My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1700: Being poisoned

Chapter 1700: Being Poisoned

Han Qi glanced at Huo Yanxi in confusion. He didn't care so much at the moment. He rushed in and saw a doctor wearing a mask and gloves standing beside the bed.

 And Nangong Yu was lying on the bed at the moment.

 “Sister Yu.”

Han Qi called her, but got no response.

 “What happened to my sister?”

 “Being drugged.”

 “Dose medicine! What about you?” Han Qi immediately thought of something bad, and his whole face looked ugly.

Huo Yanxi sneered, "Don't worry, I'm not that hungry yet."

Hearing Huo Yanxi's words, Han Qi was relieved. Since this is the case, it means that nothing has really happened to Nangong Yu.

Han Qi didn't know about the dispute between Huo Yanxi and Nangong Yu. He just saw that he hired a doctor to treat Nangong Yu, so he should be grateful both emotionally and rationally.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry about what happened just now." He was just too worried.

 What can happen between a man and a woman in a hotel is simply terrifying!

That was his father’s lifelong nightmare and his lifelong shadow.

 So he definitely doesn’t want to see the people around him suffer misfortune again.

Huo Yanxi tacitly allowed Han Qi to stay here, and he himself has been sitting next to him and never left.

Han Qi contacted Ye Qingfeng on his mobile phone to assure him of his safety, "Brother Qingfeng, don't worry, I have found Sister Yu, she is fine."

 “Well, I’ll wait for you to come over.”

No one noticed that when Huo Yanxi heard the name "Ye Qingfeng" that made him feel extremely harsh, his fingers tightly grasped the chair, and his eyes seemed to be filled with storm clouds.

 He endured it and endured it.


Huo Yanxi finally couldn't help it, slapped his hand on the chair, making a huge noise, and then turned around and left.

Han Qi stared inexplicably and only saw Huo Yanxi's back.

Nangong Yu woke up leisurely, and Ye Qingfeng and Bei Jiyue also hurried over.

 “Sister Yu!”

When Bei Jiyue saw Nangong Yu lying on the bed with a pale face, she immediately burst into tears.

Ye Qingfeng patted her shoulder to comfort her, and Nangong Yu also gently shook her hand, "Yue'er, don't cry, sister is fine."

 She was only temporarily weak because of the medication and being soaked in cold water.

 After comforting Yue'er, she did not forget the people who came to save her.

 “Ye Qingfeng, Xiaoqi, thank you.”

"Why are you saying these kind words?" Ye Qingfeng shook his head gently and advised her to relax.

Han Qi didn't take any credit, but just comforted her: "Sister Yu, just be fine."

 “I want to go back, please take me back.”

 “You are weak now, why not go back tomorrow.”

“No.” Nangong Yu shook his head and said in a very insistent tone, “I don’t want to stay here, help me.”

Her entanglement with Huo Yanxi and the unbearable memories here made her feel repulsed.

Ye Qingfeng, Bei Jiyue and others did not bother to get to the bottom of it at this moment, so they had no choice but to take her away according to Nangong Yu's words.

Nangong Yu’s current condition must be that he cannot walk, so he is held by Ye Qingfeng.

Bei Jiyue was only worried, "Brother Qingfeng, be careful."

“Sister Yu, if you feel uncomfortable in any way, feel free to tell me.”

 The four of them don't care about this, because they all regard each other as close relatives.

 But this scene was particularly dazzling in Huo Yanxi's eyes.

 Look, as long as that man appears, Nangong Yu will follow him obediently.

And when Nangong Yu is in front of him, he will only use indifferent language to draw a clear line with him.

 In comparison, my sincerity is simply a joke!

 (End of this chapter)

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