My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1751: Huo Yanxi’s leg was broken

Chapter 1751 Huo Yanxi’s leg was broken

 Huo Yanxi believed Nangong Yu’s words and indeed came out of Nangong’s house lamely...

Gong Qianli said, "I'm sorry, I accidentally missed and hit me hard."

Gong Qianli doesn't like to talk about those docile truths. She just can't let her daughter suffer in vain.

However, seeing that young man Huo Yanxi remained silent even after being beaten, I felt better, and finally let Nangong Yu go.

“Liu Li, did you agree just now?”

  “Bah, I’m just out of sight.”

“Okay, it’s okay, I’ll look over there.” Nangong Luo knew that his wife was telling the truth again.

A man like Huo Yanxi is arrogant and can endure Gong Qianli's beating, which is considered to have backbone.

 Furthermore, as a man, he could see the details of Huo Yensi's behavior towards her daughter, and there was love in his eyes.


Nangong Yu helped Huo Yanxi back to the apartment, feeling extremely distressed.

Hurrying to find ointment to apply on him.

 “I’m sorry, I didn’t know Mommy would be like this.”

She thought Gong Qianli was just going to give Huo Yanxi a lesson orally, but she didn't expect to just hit her with a stick...

Her mother is a practicing practitioner, so the blow with the stick is quite strong.

“It’s okay, I can still bear this minor injury.”

“You’re all green. Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?”

“If the injury is serious, just go to the hospital, no need.”

 Huo Yanxi was lying on the bed, feeling very happy when she saw Nangong Yu looking worried about him.

In fact, the stick that Gong Qianli hit did make him kneel on the ground with weak legs, but he had such a reaction because the position of the blow was very clever.

As for this leg...the pain is painful, but not as serious as Nangong Yu imagined.

 However, the bitter meat scheme does not have to be in vain, he must take advantage of this injury to seek some benefits!


"What happened?"

Nangong Yu was looking at him with a worried face. At this time, he was the only one in his eyes and heart.

Huo Yanxi almost looked at her in trance.

Nangong Yu mistakenly thought that he was in pain and was embarrassed to express it, so he subconsciously clenched his hand and leaned towards the head of the bed.

“If you still feel pain, tell me. Don’t hold it in.”

 “Come a little further.”


She approached him without warning, but he suddenly pulled her down and stole a sweet kiss.

  “You are not serious even when you are injured!”

 “What I’m doing now is serious business.”

 “Huo Yanxi, stop talking!”

Nangong Yu didn’t know why this man looked calm every time he talked about those things. Obviously these were embarrassing things...

“Okay, don’t talk about it now, let’s talk about it tonight.”

 “If you keep doing this, I’ll ignore you!”

Nangong Yu was so amused by him that his cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

 Although many unexpected things happened, the relationship between the two of them took a big step forward.


  However, good things never go out and bad things spread thousands of miles away. The news that Huo Yanxi’s leg was “broken” at Nangong’s house quickly spread to Mr. Huo’s ears.

Mr. Huo, who was far away from home, immediately came to S city.

 Hurrying to Huo Yanxi’s villa but seeing no one, he learned from He An that the couple were in the apartment at the moment.

When Mr. Huo came to the door, Nangong Yu was stunned for a moment.

 Ever since this kind old man showed his powerful methods in front of her last time, she has been alienated from Mr. Huo.

However, following politeness, she still shouted: "Grandpa Huo."

 Then he invited the old man into the house.

Mr. Huo looked a little unkind, "Where is Yanxi?"

 (End of this chapter)

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