My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1643: Intern of Ye's Group

Chapter 1643: Intern of Ye Group

Bei Jiyue successfully entered the Ye Group. As an intern, he was inevitably enslaved for a period of time.

“Ji Yue, please print out two copies of the document over there.”

“Bei Jiyue, follow me to the database later to move some things.”

 I have always been served by others, but now I have to be ordered around.

Bei Jiyue wasn't very happy doing these things, but she didn't complain.

 It is inevitable for people to have bad emotions. The key is whether you can control them.

 Three years in college, she has learned a lot of experience in dealing with people.

 So, she did a perfect job in dealing with others.

Some colleagues even praised me, saying, "As expected of a student from China and the United States, he is thorough in everything he does, unlike some people who cannot even teach."

What they were sarcastic about was another intern, a boy, who had excellent professional abilities but was a bit unsociable.

Bei Jiyue didn't respond when he heard these words.

Instead, it was the teacher who led her internship who initiated the topic, "I remember Jiyue was the student union president of your school at school, right?"

 “Yes, teacher.”

“It’s really good. It seems that you are also a top-notch person in school.” You know, being the president of the student union in college also proves that you are a capable person. Otherwise, how can you stand out in front of thousands of people?

"Thank you, teacher."

Hearing these words, an old man sitting in the corner smiled and shook his head.

He is an old man here. He met Bei Jiyue a few years ago. At that time, this girl was still with the big boss. He knows some secrets, but he won't tell them stupidly.

The rich lady is willing to come out and experience life, so he can only treat it as if he doesn't know, and help at the critical moment, maybe he can be promoted in the future.

Bei Jiyue and Ye Qingfeng, these two names sound nothing on their own, but if they are put together, they will cause a lot of topics.

 The design director walked over in high heels, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Everyone from the design department, please go to the conference room for a small meeting.”

The company gave them a task, requiring them to submit a new product design within a week.

“Remember, everyone can participate this time. You can choose to create independently or work as a team, but you must complete it within a week. The other company will arrange for someone to meet with us next week.”

 The words of the design director were undoubtedly a bomb dropped in the water, and everyone was in a state of shock.

 Everyone can participate, this is a unique opportunity.

I heard that the other party is a large company that I have never cooperated with before. If any of their manuscripts can be selected, it will definitely have a bright future!

The only ones who are sad are Bei Jiyue and another intern Fang Hansheng.

 Because the old people in the design department began to fight for this opportunity and left all other trivial matters to the interns. Anyway, they believed that the interns would definitely not be selected.

During the lunch break, Fang Hansheng did not fall asleep. He saw Bei Jiyue drawing something seriously at his desk alone.

 He took a closer look and found Bei Jiyue drawing a design.

 “Are you designing?”

 “Yes.” Bei Jiyue admitted generously.

On the contrary, Fang Hansheng looked at her with a questioning look on his face, "Although director, everyone can participate, but it is an opportunity for the elderly, so there is no need for us to waste time. It is impossible for us to be elected anyway." superior."

Bei Jiyue smiled nonchalantly, "How will you know if you don't try it?"

“Oh, they all praise you for being smart, but they didn’t expect you to be so naive.”

 (End of this chapter)

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