My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1552: Sisters who are very different

Chapter 1552: Sisters who are worlds apart

"Don't you know? Last time you said he came to see you, I thought you knew."

Recalling the only words Ye Wei said to her in his mind, Mo Xiangnuan realized that the last time Han Qi came to see her was to say goodbye...

Han Qi came to say goodbye to her, but she didn't know anything about it.

I heard something about Han Qi from Ye Weiwei. Although his academic performance was not good since he was a child, his son inherited his talent in music from his parents. He has performed well since he was a child and won many awards.

Mo Xiangnuan believed Han Qi's words, and the money for his treat was indeed earned by himself.

 Now hearing about Han Qi winning the award from Ye Weiwei has another meaning.

Han Qi is... really awesome.

But what about her? Draw a wall as a prison in your own area and don't want to go out. The so-called self-protection is just an excuse for fear and escape.

 But she was asked to go out and perform and show Mo Xiangnuan's ability in front of so many people...

 Forget it, she’d better learn it on her own.

 Through long-term hard work and study, Mo Xiangnuan's technique has naturally become more and more sophisticated, but the only thing that makes Ye dissatisfied is that there is always something missing in her music.

That emotion that cannot be described in words...


 “Dong dong dong.”

Ye Zhiruo pushed the door open and came in, holding a box in his hand.

She also went straight to the topic when she spoke, "Nuan Nuan, Daddy asked me to ask you, there is a party on Saturday night the day after tomorrow, do you want to go to it?"

Mo Xiangnuan glanced at the box in her hand, pursed his lips subconsciously, and shook his head.

"Alas." Ye Zhiruo sighed lightly, although this answer was within her expectations.

But she still brought the box in her hand, "These are your clothes. I'll put them here for you first."

 “I got it, sister.”

Ye Zhiruo walked over and touched Mo Xiangnuan's head.

  Although they are the same age, Ye Zhiruo always takes care of Mo Xiangnuan as if she is a sister who is several years younger than herself.

“I have a lot of things going on at home recently, so I may not have time to spend time with you. If you need anything, just let us know at any time.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s hard for my sister to accompany daddy and mommy to the banquet, right?”

“It’s okay, I’m used to it, and I’m training myself anyway. But we all know that Nuannuan you don’t like that kind of occasion, so it’s okay. Daddy prepared that set of clothes for us at the same time, so you can put them away first.”

“Okay, I’ll put it away in a moment, thank you sister.”

“You’re so good, I’ll leave first.”

This kind of thing has become a habit.

From the moment they returned home, they would ask Mo Xiangnuan if there was anything they could do with the family. Although Mo Xiangnuan had never agreed to go, they would not ignore her every time, even at night. If a dress is needed for the occasion, Ye Xichen will also customize the same style for Mo Xiangnuan to ensure that his love for the three children is balanced.

After Ye Zhiruo left the room, Mo Xiangnuan went to get the box.

 She opened the box and saw the exquisite and beautiful dress inside...

 Hands stayed on the surface of the clothes and stroked them gently. Mo Xiangnuan's heart was always tangled.

She didn't dare to face those people outside. They were both daughters of the Ye family, but there was a big difference between her and the proud Ye Zhiruo.

 She is not jealous, but envious.

 Very envious.

  【Wearing five pieces of clothing to go out on Chinese Valentine's Day in winter, I still caught a cold, felt uncomfortable, and cried.】

 (End of this chapter)

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