My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1652: Arrange a boyfriend for you

Chapter 1652: Arrange a boyfriend for you

 “Introduce me, this is my boyfriend.”

 Her college roommates have found boyfriends, but she is still single.

“I said I could bring my family members with me, Jiyue, do you mind?”

“I don’t mind, I know two of them anyway.”

Two of the roommates started dating in college, and they both met at school.

There is another one that we just talked about recently. As for the boy in the corner, I don’t know who it is.

“Ji Yue’s outfit today is so blinding to my eyes!”

That’s not true. She is praised as a goddess without makeup on weekdays, but today she looks even more beautiful with exquisite makeup.

The one-shoulder short skirt gives people a great visual effect, with a slim waist and impeccable body lines. Paired with that pretty face and wavy hair, she is really **** and pretty.

 Falling into someone's eyes, the Adam's apple slides.

The roommate joked: "Back then, our dormitory was known as the pretty dormitory, and you were the most beautiful, Jiyue, but now you are single."

 Don’t get me wrong, my roommate didn’t mean to show off intentionally.

 Their purpose today is...

“Ji Yue, this is my boyfriend’s brother named Tang Feng. He is also considered half a family member. Do you mind if we all play together?”

 “Of course I don’t mind.”

Bei Jiyue wanted to find a seat to sit down. All her roommates were sitting next to her boyfriend, and only the "brother" had an empty seat next to her.

She was still hesitating, so her roommate pulled her to sit down and said, "Jiyue, sit down. What song do you want to sing? I'll get it for you."

“You guys go ahead and sing, my throat is not feeling well today.” She was not in a good state today, so she just wanted to be part of their excitement.

During the conversation, her roommates mentioned Tang Feng many times in her ears. Even a fool should know their purpose.

Bei Jiyue scratched her ears helplessly.

These guys couldn't stand her being single, so they rushed to arrange a boyfriend for her?

She felt a little embarrassed, so she grabbed the roommate next to her and asked quietly: "What do you want to do?"

“Hey, what do you think of Tang Feng? Is it suitable to be your boyfriend?”

"I don't want it. It's not like you don't know that I have someone I like."

"But you haven't said who you like until now, and I haven't heard any good news from you. Don't fool us. We sincerely hope you will be well."

 “No, no, no, no, I know it well.”

“You should give it a try. Although Tang Feng doesn’t like to talk, he is good-looking, good at studying, and has a good family background!”

“Forget it, let me go.”

Bei Jiyue rejected the roommate's kindness.

 But now that we’re here today, we can’t just run away.

Besides, Tang Feng, who was sitting in the corner, also had a sullen temper. Apart from basic greetings, I didn't hear him say anything during the whole process.

 On the contrary, when we got home, our roommate pushed the two of them together without giving up.

 “My boyfriend and I are leaving first.”

"Me too."

"me too!"

So, Bei Jiyue and Tang Feng are left.

“Tang Feng, I might have to trouble you to send our goddess Jiyue home. It’s not safe for a girl at this late night.”

 “I myself can…”


Bei Jiyue was about to say that she could go back, but was interrupted by Tang Feng's firm words.

 When the roommate saw this, he smiled with a meaningful expression on his face.

 The three of them pulled their boyfriends away.

Tang Feng suddenly said two words, "Let's go."

Bei Jiyue: "???" Brother, we don't know each other very well! Why are you acting cool in front of me?

 (End of this chapter)

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