My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1589: It's all caused by stealing.

Chapter 1589 It’s all the fault of stealing

 The relationship between Ye Qingfeng and Nangong Yu is not simple?

99 out of 10 people in the school know that they are childhood sweethearts who grew up together and have a very close relationship!

"Sister, don't be distracted. You haven't told me what happened yet?" Zhu Xing pushed Zhu Yue and shook her to wake up.

 The water in Zhu Yue's hand that had been opened spilled a little, and it was ice cold when it reached her fingertips.

Zhu Yue walked back dejectedly, "I wish I knew something."

"No..." Zhu Xing was really confused, "I finally created the opportunity for you, how come everyone is gone in the blink of an eye?"

“I don’t know either. That Nangong Yu took Ye Qingfeng away as soon as he came. I couldn’t even deliver the water.”

"All right…"

Hearing the gradual disappointment in Zhu Yue's tone, Zhu Xing didn't want to ask further questions, so he just skipped the matter.

 In fact, Ye Qingfeng left because something terrible happened!

Bei Jiyue is hospitalized.

 The reason is: gluttony!

Last time, Gong Qianli made a lot of chocolates because she was doing research on a whim, and she gave one to each house without any preference. The portion sent to Bei's family was received by the family's servant and could not be given to Bei Jiyue to eat, but it was not easy to just throw away the owner's things, so he kept them at home for the time being.

Because the box was exquisitely packaged, Bei Jiyue happened to find it. She knew that her family did not allow her to eat it, but she couldn't resist her greed and ate some secretly.

There was nothing wrong with me at home, but I started complaining of stomachache as soon as I came to study. My teachers and classmates were so anxious that they rushed me to the hospital.

 Because I usually pay too much attention to the food I eat, I can’t stand eating some spoiled food.

Bei Jiyue couldn't stand the little pain and had cried several times in the hospital, crying for mommy and daddy, and calling for brother Qingfeng.

Bei Ye and Yu Anran were on their way to the hospital, but Ye Qingfeng’s cell phone calls went unanswered.

 Fortunately, Ye Qingfeng was well-known in school, so Nangong Yu easily knew where he was and successfully found him on the basketball court.

 The two of them hurried to the hospital. By this time, a group of people had gathered around the door of the ward.

Especially Gong Qianli felt guilty and regretted sending the chocolate to the Bei family, causing the little child to suffer.

The considerate Nangong Yu gently hugged his mother to comfort him, "Mommy, don't blame yourself, you didn't mean it."

 Ye Qingfeng passed through the crowd and saw that the quilt on the hospital bed had been wrapped into a ball. Bei Jiyue was rolling around holding the quilt, and no one was allowed to approach.


Ye Qingfeng went around and pulled Bei Jiyue's little hand out of the quilt. When he looked up, he saw her face that was covered in red.

You can do so much even when you are sick, only this difficult little guy can do it!

As soon as Bei Jiyue saw the visitor, she seemed to have finally found her backbone. She rushed over desperately and hugged him tightly, wiping her tears directly on his shoulders.


“You know it hurts but you still don’t let the doctor see you!”

Bei Jiyue cried and said four words, "The injection also hurts."

 She has rejected doctors since she was a child and feels "pain" when looking at the doctor!

Ye Qingfeng sighed helplessly and distressedly, coaxing Bei Jiyue to cooperate with the treatment like a little ancestor, but regretted it when he saw the needle.

It was Kitano and Yu Anran who came over, and the three of them worked together to allow the doctor's treatment to proceed smoothly.

“Do you still dare to steal food in the future?”

"I was wrong."

  Dare you do it again in the future!

 (End of this chapter)

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