My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1468: I hope to become a pair of childhood sweethearts

Chapter 1468 Hope to become a pair of childhood sweethearts

 “Good afternoon, brother Qingfeng.”

 “I haven’t seen you for a few days, and sister Yuer has become beautiful again.”

Nangong Yu opened his mouth to praise others, and Nangong Yu covered his lips and smiled. His elegant movements were truly a model for all ladies!

 Even though she is only thirteen years old.

However, Nangong Luo couldn't accept these words. He directly pulled his daughter behind him and hid her, and faced Ye Qingfeng, "Xiao Qingfeng, you can't flirt like this. If you flirt, you have to be responsible!"

Nangong Luo has watched her grow up, and he knows how reliable Ye Qingfeng is, so Nangong Luo maintains two attitudes in his heart: First, he thinks that his daughter is his own, and other brats should not even think about her! The second is that he knows that his daughter will one day find her favorite partner when she grows up. It would be good if she could develop a relationship with Ye Qingfeng.

To sum up, Nangong Luo is still very satisfied with Ye Qingfeng.

However, these two childhood sweethearts have not seen any other feelings until now, which is a bit intriguing.

 “Ahem, Xiao Qingfeng, where is your sister?”

“Nuan Nuan is with mommy. The two of them should be in the piano room now.”

 “Piano room? Do you play the piano?”

“Nuan Nuan is very interested in music because she inherited it from her mother. I guess the two of them are conducting in-depth research.”

“Forget it, let’s wait outside for a while.”

  "Okay, godfather and godmother, you can do whatever you want, I'll have someone get you juice."

Nangong Luo's family of three are familiar with each other when they come here. They don't need any special reception at all. As long as they have electricity, internet and mobile phones, they won't feel bored wherever they go.

 The housekeeper prepared juice for the two adults and gave Xiao Yu'er a glass of milk.

Ye Qingfeng suddenly mentioned something, "By the way, Yu'er, last time the school said it was going to hold an etiquette competition, are you willing to participate?"

“Yeah, I know this. I’ve already signed up for the class.”

Egg College is different from ordinary schools. It teaches knowledge to junior high school students in book-based teaching, but in addition to these, they also offer other courses, including interest classes and etiquette and culture.

 In the upper class, children’s etiquette is also key and needs to be started from an early age.

 The so-called etiquette competition is to hold activities so that everyone can learn the best things!

Even though Xiao Yuer is young, she is still considered a leader in the etiquette class at school, but she is not mature enough for her age.

Ye Qingfeng is the right-hand assistant of the student union teacher, and he will definitely participate in the etiquette competition.

Thinking that he happened to meet Nangong Yu today, he explained the event clearly, "Then come here and I will tell you in detail."


Nangong Yu took small steps and left behind Ye Qingfeng.

 After they left, Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli looked up at each other at the same time.

Nangong Luo clicked his tongue, "Although Xiao Yu'er and Xiao Qingfeng are childhood sweethearts, why do I feel that there is no spark of love?"

 “Go! Anyone who is thirteen or fourteen years old must have the spark of love.”

Having learned from Ye Xichen and Ye Weiyi's mistakes, Nangong Luo was anxious!

“What do you mean, the only one who kissed Brother Chen when they met?”

I think she had known Nangong Luo for a long time, but when she was twenty-four, she was not with Nangong Luo yet!

Gong Qianli kicked him rudely, "Don't mention it. The first ten years were not enough for you to see your own heart clearly!"

 (End of this chapter)

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