My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1631: Those warm hands held her tightly

Chapter 1631 Those warm hands held her tightly

 They asked her to choose a beautiful one, but she liked no one.

Bei Jiyue said firmly, "Brother Feng won't like these people!"

Ye Zhiruo asked: "Then who does he like?"

Mo Xiangnuan agreed, "That's right, I haven't even heard him say a single word."

"How do I know?" Bei Jiyue panicked and knocked the front of her phone on the bed. She rolled back and forth on the bed holding the quilt tightly with both hands. She sat up distractedly, her hair was messy and she looked tired.

During the remaining few days of travel, Bei Jiyue was not very happy because she was preoccupied. On the contrary, the journey back home gave her a little bit of hope.

They want to experience life by taking a train. Everyone rushes to the train station with their own big and small bags of gifts, only to know what crowds are.

People in the train station were all swarming to the same place. The unpleasant smell around them and the not-so-obvious indicators made them almost get lost. They finally found the point where they could take the train, but they still had to go there. Wait inside for half an hour.

There is no waiting room like the airport, and there are not even seats. In order to queue up, they have to stand in a group of people in one place.

  From the time I packed my luggage and went out until now, I haven’t had a good rest along the way. My legs and feet are sore after standing for half an hour.

I heard one of the girls complaining to her boyfriend. She felt better because her boyfriend was coaxing her. The singles next to her silently glanced away.

 The train was late, so I had to wait for another ten minutes.

 Amid complaints from many people, they finally got on the train.

 The noisy environment and the mixed smell in the air made it unbearable for these rich kids, but after all, it was their own choice. The boys carried it with determination, and the girls didn't want to show weakness.

 But after sitting there for five hours, I still couldn't help it. I wanted to sleep to pass the time, but I couldn't fall asleep.

Bei Jiyue looked at the changing scenery outside the window in silence and said nothing.

Xie Yun didn't know when he had changed seats with his friend Lan Lan and came to sit next to her. He asked with concern, "Bei Jiyue, are you okay?"

Bei Jiyue turned around this time and twitched the corner of his mouth perfunctorily.

 It can be seen from everyone's reactions and expressions that they are not very comfortable.

The couple in love proposed to get off the train midway, but they did not know the surrounding environment because the signals they received on the train were intermittent, and they did not know what they would encounter after getting off the train.

Everyone is counting on Xie Yun to make up his mind, but although the top student is very good at studying, this is his first time facing this train, so he can only hesitate to ask everyone to wait.

They boarded the train in the evening, and many people fell asleep on the train in the middle of the night. Of course, no one in their group could sleep comfortably.

Especially at this time, Bei Jiyue began to feel unwell. She didn't know whether it was because of bad food she had eaten before or for other reasons. She just felt pain in her stomach and didn't want to go to the toilet. It was probably because of something wrong with her body.

This situation happened suddenly. Bei Jiyue suppressed it at first and didn't say anything, but she couldn't help but lay down on the table.

 Everyone thought she was going to sleep, but no one cared much.

Bei Jiyue, who was facing away from them at the moment, turned pale. Just when she turned around and wanted to ask everyone for help, a pair of warm hands suddenly held her wrist.

Those hands, she knew who they belonged to at a glance.

 But when she turned her head and saw that familiar face, she even wondered if she was sick and hallucinating.

 (End of this chapter)

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