My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1650: publicly admit love

 Chapter 1650 Publicly admit love affair

The assistant had no idea about the grudges a few years ago, and thought that only by pleasing the person in charge of Coco could the company's cooperation be consolidated, so he took Zhu Yue with him to the hospital to visit Bei Jiyue.

The assistant rushed over as quickly as possible to deliver the meal, and saw his boss sitting beside the hospital bed feeding apples to people.

He knew Bei Jiyue, and he was not surprised to see the two of them interacting closely.

 “Boss, the nutritious porridge you want.”

 Ye Qingfeng had just accepted it when he heard the assistant say, "Boss, Miss Zhu Yue, the person in charge of Coco, is also coming and said she wants to visit Miss Ji Yue."


ˆ Mentioning the name Zhu Yue, the atmosphere in the room solidified.

Bei Jiyue, who had been smiling just now, lost all color on her face.

That person is really everywhere and can slip in through any crack he finds.

Ye Qingfeng, on the other hand, was calm and decent, "Since it's a visit, thank you Miss Zhu."

"Why are you being polite to me? We are old acquaintances." Zhu Yue handed the flowers to Bei Jiyue and verbally wished her a speedy recovery.

"I don't like this flower." Bei Jiyue put her head aside and refused to take it.

 The assistant is extremely anxious!

 I knew that this little ancestor was arrogant, but I didn’t expect that he would not be taken seriously by the company’s partners.

His assistant looked worried.

 Fortunately, Ye Qingfeng was there to control her and teach her not to be rude.

 “Ms. Zhu is visiting me with good intentions, you can’t do this.”

"Huh, you know I don't like her!" Bei Jiyue is usually coquettish, but when she is sick, she can be very aggressive. She turns her back to everyone, as if she doesn't want to see Zhuyue.

Ye Qingfeng put his hand on her shoulder and called softly: "Yue'er."

With this shout, both people in the room had the urge to respond.

 Zhu Yue closed her eyes and restrained herself.

Bei Jiyue's body was like thorns, and every sentence was piercing, "Yue'er, I don't know who you are calling."

 When you see her like this, you know that she really doesn't want to see Zhu Yue.

Ye Qingfeng first apologized to Zhu Yue, "Miss Zhu, I'm sorry. My little girl is the most delicate when she is sick. I hope Miss Zhu can forgive me and don't take it to heart."

After apologizing, Ye Qingfeng politely asked her to leave.

With a professional fake smile on her face, Zhu Yue put the flowers down and waved to leave.

Bei Jiyue finally turned her head back.

 “I’m hungry and want to eat.”


Ye Qingfeng waved his assistant to leave first, and then served the little ancestor in front of him without complaint.

Bei Jiyue felt a little better.

I heard what Ye Qingfeng called Zhu Yue just now, and I thought that the two of them have not gotten back together. Does that mean she still has a chance? ?

Thinking about it like this, Bei Jiyue feels energetic and is in good health.

She saw the message Nangong Yu sent her in advance and took advantage of it to move into Ye Qingfeng's apartment.

 Ye Qingfeng gave her two days off to recuperate, so she studied food in the apartment.

“As the saying goes, to capture a man’s heart, you must first capture his stomach! The ancients must be right!”

Bei Jiyue happily cooked at home and studied it for three days.

I heard that today is the press conference for Ye's Group to announce its cooperation with Coco Company. She plans to cook a sumptuous dinner for Ye Qingfeng to celebrate!

 After buying the ingredients, she held her mobile phone and started waiting for the live broadcast.

 But in the audience, Ye Qingfeng almost stood with Zhu Yue. Although they did not communicate in private, she still hated it!

“Brother Qingfeng, don’t say I don’t support you, I still express my feelings through actions!

 So I clicked Exit.

 After the press conference, she went to search for news, only to find that the hot topic was—the prince of the Ye Group publicly admitted his relationship.

 (End of this chapter)

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