My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1685: It can't be him!

 Chapter 1685 It can’t be him!

 “Sister Yu, look at this…”

Bei Jiyue handed the camera to Nangong Yu and said, "There seem to be two people here, and several long-range photos were taken."

Comparing the time period of the photos, it seems that from the time they were taken to the last photo, the two small figures can be seen in the distance in that direction.

  Can’t see clearly, but they must be two people.

Nangong Yu looked at the photo and his heart skipped a beat.

She actually thought of Huo Yanxi for a moment, but quickly denied her guess.

How could a high-minded person like Huo Yanxi come here! Even if he was chasing her, Huo Yanxi would definitely have stepped forward to trick her based on his strong personality. He would never have been able to stand there quietly for that long!

Thinking about it this way, Nangong Yu became more and more certain that it could not be Huo Yanxi.

 Then there is no other way to know.

“Forget it, just go back and delete it. Maybe it’s because someone has something going on somewhere and it just happened to be in the frame.”

 After all, they did not encounter any strange people when they returned from this road.

 It was already evening when they returned to the hotel. The two of them had dinner and rested in the room.

Bei Jiyue was helping Nangong Yu select and retouch the photos taken this afternoon. Nangong Yu washed his hair and came out and said he wanted to buy something downstairs.

 But when she just left the room and passed by the next room, someone grabbed her hand.

Nangong Yu immediately raised his elbow to resist, and heard a familiar male voice in his ear, "It's me."

She looked back blankly and saw Huo Yanxi's stern face.

 “Huo…Mr. Huo…”

"I've caught you." Huo Yanxi's mouth curved deeply.

Nangong Yu felt frightened when he saw his smile. He must have some bad idea!

“Miss Nangong, can you go in and have a cup of coffee?”

 “Sorry, I don’t really like coffee.”

 “What about milk?”

 “I don’t really like drinking milk either.”

 “You can drink tea, too.”

"Neither do I…"

"If I remember correctly, Miss Nangong has won the first place in the domestic tea art award."

Nangong Yu wanted to say something he didn't know, but it got stuck in his throat and he couldn't refute it.

 She once participated in a tea-making competition, but unexpectedly she advanced all the way and won the championship. She is still listed on her Baidu profile.

 Looking at Nangong Yu's defeat, Huo Yanxi felt proud again.

“So, Miss Nangong, do you want me to give you a favor?”

 “I promised my sister that I would go back early.”

“Then, after Miss Nangong returns, I can personally knock on the door next door and invite you?”

 “No!” Nangong Yu refused without even thinking.

 Huo Yanxi has a deep mind, and she doesn’t want the simple Xiao Yue’er to be involved.

There was no other way. Knowing that Huo Yanxi was determined to ask her to go in for a "drink", she could only send a text message to Nangong Yu first, saying that she was taking a walk outside and would go back a little later.

Huo Yanxi is tall. Standing next to Nangong Yu, you can directly see her information.

 “Huh, I didn’t expect Miss Nangong to lie.”

Upon hearing this, Nangong Yu subconsciously hid the phone, "I didn't know that Mr. Huo had a habit of peeking into people's privacy."

Huo Yanxi snorted softly, "I am short, do you blame me for being tall?"

“!” Nangong Yu’s self-reliant calmness would collapse every time in front of Huo Yanxi.

 She is 1.67 meters tall, which is not short among girls.

“Mr. Huo, has anyone ever told you that if you don’t know how to speak, don’t speak?”

 (End of this chapter)

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