My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1464: This bed... is so hard

Chapter 1464 This so hard

Mo Xiangnuan went to two houses to get the necklace back, but word soon spread throughout the village.

  She actually doesn’t miss this place where she has lived for more than ten years, because her memories of the past ten years are almost all immersed in pain.

But here are his deceased grandma, his friendly neighbor Du Heng, and Dr. Ying who helped him.

 Once she leaves here, she probably won’t come back often.

 So Mo Xiangnuan hoped to wait two more days and go to school on Monday to say goodbye to her classmates. She would also take advantage of this time to say goodbye to the people in the village who had helped her before.

 The most important thing is that Doctor Ying and his family have been very helpful to them.

When Mo Xiangnuan went to Dr. Ying’s house to express his gratitude, Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei both went there in person.

 Doctor Ying was stunned for a while when he saw this fuss, and only after explanation did he understand the complicated relationship.

 “God is really wise.”

 After going round and round, he unexpectedly met Mo Xiangnuan's biological parents. At this point, he felt lucky for Mo Xiangnuan.

"Although I don't know the specific reason for this matter, since you all said that she is your Ye family's biological daughter, I hope you can treat her well in the future."

"This is for sure."

"This child has never had a good life since he was a child. You should also know the virtues of the couple named Li, but Pan'er is really a very well-behaved and filial child. I just hope that she will not have to suffer anymore in the future. It’s been a long time.”

“Doctor, we understand what you mean, and we are grateful to you.”

Ye Weiwei patiently listened to Dr. Ying's words, took out a business card from his bag and handed it to Dr. Ying, "This is my business card. I wrote another number on it. You contact a person named Gu Chengxi, I think He can help you."

 “How can this be so embarrassing…”

"Doctor Ying, you don't have to refuse. I can see how good you are to Nuan Nuan. Maybe you can't fully realize how important Nuan Nuan is to our husband and wife. You just need to remember that you have done a good thing. This is what you deserve."

Ye Xichen recommended Dr. Ying to Gu Chengxi. In the eyes of others, this may only be a matter of one or two sentences, but for businessmen, a promise represents a favor.

But for the couple, as long as Nuannuan comes back to them, no matter what the price is, it will be worth it!


 Zhou’s mother was a big talker, and the next day everyone in the village knew that “Li Pan’er” had found her rich biological parents.

Many people who wanted to watch the excitement gathered at Li's house, but Li Pan'er was not at Li's house at all!

 That night, the whole family stayed at Doctor Ying's house.

 Doctor Ying's house is not big, with a total of three bedrooms, and he only had one night last night.

 When they got up in the morning, Ye Zhiruo and Ye Xichen felt pain all over their bodies.

 “Brother, the bed board is so hard, it hurts my back.”

This is what Ye Zhiruo whispered to Ye Qingfeng quietly. Of course she would not say it in front of others, but Mo Xiangnuan happened to listen to it.

Mo Xiangnuan just thought that the room in Yejia was spacious and bright, with soft blankets on the floor, not to mention a soft big bed.

 They had to stay here to wait for themselves, and they were wronged.

Mo Xiangnuan felt very embarrassed. She took the initiative to go to Ye Weiyi and said, "Auntie Ye, yes, or we can leave today."

 If she waited until tomorrow, Monday, the Ye family would have to accompany her to suffer here. She was not that selfish.

 (End of this chapter)

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