My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1579: Good, so gentle...

Chapter 1579 Good, so gentle...

 “The gift is very nice!”

Bei Jiyue patted her chest, pointed her finger back at herself, and showed an extremely bright smile to Ye Qingfeng.

“Yue’er is a gift to Brother Feng, isn’t it great?”

 Ye Qingfeng smiled but said nothing.

Bei Jiyue pouted and twisted his hand to make him reply, "Tell me, is this gift good?"

"Ah, very good."

"Hee hee hee."

Bei Jiyue took the veil from his hand and ran to wash her face with ease.

By the time Ye Qingfeng took Bei Jiyue's hand and took her to dinner, Mo Xiangnuan, Ye Zhiruo and Nangong Yu had almost finished eating.

Bei Jiyue looked at those who hadn't finished eating yet and asked, "What's for breakfast today?"

Ye Zhiruo pointed to the half-cup of something left in her hand and said, "Red bean milk."

 “I want this too!”

 “I’ll get it for you.”

Ye Qingfeng asked Bei Jiyue to sit down first and went to get their breakfast.

Ye Zhiruo clicked her tongue and shook her head, "Brother turned into a housekeeper instantly when he met Yue'er."

“Brother Qingfeng is a boy, so he should be called Guanjia Gong.” Nangong Yu added abruptly.

Mo Xiangnuan couldn't help laughing.

But the innocent Bei Jiyue didn't understand the meaning of their ridicule. She just saw her three sisters laughing, so she laughed too.

 A simple and bright smile is the most endearing.

While eating, Ye Zhiruo asked casually: "What did brother go out to do yesterday?"

  Ye Qingfeng would think of what happened last night, the girl named Zhu Yue.

Suppressing the flash of strange feeling in his heart, he smiled at Ye Zhiruo's question.

Ye Qingfeng didn't expect that since the time he met Zhu Yue, the frequency of their encounters in school seemed to have increased a lot.

 He went to the office to find the teacher and saw Zhu Yue, the monitor, getting homework from the class teacher.

 He went to the conference room to discuss some things, and Zhu Yue happened to help his friend come to the meeting and take notes.

 He can meet Zhu Yue whenever he goes to play ball...

 But Zhu Yue didn’t come to her on purpose like other girls.

Even if he discovered it by accident, he couldn't say anything. He just felt a little irritable in his heart.


 An unexpected encounter in the corridor, the book fell to the floor.

Zhu Yue rubbed her forehead and lowered her head to pick up the book. When she raised her head, she met Ye Qingfeng's eyes. The two stared at each other intently.

 “Night, night breeze!”

"Feel sorry."

Ye Qingfeng apologized, bent down to pick up the fallen items and handed them back to Zhu Yue, "Be careful next time when you cross the corridor."

Zhu Yue's mind was confused and she could only nod in agreement with what he meant.

 Zhu Yue seemed to have come to her senses only after Ye Qingfeng left...

 “Good, so gentle…”

Had she not been holding something in both hands, she would have pressed her hands to her cheeks.

Handsome, gentle, and not putting on airs, it is really not too much to call such a boy a campus male god, but I think it is very appropriate.

Zhu Yue didn’t know how she got back to the classroom, but she was a little distracted in the next class...

Zhu Xing noticed that Zhu Yue was unusual. He went to consult with a caring attitude towards his sister. Zhu Yue grabbed his collar, got closer and asked, "Do you have a good relationship with Ye Qingfeng?"

 Zhu Xing had a bad premonition in his heart...

 “Yes, yes.”

“Then, what kind of person do you think Ye Qingfeng is?”

 “Not bad, handsome and rich, mainly because he is very loyal!”

 “Then…um…how about chasing me?”

 (End of this chapter)

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