My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1427: Got sick and went to the hospital

Chapter 1427: Got sick and went to the hospital

“Dad, I am your daughter, why are you forcing me like this?”

 “Mom, this is not how other mothers treat their children!”

 She finally said the two words she had been holding in her heart for a long time! At this moment, my eyes were full of tears.

  When she was in the countryside before, she couldn't understand why other children were loved by their parents and elders, but she was the only one who was beaten and scolded?

She thought for a long time before she came up with a reason: because their family was the poorest, and other children's families seemed to have a better life than theirs.

She didn’t know if her understanding was right, but she could only find this reason to comfort herself.

Later, she heard some things told to her by her brother Du Heng next door. Sometimes she would watch TV at the neighbor's house. When she saw the parents in the TV series doting on their children, she was really envious.

  She has a pair of parents but is worse off than those children without parents.

 Finally, when she grew up and left the countryside to see the city, she met people from the Ye family.

 She also understood a lot of things during her time at Yejia.

 It turns out that parents in the world treat their children in countless ways, but the only thing that remains unchanged is that they love their children very much.

 She is probably one of the 10,000 unfortunate people in the world.

Everyone in the Ye family told her to be strong. Only when she was strong would she not be bullied. But maybe she was used to being oppressed in a weak environment for a long time and didn't know what resistance was?

Today I finally asked my doubts.

"I'm your biological daughter, right? Why have you never given me any love from my parents? I don't ask for much, really. I'll accept it even if you beat or scold me. As long as you sincerely treat me a little bit, I will do it." I’m very happy, but why are you so selfish and stingy that you don’t even want to show me any compassion?”

 Unprecedented, Li Paner asked loudly.

Her quarrel really frightened both the Li family and his wife.

 Father Li and Mother Li were beating drums in their hearts.

Li Pan'er waited and waited, but still didn't get their answer.

Li Paner bit her lip, turned around, opened the door and ran out.

Ye Zhiruo, who was still waiting for her outside, only saw a figure running past quickly. She stretched out her hand and couldn't catch either figure.

 “Pan’er!” Ye Zhiruo shouted.

 “What’s going on?”

Ye Qingfeng handed everything in his hand to Ye Zhiruo and quickly said, "Take it and wait for me."

He immediately chased her out, but luckily he was fast enough and caught Li Paner's hand as he was crossing the road.

Li Paner turned around inadvertently, and Ye Qingfeng saw clearly the tears on her face.

 Suddenly I felt a sting in my heart, and even my breathing became heavy.

Li Pan'er's teeth were trembling.

 Before she could say anything, her body suddenly sank.

When Ye Qingfeng noticed something was wrong with her situation, Li Paner could no longer stand up.

She only knew that she pressed her palm against her heart and cried out, "It hurts, it hurts so much."

  Ye Yiwei and Ye Zhiruo, who were chasing after them, were so frightened that their hearts beat faster when they saw this scene.

 I couldn’t wait to send Li Paner to the hospital, and this time he went directly to the emergency room.

"How did that happen."

“Her disease has not been cured, and her mood swings will also be affected.”

 “I just saw her crying.”

Ye Zhiruo was confused and angry, "What did the two Li family members say to Pan'er inside?"

Ye Qingfeng suddenly took out an earphone and said, "Listen."

 (End of this chapter)

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