My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1709: Nangong Yu beats Zhong Siyu

Chapter 1709 Nangong Yu beats Zhong Siyu

Zhong Siyu kept waiting until Nangong Yu arrived late at four o'clock in the afternoon.

 I saw her walking elegantly into the coffee shop and chatting fluently with the receptionist, as if she was actually here to enjoy coffee in such a leisurely manner.

 Zhong Siyu clasped his hands tightly.

 As soon as Nangong Yu arrived, her face changed.

 “Where’s the video you’re talking about?”

 “Ms. Zhong, please be patient.”

Nangong Yu sat down and slowly ordered a cup of coffee. After the waiter left with the drink order, she slowly took out a silver USB flash drive from her bag.

Nangong Yu pushed the USB disk in front of Zhong Siyu, "This is the video you want."

Zhong Siyu quickly reached out and grabbed it.

Nangong Yu smiled and said, "Miss Zhong, don't be so anxious. Since I am willing to give it to you, it proves that I don't need it."

 Want a backup? She has plenty.

“Besides, Miss Zhong, why don’t you think about it, this surveillance video was taken from your Huo family.”

 “What do you mean?”

"I didn't know that Miss Zhong was so naive. Did she think that anyone could get the entire video of Mr. Huo's birthday? Naturally, someone tacitly agreed, or he personally gave the video to me."

 After Nangong Yu's "instruction", Zhong Siyu's face turned pale.

How could she forget that that is Mr. Huo’s territory!

It was impossible for Nangong Yu to get the video easily, but she got it in such a short period of time. The only explanation is...

“Miss Zhong must have guessed it now, right?”

 “Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t know what you are talking about at all!” He kept saying it even when he was about to die.

Nangong Yu seemed to shake his head helplessly, "I have already guessed it and still refuse to admit it, so I will tell you generously that it was indeed Mr. Huo who helped me with this big favor."

After saying that, Nangong Yu stared at Zhong Siyu’s face quietly.

 Sure enough, she showed a complicated expression. He obviously guessed it, but he still wanted to find an excuse to deny it.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Brother Yanxi help you, a bitch..." The curse words almost blurted out. Due to the need to maintain face in public, Zhong Siyu tried to restrain himself, "How could Brother Yanxi help you, an outsider? Don't even think about taking this opportunity. Destroy my relationship with Brother Yanxi!”

“I really don’t understand why Miss Zhong always loves to lie.”

"what on earth do you want?"

 Our eyes met, and no one gave way.

 Until two cups of coffee were served, one was placed in front of Nangong Yu and the other in front of Zhong Siyu.

 “I didn’t order coffee.” Zhong Siyu frowned displeased.

Nangong Yu admitted lightly, "I ordered it for Miss Zhong."

 She held the small sugar bag and smiled at Zhong Siyu, "Ms. Zhong, do you need to add some sugar?"

 She looked so calm like this, as if she was really out to enjoy coffee.

 But it’s obviously not the case!

"Nangong Yu, I'm not afraid to admit it even now. I did that thing. Just tell me what your purpose is and don't hide it."

“Well, Miss Zhong, let’s have a cup of coffee first.”

 “Nangong Yu!!” Zhong Siyu was about to explode.

 She was already impatient, and after waiting for two hours and still holding on, her patience had long been worn away.

  Nangong Yu happened to be the most patient person when I met him.

 When two people stay together, the one who is impatient is destined to lose.

Zhong Siyu drank the coffee directly without caring about the taste.

Nangong Yu then got to the point, "Well, Miss Zhong should know that I am a businessman. If I want to discuss things with a businessman, I have to show valuable sincerity. I don't know how much Miss Zhong is willing to pay to buy this property." Where’s the video?”

 (End of this chapter)

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