My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1660: The first kiss is long gone

Chapter 1660 The first kiss is long gone

Hearing that his voice was much more fierce than usual, Bei Jiyue felt aggrieved again.

“You still yell at me, you really don’t like me anymore.”

Ye Qingfeng sighed heavily. He really had no way to deal with Bei Jiyue.

“Listen, the person I confessed to in front of the whole world that day was not Zhu Yue, let alone Nangong Yu, but you.”

"Oh..." Bei Jiyue responded casually.

On the contrary, Ye Qingfeng was frightened by her dull reaction. He was afraid that he was expressing the wrong feelings and even suspected that his mother had deceived him. In fact, Bei Jiyue didn't have a relationship with him at all?

Just when Ye Qingfeng had doubts about himself...


Bei Jiyue stood up excitedly and hit the roof of the car with a "bang" sound. The pain caused her to shed tears again.

 But the pain was not important to her.

 What's important is the sentence she just heard? Isn't it an auditory hallucination?

"Brother Qingfeng, what did you just say? Who did you say you confessed to?"



 “Northern Jiyue.”

“…” Bei Jiyue opened her mouth in shock and leaned her head back on the car seat.

 This is probably the most difficult truth she has heard since she was born.

I can’t believe that the person I have had a crush on for more than ten years and dare not confess to him actually said he likes her?

Bei Jiyue raised her hand and pinched herself hard.

 “Hiss…” The pain was clear and real, indicating that she was not dreaming.

She raised her head and stared blankly at Ye Qingfeng, muttering softly, "How could you... like me..."

"My little Yue'er is so kind, it's normal to like you." Ye Qingfeng squeezed her hand gently and held it tightly.

  Wrapping those slightly cold hands seems to surround the person.

 Ye Qingfeng's thinking gradually became clear.

He has been in a daze since meeting Ye Weiyi, because Ye Weiyi told him, "Xiao Yue'er has always liked you. Everyone knows it, why didn't you find out?"

 He was also very upset as to why he had not discovered it earlier!

He knew that Bei Jiyue cared about him very much, but even though he was as smart as Ye Qingfeng, he was not sure whether Bei Jiyue cared about him because of his possessiveness since childhood, or something else.

 The appearance of Zhu Yue is probably an opportunity.

Bei Jiyue's reaction made him faintly happy, and finally he couldn't hold it any longer, so he used the reporter's interview to start planning.

 He had been waiting for the little girl to grow up.

No one would have thought that Ye Qingfeng, who is so aloof, would also be afraid, right? He was afraid that the age difference between him and Bei Jiyue was too big, and that Bei Jiyue would be far away from or even disgusted with him if he knew it.

 Because of fear, he has always hidden his heart deeply.

 But now he is relieved.

 It turns out that he is not just being sentimental.

“The breeze and the moon, the breeze and the moon, are destined to be together, aren’t they?”

 The man's gentle voice seemed like he was drowning.

Bei Jiyue stared at him, her heart pounding.

 A bold idea suddenly came into her mind, and she turned over and kissed Ye Qingfeng!

 “The first kiss is gone.”

 She muttered something softly, which happened to fall into Ye Qingfeng's ears.

She didn't see a different smile flashing in the man's eyes.

 Is there such a thing as a first kiss...

 She used to stay by his side so many times, and even often rested and slept next to him.

 He is not a saint...

 Is there such a thing as a first kiss...

 It’s long gone!

 (End of this chapter)

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