My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 207: See a psychiatrist

Chapter 207 Meeting a psychiatrist

Ye Weiwei was still interested in knowing what friends Ye Xichen would introduce to her.

  When she saw Gu Chengxi sitting opposite a middle-aged man in a suit, she felt chills in her heart.

“Brother Chen, are they the friends you said you wanted me to meet?”

 “Yeah.” Ye Xichen nodded slightly.

Ye Weiwei lowered his head and blinked.

She also said that if there was an emergency, she could ask her friends for help, but she and Gu Chengxi obviously had a bad relationship with each other, so how could she ask him for help.

"I know what you are thinking, but the Gu family is here and it is most convenient when you need help."

Ye Xichen brings Ye Wei here tonight for two purposes.

 First, Nangong Luo, who graduated from high school, has followed his family’s arrangement and studied abroad.

Gong Qianli, who continues to stay in the "Xingyao" Academy for her third year of junior high school, although she is sincere enough to Ye Weiwei, is still a child who has not grown up, and there is no guarantee that she can handle any major problems.

 Excluding the Ye family, the Nangong family and the Gong family, among Ye Xichen's so-called "own people" there is still the Gu family.

 The head of the Gu family is Gu Chengxi's father, and Gu Chengxi, who has grown up, is able to walk alone.

 For Gu Chengxi and Ye only to know each other does not require them to have a friendly relationship, otherwise they would not have waited until now.

As long as Gu Chengxi Chengqing agrees to Ye Xichen's request and makes the only promise to protect Ye, he will naturally do it.

 Second, Ye Xichen’s main purpose is to take Ye Youyi to meet with a psychiatrist.

More than half a year ago, Ye Xichen’s hidden side of his personality gradually came to light. After Ye Xichen consulted a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist asked to see Ye Weiyi himself.

Ye Xichen did not agree at that time.

 But not long after, Ye Xichen's counter-pressure against Li Mo'er made Ye Xichen wake up again.

He hesitated whether to let Ye Weiwei see a psychiatrist. It happened that the psychiatrist was conducting research abroad to complete a book on psychology.

 Ye Xichen observed the development of the situation and put the matter on hold for the time being.

 But now that he is away from home for a long time, he always has to make some plans in advance.

“Mr. Ye, I just met Dr. Gu and he shamelessly came here with me. You don’t mind, right?”

“My surname is Huo, and I am a colleague of Dr. Gu.”

 The three men introduced each other as if it was an unexpected gathering.

Dr. Huo is good at insight into people's hearts. On the surface, he is dealing with Ye Xichen and Gu Chengxi, but in fact, he is secretly observing Ye Weiwei.

After everyone briefly introduced themselves, Dr. Huo and Gu Chengxi intentionally or unintentionally brought the topic to Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei.

Ye Xichen can have a good conversation with them, while Ye Weiyi is a little shy in front of strangers, but he is polite and behaves appropriately.

Dr. Huo learned about Ye Weiyi's situation from Ye Xichen. Based on current observations, Ye Weiyi is a well-behaved, innocent and cute little girl, without any scheming.

For example, I have no doubts about this dinner party or what Ye Xichen said.

 But the main purpose of today’s meeting is to dig out some key points.

From the surface, it is not difficult to guess Ye Xichen’s thoughts, which is to regard Ye Xichen as his backbone. He is indeed innocent and has no scheming.

Dr. Huo and Ye Xichen looked at each other and said, "I heard that Mr. Ye is currently studying at the most famous financial college in the country. I have a niece who is also a student there. How about I share my contact information so that you young people can communicate more. , it would be nice to have someone to take care of you.”

 The movement of Ye Youyi’s hand paused.

  Thanks to “Girl’s Heroic Dream” for the reward~



 (End of this chapter)

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