs up and made a sign of 666.

 “What a master.”

 The memory speed is beyond ordinary people, and he can even perceive music so well.

Although she was not familiar with the movements when playing the music, she learned two pieces with shorter melodies in just a short time.

 “Tsk, talents can be cultivated.”

Ye Qingfeng thought that this kind of talent should not be buried.

Since Li Paner’s life is so miserable because her family is poor, they can provide financial support.

 According to how much Ye Weiwei and Ye Zhiruo like Li Paner, they must readily agree.

 Ye Qingfeng touched his chin and nodded again.


How could he have such an idea?

 (End of this chapter)

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