My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1636: Jiyue was hacked

Chapter 1636 Jiyue was hacked

 After school started, some inexplicable things began to appear on Bei Jiyue's desk, such as...

 “Hey, love letter~”

 Pink and blue love letters and other gifts appeared on her desk.

 The university's class schedule is not fixed, and the classrooms are not completely fixed. This shows that these people are very new, so if you find out clearly, they will be sent over.

 “Some people still write love letters these days.”

“What’s the use of a love letter? Last time someone put up a heart-shaped candle with candles in the playground to express their love, wasn’t it successful?”

“Yes, we, Jiyue, are the goddess who can only be seen from a distance!”

 Her friends in the same dormitory always protect her.

Bei Jiyue waved her hands helplessly. The things here had no influence on her.

 After the freshmen start school, each department begins to recruit new people.

Bei Jiyue saw the girl who was carrying a lot of luggage that day in the interview room of the Propaganda Department, and found out that her name was Lai Qianxi.

 The competition in the Propaganda Department was very fierce, and Lai Xixi was eliminated in the first round.

 After the second round of interviews, Lai Xixi also ran to the back of the classroom and sat down, listening to the whole process.

 She saw the glamorous Bei Jiyue standing on the podium, and suddenly felt that everyone was targeting her.

 After the interview, the freshmen left one after another, and the old people in the Propaganda Department began to discuss the results.

Bei Jiyue came out at the end and was stopped by Lai Qianqian, "Senior sister, can you take a step to speak?"

Bei Jiyue hesitated for a moment, then nodded and followed her.

Lai Qiqian hesitated and expressed her request, hoping that Bei Jiyue would be more lenient and let her join the Propaganda Department.

Bei Jiyue shook her head and refused, "Everyone is doing a fair interview. I don't mean to use the back door here."

Lai Xixi became anxious, took Bei Jiyue's hand and begged, "Sister, I really like the Propaganda Department, please let me in."

"Sorry, I suggest you try other departments." Bei Jiyue still shook his head.

 But in fact, both of them knew in their hearts that Lai Xixi must have been dismissed from other departments, otherwise she would not be here.

“Sister, we have met once before. You are the director of the Propaganda Department. It’s not your job to help me get in.”

Bei Jiyue looked displeased when she heard his confident words.

She really lives up to her name, are you just being a rogue here?

“Classmate Lai Xixi, please understand that just because I helped you once does not mean that I will show kindness to you again and again.”

 “Forget it, I can’t tell for someone like you.”

Bei Jiyue thought she was unlucky when meeting such a person. She didn't want to get involved with her too much. She just knew that it was best to stay away from her!

 I just didn’t expect that something happened again two days after rejecting Lai Xixi.

“Jiyue, look, who dares to post on the forum to slander you?”

There was a post on the school forum, accusing Bei Jiyue of bullying the new students.

 In the post, Lai Xixi put herself in the position of a "victim" and cried out about the harm Bei Jiyue had done to her.

 First, he said Bei Jiyue was arrogant and rude, and asked her to help guard the suitcase but was rejected.

The second one is that Bei Jiyue doesn't distinguish between public and private affairs, and he won't let her join the student union just because he doesn't like her.

 The third one is that Bei Jiyue has a weird temper and looks down on others.

I have to say that Lai Xixi’s writing is good, and her descriptions are just like real people.

Bei Jiyue read the post silently and liked it.

 Does she have slippery hands...

 “This man is also stupid, he even dares to say bad things about you.”


Lai Xixi, didn't you ask in advance how the words "Bei Jiyue" existed in school?

The new book "Little Cutie You Are Arrested" is currently being serialized~!



 (End of this chapter)

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