My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1758: Extra: Koyuki (1)

Chapter 1758 Extra: Little Han Qi (1)

Han Qi has never had a relative like "mother" since he was born.

 Other children said that he was a motherless child, so when he saw other mothers treating their children in various ways in kindergarten, he was envious and disgusted.

 He hates his mother, the woman named Xia Xiyun.

 Because his father always told him, "Your mother is only temporarily away from home."

At that time, he was thinking, why did his mother go on a long trip and why didn't she stay with him?

On this day, the little Han Qi saw his father playing the video about the woman Xia Xiyun over and over again on the projector.

I don’t know what happened at that time, but he rushed over and grabbed the remote control from his father’s hand and smashed it.

"What are you doing!"

That was the first time that his father was angry with him. His face was ugly and his expression was terrifying.

Five-year-old Han Qi has never seen his father get angry with him, because his father with a strong memory is exceptionally tolerant and doting on him, and is more gentle than ordinary fathers.

 He liked his father very much, so he hated his mother who abandoned him and his father.

Maybe it was because of his temper that he didn't care to look at his father's face and shouted at him: "I hate this woman!"


 Slap him **** the butt.

That was also the first time his father beat him.

He was so wronged that he cried loudly, but his father did not tell him jokes to make him happy or use toys to coax him like before.

 He really realized that his father was really, really angry.

At that time, he couldn't understand the look in his father's eyes, but later thinking about it, his father must have been in a hundred times more pain than when he was beaten.

 “She is your mother, how can you hate her?”

“But other children have their mothers with them, why don’t I?” Han Qi cried and asked, “Does she not want me anymore?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Your life was given to you by her. She is the woman who loves you most in the world.”

 “You gave birth to me and didn’t raise me, all adults are bad guys!”

Little Han Qi thought at that time that he might as well stop liking this bad father. He not only attacked him but also beat him.

 But at that time, the closest person to little Han Qi was his father.

 In fact, he also has grandparents and grandparents. During the holidays, his father will take him to visit his grandparents and give gifts to his grandparents, but he is not very close to the elders on both sides.

Especially, every time he sees his grandfather, he cannot see his grandma.

 Once, his grandma met him secretly and gave him many toys, but his father put them away afterwards and never saw those toys again.

Five-year-old Han Qi didn’t know the reason, but he had a vague feeling that his father “disliked” his grandma.

Leaving aside these things, if he didn’t like his father, he would be homeless.

 So, in the end, I could only stay in my room and sulk.

 Later his father knocked on the door and gave him a gift.

 He thought it was finished, but when he opened it he found a video recorder.

 How could he use those things at that time?

Oh, it turns out that his father didn’t want to give it to him to play with, but to show him a video.

 Clicking on the video, it was the woman he was very, very familiar with again.

Although he has never actually met Xia Xiyun, he remembers Xia Xiyun's appearance clearly because there are photos at home and his father often watches videos about her.

But this video was something he had never seen before.

 In this video, Xia Xiyun’s belly is slightly swollen.

 (End of this chapter)

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