My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1496: she is unhappy

 Chapter 1496 She is unhappy

 “Come on, give it a try.”

Mo Xiangnuan covered his hands and shook his head repeatedly, "No, I won't participate."

 But the entertainment committee member was not going to let her go.

"You can't run away. Since you have already participated in the show, you must do your best. Compare yourself and use your actual abilities to make arrangements for the follow-up matters."

Mo Xiangnuan doesn't know how to refuse, so he can only bite the bullet.

 Her abilities are online and her performance is perfect.

 The Entertainment Committee finalized her decision to play an instrument, but Mo Xiangnuan's refusal was ignored.

But then she heard the conversation between the entertainment committee member and others and realized that as long as she could play, she would be promoted to the stage because of her identity...

Mo Xiangnuan sighed deeply.

  Not everyone wants to stand in the highest and most dazzling place to enjoy the envious eyes of others. She just wants to continue to maintain the stable life she has now.

 The weather gradually changed, but Mo Xiangnuan's hands were still red and swollen.

 The only thing I’m worried about is that it’s bad!

I remembered that when Mo Xiangnuan was brought home for the first time last winter, she had a lot of chilblains on her hands. At that time, she was specially wiped with ointment, but it didn't work in a short time.

 When winter is over, chilblains will disappear naturally and will grow back again this winter.

Mo Xiangnuan mentioned the class performance to Ye Ziwei, and she meant to quit.

Ye Weiwei did not agree immediately. She tried to comfort Mo Xiangnuan, "Nuan Nuan, don't worry. Mommy will find a way for you."

 Hong-term medication can be used to treat it, so Ye Weiwei began to study various ways to test Mo Xiangnuan.

Mo Xiangnuan's poor health before was mainly due to poor nutrition. Now his physical fitness is much better than before, and his own repair function has also been enhanced.

However, it still takes time to get rid of frostbite.

The frostbite on her hands grew uncontrollably, but she was still seen playing the piano.

Mo Xiangnuan deliberately concealed himself and stopped playing a piece of music before it was finished.

Someone in the class started gossiping again.

They are used to the excellence of Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, and they will take it for granted that Mo Xiangnuan should be as outstanding as them, otherwise they will be despised.

 Although this mentality is very abnormal, it does exist.

 This cannot be resolved in a short while.

Is this kind of thing a big deal or a small thing? But it happened to make Mo Xiangnuan very concerned.

 She was not happy in this so-called aristocratic college.

 She looked at the frostbite on her hands and saw that they were much better than in previous years.

On the day of the school anniversary, she specially applied thick primer on her hands to cover up the marks of frostbite. She could not feel the serious cheers and excitement of others. She only felt relieved that she had completed a difficult task.

Her brother and sister stood on the stage and received everyone's envious gazes, but after she left the stage, no one paid special attention to her.

Mo Xiangnuan asked the teacher for leave due to physical discomfort and went home early.

“Hey, isn’t it your school’s anniversary today? Why are you back so early?”

Ye Ziwei was a little curious when she saw Mo Xiangnuan coming home. She thought it was three children coming back together, but after a few glances, she only saw Mo Xiangnuan alone.

Mo Xiangnuan lowered his head and explained: "The school anniversary was not over when I left, and my brother and sister were not with me."

"Isn't it over yet? Then why are you back alone, baby?"

 “I, I feel a little uncomfortable...” Since I lied, I might as well just follow the lie to the end.

 (End of this chapter)

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