My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1741: Wife, can you give me a hug?

Chapter 1741 Wife, can you give me a hug?

Huo Yanxi shook his head, and a familiar figure appeared in his blurred vision.

 He was a little unbelievable, "Yu'er?"

Nangong Yu is really well-educated. Even if she cries, she won't howl regardless of her image. She sobbed softly, and it seemed that it was her crying that attracted Huo Yanxi's attention.

 He stretched out his hand, but still did not dare to come close.

He seemed to be laughing at himself, "You said you would rather never meet me, so how could you come to me on your own initiative?"

Hearing this, Nangong Yu stopped crying and slowly raised his head.

Nangong Yu raised his head slightly and glanced, the look of pear blossoms with rain hit Huo Yanxi's heart.

Huo Yanxi hugged her and said, "Xiao Yu'er!"

 He was very strong, as if he was afraid that she would disappear.

"Is that you?"

"Huo Yanxi, please let me go." Nangong Yu was a little uncomfortable being strangled by him, and he wanted to push but couldn't.

Who knew that Huo Yanxi not only refused to let go, but also boldly buried his head in the crook of her neck, rubbing her affectionately, "Honey, don't reject me."

Nangong Yu was caught off guard and was a little confused when he called his wife, "You just said that I am not your wife."

 “Because I can’t believe you’re coming to me.”

That night Nangong Yu cried and said to him, "I would rather never meet", but when he left, it became his nightmare.

Just now he heard He An mention the word "ma'am" when he answered the phone.

So after seeing He An leave the room, he stood up, opened the door and walked out. Unexpectedly, he met a woman rushing towards him in the corridor.

 He smelled a strange smell and was very repelled.

That woman was not his wife, so he was disgusted and kicked her away directly.

 Later, Nangong Yu came. He thought he was drunk and hallucinating, so he told her to get out.

 He remembered Nangong Yu’s words: He doesn’t like men who are flirting with women.

 So he did it, and he no longer allowed any woman except grandma to get close to him.

 But he didn't know how to express all this to Nangong Yu.

He even thought that if he said such silly things to Nangong Yu, she would definitely laugh at him, right?

 But now he is drunk, and behaves as if he were drunk.

 “Wife, can you give me a hug?”

 “You’re already holding her!” She was holding her with such force that it hurt her.

 “Then can you kiss me?”

 “Not good.” Nangong Yu turned his face away.

Huo Yanxi turned his head shamelessly, kissed her on the cheek, and then smiled like a child who had eaten candy.

 “But you stink, you smell like alcohol.”

She doesn't like the smell of tobacco and alcohol very much. She only drinks alcohol when socializing, and she restrains her drinking amount.

It’s really annoying to be so drunk like Huo Yanxi!

 But she actually doesn’t hate him very much...

“Huo Yanxi, you are drunk, let’s go home.”

"go home?"


 “Which home?”

“…” Then I remembered that they were legally husband and wife, but privately they lived in two places.

But she has Huo Yanxi’s daily necessities there, and she hasn’t been to Huo Yanxi’s villa yet. After comparing the two, Nangong Yu suggested: “Go to my apartment.”

 The drunk Mr. Huo lost his temper, "No, I want to go back to the villa!"

Nangong Yu thought for a moment, "Then I'll ask He An to take you back."

Huo Yanxi frowned and said domineeringly: "You also have to go back with me!"


 “You are my wife, you want to go home with me!”

Huo Yanxi pulled her up and walked out the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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