My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1727: Because Yanxi only wants you

Chapter 1727 Because Yanxi only wants you

Nangong Yu didn’t expect that Huo Yanxi would really go crazy.

 He actually forcibly canceled the cooperation with Nangong Group regardless of his reputation and interests, and began to destroy it crazily.

 Overnight, Nangong Group’s shares fell.

 Fortunately, Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli went on a long trip and had no news for the time being.

Nangong Yu tried his best to make countermeasures, but in the end they couldn't withstand Huo Yanxi's devastation.

 “Huo Yanxi, are you crazy?”

“Xiao Yu’er, you finally called me. Have you considered my proposal?”

 “What on earth do you want to do?”

 “I want you to marry me…”

 He is crazy. No one has ever made him so crazy and lose his mind since he was a child.

But Nangong Yu did it, just saying "break up" forced him to this point.

"You can force me to break up, why can't I force you to get married?" Huo Yanxi's laughter sounded on the phone again.

Nangong Yu clasped the phone with a "pop" sound.

 She had been so peaceful with Huo Yenxi some time ago that she had almost forgotten how calculating and ruthless Huo Yenxi was rumored to be!

 Ye Qingfeng has contacted her twice and asked if she needed help, but she declined both times.

The problem in this matter is not commercial suppression at all, but personal relationships...

She suddenly remembered that Huo Yanxi had said before that it was all because Mr. Huo liked her, so she planned to take a gamble and talk to Mr. Huo.

 But the old man refused to see me.

 She looked at the thatched cottage three times, and finally Mr. Huo appeared.

Mr. Huo is still kind to her, but...

“Yu Yatou, regarding Yanxi’s actions, I will not intervene.”


“I also hope that you can marry into our Huo family. If the result is what I want to see and the process is a little harder, so what?”

At that moment, Nangong Yu was really disappointed.

 She is not a simple-minded little girl, and she can't even see through people's hearts.

The Huo family has developed to this point, how can the people in power be full of kindness?

"Yu girl, the old man will tell you the truth today. I admire your family background, appearance, and abilities very much. I think you are the most suitable person for Yanxi. As long as Yanxi still likes you, I will never give up. The idea of ​​you becoming my granddaughter-in-law.”

Mr. Huo signaled to the person next to him and handed over a document with black and white writing on it. "You are also a businessman. You'd better think about how to achieve a win-win situation."

Nangong Yu flipped through it in confusion, and saw an asset written on every page, and Mr. Huo had signed it.

"As long as you marry Yanxi, these things will be regarded as congratulatory gifts from my old man to your juniors."

Every transaction here is worth a lot of money, and there are even shares in Huo's Enterprise, which are twice as much as Zhong Yun...

“Grandpa, you are willing to spend such a large sum of money, why does it have to be me?”

 “Because Yanxi only wants you.”


Nangong Yu thought about Mr. Huo's words and felt a little ironic.

 Because Huo Yanxi fell in love with her, Mr. Huo decided that she was the best candidate for the Huo family's grandson's wife.

 One used money to pressure her company, and the other used money to lure her as a businessman.

  Singing and harmonizing, both soft and hard, it is really... painstaking.

 “What if I still don’t want to?”

“Then grandpa can only say sorry first.” Mr. Huo once again motioned to the assistant beside him to take out an envelope.

 Opening the envelope, there was a stack of photos inside, and it turned out to be...

 (End of this chapter)

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