My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 217: The only one who was framed

Chapter 217 The only one who was framed

 Ye Weiwei stood up and confronted her, "Gu Yiyi, I already handed the USB flash drive to you at noon."

“Is there any? Monitor, did you remember it wrong?”

 Gu Yiyi said that she did not know the progress of the video editing, which meant that she denied the fact that Ye Weiwei handed the USB flash drive to her.

The monitor and the deputy monitor had a disagreement, and the class teacher was not willing to let them argue in front of the whole class, so he quickly smoothed things over and said, "You two think about it carefully and come to the office to talk to me in detail later."

 After class, Ye Weiwei and Gu Yiyi went to the office together.

 The head teacher’s expression was serious.

 “So what’s going on in this video?”

Ye Weiyi was the first to explain, "I spent three days editing the video, and then copied the video to a USB flash drive and gave it to Gu Yiyi."

But Gu Yiyi pretended to be confused, "Squad leader, I really didn't receive any USB flash drive."

“Have you forgotten what I personally handed over to you at noon?”

“Squad leader, you must have remembered it wrong.”

 In short, no matter how Ye Weiwei asked, Gu Yiyi refused to admit that she had received the USB flash drive.

The head teacher listened to them arguing for a long time and his head was pounding.

“Okay, okay, since I made the video before, there should be the original in the computer, so let’s copy another one.” The head teacher took out a black USB flash drive from his drawer and handed it to Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiwei hesitated for a moment, then took the USB flash drive and said, "Okay, teacher."

She was about to go back to the dormitory to copy, but Gu Yiyi offered to go with Ye Weiwei, "Why don't you, teacher, come with us too, so that we don't have to hold on to each other's opinions and it's difficult to distinguish right from wrong."

The head teacher was free for the time being, so he agreed.

The three of them returned to the dormitory together and found a gray USB flash drive on the edge of the desk.

Gu Yiyi picked it up proudly, "Is this the USB flash drive? It's obviously still with you."

Ye Weiwei frowned, turned on the computer, and entered the password.

After entering the desktop and inserting the USB flash drive into the computer, a message appears that the video file is damaged.

 She searched all the folders and found no trace of the video.

The only video that I worked hard to edit for three nights disappeared inexplicably.

Gu Yiyi said something sarcastic next to her, "Squad leader, you didn't make it well and you deliberately falsely accused me, right?"

 “How is it possible? I’ve obviously done it!”

“But there is nothing on your computer. The USB flash drive you gave me turned out to be in your dormitory, and the files are still damaged.”

Gu Yiyi looked serious on the outside, but she was happy in her heart.

Ye Weiyi did hand her the USB flash drive at noon. As soon as she received the USB flash drive, Ye Weiyi's roommate came and pulled Ye Weiyi away.

Gu Yiyi saw that no one was in their dormitory, so she walked in unexpectedly and found that the screen of Ye's only computer was still on.

 The use of computers is not allowed in high schools. Temporary use is only allowed due to special circumstances.

At that time, a bold idea came to Gu Yiyi's mind. She first destroyed the files in the USB flash drive, then cleaned up the files in the computer, and finally left the USB flash drive on the table.

 Everything went perfectly.

The two had an unclear argument, and Ye Weiwei asked to confront his roommate.

 They returned to the office and called their roommates.

But the roommate denied that he accompanied Ye Weiwei to hand the USB flash drive to Gu Yiyi.

Gu Yiyi was confident because the roommate who witnessed everything was also bribed by Gu Yiyi.

Ye Weiwei said: "Someone must have touched my computer."

Gu Yiyi now deliberately pointed out: "Your computer has a password, and others don't know what you have done."

Let’s take a precaution first: Don’t say that Xiao Lingdang is easy to bully, she has her own tricks

 (End of this chapter)

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