My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1678: love rival

Chapter 1678 Love Rival

“Our Yu’er is so beautiful that she can wear anything.”

 His gentle words are always beautiful.

 The night breeze smiles, making people feel like a spring breeze. Nangong Yu smiled gracefully and touchingly.

So when these two extremely gentle people stand together, the visual effect is simply not good!

 Those who are familiar with them all know that these two families have been friends for many years, and they have always thought that the two would get together. But after so many years, everyone has gradually understood that the relationship between these two is really a simple brother and sister.

 Otherwise, based on their relationship and tacit understanding, they would have been together long ago.

It won’t attract so many people’s hearts.

“I just took two photos and sent them to them. What do you think Xiaoyue’er said?”

  "She must have praised you to the highest level, and for a long time."

“Haha.” She covered her lips and smiled softly, nodding, “Brother Qingfeng is indeed the person who understands Xiao Yue’er best.”

 The two of them gradually stood to the side and chatted familiarly.

However, apart from official matters, the common topic between them is Bei Jiyue.

Nangong Yu first mentioned, "I heard that she has been doing final design recently and is very busy."

“Well, she said she lacks inspiration recently, and now she calls me every night and asks me to give her inspiration.”

 When talking about that little girl, Ye Qingfeng is always a little more gentle than usual.

 “That’s because Xiao Yue’er just wants to talk to you more.”

"I know, there's really nothing I can do about that girl." She said it in a very doting tone.

"Yes, Brother Qingfeng loves Xiao Yue'er so much. No wonder there are so many people chasing her in school, but she can't like any of them."

 “Hmm? A lot?”

“That’s right, so Brother Qingfeng, you have to take good care of our Xiaoyue’er, lest she is simply deceived.”

Nangong Yu occasionally used some tricks to provoke him, trying to find out Ye Qingfeng's thoughts.

 But Ye Qingfeng was so good at hiding himself that they never dared to explain their thoughts.

 At this time, Huo Yanxi appeared at the banquet, causing another commotion.

 From the moment he stepped into the door, his eyes began to search for a certain woman in the venue.

No matter who came to toast and talk to him with wine, he refused.

 Finally, target the window.

But he found that there was someone else standing next to Nangong Yu.

The two of them were talking to each other face to face. Judging from their facial expressions, they seemed to be having a great time talking to each other.

He had seen this man when he was checking Nan Gongyu's information, Ye Qingfeng, the leader of the Ye Group.

 He ​​still remembered that the information mentioned that this man's behavior was as if he was carved out of the same mold as Nangong Yu.

 It's just a matter of gender.

 However, the difference in gender means that this is a strong "love rival"!

Huo Yanxi strode towards the two of them, not caring that other people's eyes were following her.

Resisting the urge to pull this woman to his side to declare his sovereignty, he called Nangong Yu, "Miss Nangong."

Nangong Yu didn’t know the complicated thoughts in Huo Yanxi’s heart, so he just smiled at him politely and said, “Mr. Huo, you are here.”

“It seems that Yu’er and Mr. Huo are quite familiar with each other.”

 “Well, because we often come across cooperation matters.”

“The banquet is about to begin, are you two planning to hide here?”

“If I’m lucky enough to be invited by Mr. Huo to attend tonight’s banquet, I won’t hide away.”

Ye Qingfeng and Nangong Yu smiled at each other and entered the venue in tacit understanding.

Huo Yanxi’s face darkened.

Nangong Yu, this woman actually ignored him because of another man!

 (End of this chapter)

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