My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1695: So...she doesn't want him!

Chapter 1695 So...she doesn’t want him!

 After dinner, Nangong Luo quietly pulled his daughter aside and extended a fist.

 “My dear daughter, my father’s wealth and life are all tied to you.”

Nangong Luo opened his fingers mysteriously, and inside lay the half-broken lipstick entity.

Nangong Yu resisted the urge to laugh, "What does daddy want me to do?"

“Yu’er, your mother wants this lipstick, but she said it’s out of print. Is there anything you can do?”

Hearing this, Nangong Yu couldn't help but laugh, "Daddy, what mommy just said was just a lie to you. This lipstick was the one I brought back last time for mommy. It's not out of print."

Nangong Luo: “…”

 He is stupid! He actually believed what Gong Qianli said!

That woman just wanted to see his joke!

“Your mommy is bluffing me again, take it, I’ll settle the score with her!” Nangong Yu directly stuffed the lipstick remains into Nangong Yu’s hand, and walked towards Gong Qianli majestically.

 After a while, fighting broke out over there.

“Nangong Luo, you are really going to rebel! How dare you challenge me?”

Nangong Luo, who had his ears pulled, begged for mercy again and again, "I don't dare anymore. I don't dare anymore."

Nangong Yu stood behind and pursed his lips with a smile.

 Look, this is the life she wants.

 And Huo Yanxi, who lingers among flowers, is obviously not the best candidate.

 So...she doesn’t want him!


 Two months later, Mr. Huo will celebrate his 70th birthday.

Mr. Huo held a grand birthday party and invited successful people in the business world and even famous people in various circles to participate.

As a partner, Nangong Group is also invited.

To show sincerity, Nangong Yu needs to attend in person this time.

  When she saw the beautifully dressed Siyu standing arm in arm with an elegant and dignified woman at the banquet, she learned from others that these two were the eldest daughter-in-law and granddaughter of the Huo family.

 It turns out that Siyu is Huo Yanxi’s sister…

However, they are not biological.

Siyu is called Zhong Siyu, taking after her mother's surname. Her mother was married to Huo Yanxi's father for the second time.

 No wonder Siyu is hostile to her. Just because she is not her biological child, does she have other thoughts about Huo Yanxi?

Ye Qingfeng did not come to this birthday banquet, but asked his assistant to bring a big gift.

Nangong Yu is not as comfortable as last time because he doesn’t know most of the people here, and even if he does, he is not close to them.

Although she has no shortage of company, she doesn't like to be with people who have ulterior motives.

Nangong Yu rejected all ambiguities and liked to stand by the window.

Huo Yanxi caused a commotion when he appeared, and he was particularly dazzling today.

Having not seen him for a month, Nangong Yu couldn't help but look at him twice. It is undeniable that this man is really attractive. The more you look at him, the easier it is to be tempted and attracted.

I don’t know if Huo Yanxi felt her attention, but he caught her gaze and looked directly over.

The two people's eyes met in the air, and Nangong Yu's hand holding the red wine glass shook.

 But because of the distance, no one paid much attention to such small details.

And Huo Yanxi only looked at her twice more than others.

 The next moment, he pretended that this person was not there, turned away his eyes indifferently, and stood on the stage with the old man of the Huo family.

At that moment, after hearing the polite official words countless times, Nangong Yu’s brain almost filtered them automatically.

 The only thing that cannot be ignored is Huo Yanxi who stands in the field with a unique and outstanding momentum.

Nangong Yu discovered that almost everyone present today was accompanied by young girls.

 (End of this chapter)

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