My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1737: Mrs. Huo, Stone of Lovers

Chapter 1737 Mrs. Huo, Lover’s Stone

This cleansing banquet has come to a successful end. Han Qi and Mo Xiangnuan didn't know what they talked about, and there was still some awkwardness between them.

 But now this is enough to make Nangong Yu feel happy. After all, although she can't get the true love, her relatives can get it, and she is equally happy for them.

Bei Jiyue and Ye Qingfeng's relationship is getting better and better.

 It seems that everything is slowly getting better again.

 This is what Nangong Yu felt after Huo Yanxi disappeared.

 Without the threat of Huo Yanxi and the anger of Huo Yanxi, she felt much more relaxed than before.

 It's just that something seems to be missing somewhere deep in my heart, without his voice or his domineering calculations.


Nangong Yu held his head with one hand and rubbed it.

 The assistant was a little worried, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Nangong Yu sat up again and planned to start work.

The assistant began to report her itinerary, "There is a market inspection this afternoon, at..."

Nangong Yu thought it sounded familiar at first, and then thought again, wasn't this the same jewelry store that Huo Yanxi took her to before...

She subconsciously touched the ring on her ring finger, which made her feel strange.

 I still remember when Huo Yanxi gave her a ring and confessed to her.

Although she was a bit domineering at the time, she thought Huo Yensi was sincere, so she agreed.

Later she learned that everything was a decision made after weighing the pros and cons, and she realized that this act of playing on the occasion without true feelings had actually fallen on her.

She could not find a way out.

 According to the schedule, Nangong Yu arrived at the offline market on time.

 From the moment she entered the shopping mall gate, she intentionally paid attention to passers-by, or maybe she was expecting to see someone by accident.


Someone passed by her, and she felt a familiar feeling as she glanced at her profile. She turned around suddenly, and then she saw clearly that it was not Huo Yenxi. The difference in her back was very obvious.

 At the same time, she also had some doubts in her heart.

How could I be so familiar with Huo Yanxi without even realizing it?

 Obviously...I don't want to see him.

 Unknowingly, she had walked to the jewelry store last time.

Nangong Yu appeared this time, and the clerk recognized her identity at a glance.

 “Mrs. Huo, welcome, please take your pick.”

At first she was not used to the name "Mrs. Huo". When she came to inspect a place under her own control, she was actually treated as the young lady of the Huo family when she went shopping.

This clerk is even more enthusiastic than last time. The scene of Huo Yanxi spending a fortune for a beauty last time has been deeply imprinted in their minds. When they see Nangong Yu now, it is like seeing the word "God of Wealth" waving to them.

 The onlookers all clearly thought that as long as Mrs. Huo liked something, Mr. Huo would definitely buy it back!

 At that time, they will not only have performance, but also receive bonuses. Thinking about this feeling is simply not so wonderful!

"Mrs. Huo, please take a look at our necklace. This necklace that exudes colorful light is called the Lover's Stone..." The clerk introduced it to her, but Nangong Yu didn't really listen. He just said it was good.

She said a few words to the assistant and planned to leave, but when she opened the transparent door curtain, she saw the man who was about to enter.

Nangong Yu just stepped forward with one foot, and the man who rubbed shoulders with her just stepped forward with one foot.

 (End of this chapter)

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