My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1431: The birthmark on Paner’s waist

Chapter 1431 The birthmark on Pan’er’s waist

“The weather is getting colder and colder. I wonder how it is over there in Pan’er.”

  “I don’t know the weather when I switch addresses on my mobile phone.”

 “Yes, I think your brain is short-circuited.”

“It’s really rare that your longing for an outsider has lasted for a month. If you and Pan’er weren’t both girls, I would have doubted what was wrong with you.”

“Hey, are you talking about me? Mommy is not the same. Last night she asked me to help her choose what kind of coat, scarf and gloves to buy and send them to Pan’er.”


 “Mommy, you have nothing to do.”

"What about you, brother? I went to the study room yesterday and found a few books on your desk. Don't tell me that you bought them when you had nothing to do." The reason why Ye Zhiruo said this was because she knew those books. Pan'er likes the content and style of this book.

Ye Xichen may occasionally read, but he will never buy so many books of the same kind that he doesn’t like at once to display them.

Ye Xichen, who was mercilessly undermined by her sister: "..."

He pretended to be serious, but he was still exposed.

 Ye Zhiruo was right, that was the book he planned to give to Li Pan'er.

Don’t ask him why he did this, he thought it was because he had nothing to do and was full!

But he was not to be outdone, so he was teased by his sister. He still held a card in his hand, "Tsk, what does this mean? What did you do?"

 “Daddy? What’s wrong with daddy?”

“Daddy asked someone to buy an international limited edition learning machine, which is light and easy to carry.”

 “666, it’s dad’s nature.” It’s the nature of rich people to like to buy the most expensive things. Anyway, you are not afraid of spending money!

“Then you know, the materials Daddy asked people to compile are all courses for primary and secondary school students, and they are definitely not for us.”

 The two of them do not need a learning machine, nor do they need integrated teaching of primary and secondary school curriculum.

 Although you can search on Baidu for anything you want to learn now, the content is scattered. Ye Xichen specially asked people to summarize the learning content of primary and secondary schools into files in the form of courses and then input them into the system. Such a project requires meticulous attention to detail, which shows how careful it is.

 Ye Zhiruo was amazed when he heard this, "No way?"

You must know that Li Paner only lived in Yejia for a few days, and Ye Xichen had almost no communication with her.

Ye Xichen!

Everyone knows what kind of character their dad is. Shouldn’t a stranger like Li Paner, who appeared briefly, stay in his memory? Is it still worth his effort?

"I can't believe it either, but it's true. I heard him tell people when he was giving instructions to mail the things to Pan'er."


“But the fact has happened, I think it’s probably because of what daddy said before.

 “What words?”

“Daddy once said that Pan’er is very similar to the original mommy.”

It was probably this that made Ye Xichen feel compassionate.

 The brother and sister had been discussing Li Pan'er's words for a long time when the car had already entered the school gate.

 In addition to learning knowledge in class when they arrive at school, they also have to deal with some matters of the student union.

 During the break, Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng went to the student union office, where there were already people looking at computers.

 “You’re here just in time, come and help me choose some photos.”

 “What photo?”

"The teacher asked us to make another record of the last school anniversary event. This one is the video and photos from that time. We have to select a few from them."

 “Look at that elementary school student.”

 (End of this chapter)

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