My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1562: You are embarrassing Yejia

Chapter 1562 You are embarrassing the Ye family

While Mo Xiangnuan was sorting books in the bookstore, a book was suddenly thrown in front of her.

She reached out to take it, but her other hand blocked it faster than she could.

“Is this the private matter you’re talking about? Working in a bookstore to make money?”

Mo Xiangnuan raised his head and looked at the visitor in surprise, "Meihui?"

Yu Meihui asked with an unhappy expression: "You are the daughter of the Ye family, why are you working so hard for others here?"

Mo Xiangnuan explained: "It's okay, I just have nothing to do on the weekend so I can help out, and I can make some extra money by the way."

She didn’t think much about doing this by herself. Can’t the lady from the Ye family make money on her own? What's the point?

Mo Xiangnuan’s explanation was not approved by Yu Meihui. Yu Meihui frowned, “Did the people from the Ye family treat you badly?”


“Then you can’t be short of money!”

 “I’m not short of money, I just want to make money myself.”

"Nuan Nuan, do you still remember what I told you? I used to work just as hard as you, but now we have both obtained our original identities. You should not do these things anymore, otherwise you will only be looked down upon by others. !”

 “Meihui, why do you think so?”

“Isn’t this a fact? Nuannuan, you don’t have to hide it in front of me. I told you that we are the same kind of people.”

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head, "No, it's really not what you think."

“Forget it, you look like you don’t know how to resist even if you are bullied, come with me.”

 “Where are we going? My work is not done yet, eh!”

Mo Xiangnuan was weak and was dragged out of the bookstore by Yu Meihui.

Mo Xiangnuan tried his best to break away, "Meihui, my work is not finished yet, you can't do this."

But Yu Meihui warned him firmly, "You shouldn't be like this, you are losing your worth!"

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head and denied, "I don't think so. I'm just exchanging my labor for the corresponding remuneration. There's no problem with that."

Yu Meihui sneered, "Do you think it's okay or are you just covering it up? I don't know what's the use of what you're saying, but it would be embarrassing if others saw the third lady of the Ye family working in this small bookstore!"

 “I don’t feel ashamed…”

“You don’t feel ashamed, but others will think you are ashamed! Your parents will definitely blame you, thinking that you have embarrassed them, and then your situation will be even more difficult, you know?”

"Meihui, my daddy and mommy wouldn't do this. You really think too much." Mo Xiangnuan tried to explain to Yu Meihui, but she didn't know that Yu Meihui said that she "had the same experience as her" In fact, I can't empathize with it.

The more Yu Meihui looked at Mo Xiangnuan's appearance, the more he felt that he was useless.

“Forget it, if you don’t believe it, just wait. When others reveal your story and identity, you will know whether what I said today is right or wrong!”

Yu Meihui angrily shook off Mo Xiangnuan's hand and walked away, leaving Mo Xiangnuan standing alone.

 “Meihui! Listen to my explanation.”

Mo Xiangnuan wanted to catch up, but before she could run far, she felt short of breath and had to stop.

Yu Meihui quickly disappeared.

Mo Xiangnuan didn't answer her phone calls, so he had to send a few messages to explain. I don’t know if Yu Meihui saw it, but she didn’t get a reply.

 The work in the bookstore was not finished yet, so Mo Xiangnuan had no choice but to go back.

 “Can’t you work part-time by yourself?”

 (End of this chapter)

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